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Ok, so in the last chapter, there were a number of shocks, so I'll try and limit it this time, but there are no guarantees..

Song suggestion|Naina

Armaan's POV:

I run into the hospital, as people started yelling behind me,

"Sir, sir!!"

But I wasn't going to stop anytime soon. I find the reception desk and clench onto its counter, gasping for oxygen, as the receptionist gave me a sympathetic look,

"are you okay, sir?" she asked, a concerned look crossing her features.

I nod before opening my mouth to speak, "a girl.. did any girl come in with a accident case," she too nodded but hesitantly.

"Yes sir. Do you know her?"

I nod my head once again as I closed my eyes and her face flashed through my mind.

"Sir, I know this isn't the right time, but are you able to fill in these forms for her identification and give me her family's contact number?" she was now standing out of her chair, still behind her glass desk, to match my level.

I take the forms she had in her hands into mine "I'll fill them in, just one sec, I'll give you the number" I said fishing my pocket for my phone.

I type Anjali's name into the contacts list and hand her the phone unable to speak.

She dials the number I gave her into the hospital landline, before putting the receiver to her ear.

I listened to her one sided conversation as I filled in the form, after leaning in and grabbing a pen off her desk.

"Hello, I'm Diya Malhotra from City Hospital" she paused "who am I speaking to?" she questioned, repeating "Anjali"

"..actually, I have some bad news".

"Yes, bad news" she confirmed peeking a look at the filled in papers, in my hand and continuing "Jiah Kapoor has sadly faced an accident and is in the ICU"

She said nothing for a few seconds, "you there?" she waited for a response, "how are you related to the patient?"

"Sister" she once again repeated what was being said on the other side.

"We have got her.." she looked into the papers I had handed back, "fiancée"I lied, "Fiancé," she nodded, "here with me, but it'd be nice if you'd inform her parents and accompany them here if possible" she finished and hung up.

Yes, I wrote fiancée. What else would uou expect me to write?

I'm not her boyfriend, I'm not her husband, I'm not her friend, but I'm her lover, I'm her aashiq. And a true aashiq can mould themselves into any relationship.

Since, I'm not officially her husband, I decided to go with fiancée.

"Where is she? Can I see her?"

"I believe she is in the ICU sir, but I'm pretty sure that her doctor, Dr. Aayushi Mukherjee, is in her cabin at the moment" she says clicking a few things on the computer screen.

"Where's Dr. Mukherjee's cabin?"

"First door to the left as you walk down the hall" she says pointing down a narrow hallway.


Anjali's POV:

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