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Guess what??

We have reached #139 in chicklit!!

I still can't breathe!!

Ugh!! Thanks y'all!!

Love you!!

Now read on...

Song suggestion| Jab Tak

Myra's POV:
(surprise, surprise)

She actually came.

I outstretched my arm and introduced myself,

"Hi, I'm Myra Dhanrajgir."

She takes my hand awkwardly and gives it a small shake. I indicate for her to take a seat and we sit around the closest two seater table available.

As soon as her gluteus maximus touches the seat, she questions, "who are you?"

I give her one of my trademark 'you-know' smirks and reply, "you know who I am."

A confused expression registers on her features, "how do you know Armaan?" she questions in her wifely manner, just making my smirk grow.

"The same way I know you"

"How do you know me?"

"You know me, I know you. Let's just say, we go way back"

"How far back?" This is going to be fun.

"Oh, I don't know, 2 years back?" I say casually.

"2 years back.." she tries to make sense of it, "where?"

We're finally starting!


"Austria...? Austria" her confusion clears up as a smile etches onto her face, "you're Myra, the MYRA?"

Huh? She actually does know me?

"We've never met before this. But yeah, I am the MYRA so you might be talking about someone else"

"No I'm not. You're her. He was right. You are beautiful, you truly are" a sympathetic look crosses her faces as her smile fades.

"Let's get to the point shall we? Do you wanna know the full truth?"

She simply nods her head in approval.

"Well, guess what, you took Akash away from me you l'il sl*t, so now, I'm not going to let you take Armaan away from Ishita. You understand?"

Her face scrunches up, "what do you me-" she is cut off half way.


Jiah's POV:

I was dragged into an unconscious state by putting an intoxicating handkerchief on my nose, with me being cut off mid sentence.

I felt a cold piece of cloth wrap over my eyes, and a soft, cloth, ball shape being inserted into my mouth to control the screams witheld.

The last thing I remember are her words to me, before my body became responseless and numb.

"Well, guess what, you took Akash away from me you l'il sl*t, so now, I'm not going to let you take Armaan away from Ishita. You understand?"

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