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Another major chapter. But trust me, I won't make it as long as the last, promise.

Song suggestion|Enna Sona

Jiah's POV:

I had to try.

I tried getting up but it hurt too much. But I knew I had to take the pain now and stop him, otherwise I'll live the rest of my life in pain.

I somehow managed to get onto my feet and made my way downstairs as quickly as I could. I'm starting to get used to the routes in this mansion.

I picked one of the keys from beside the door and left the mansion and entered the car yard after a two minute walking session.

It was tiring but I made it!

I pressed on the unlock button and walked off to the BMW who's lights flashed. I sat at the steering wheel as the events of that day flashed before my eyes.

"Do it for Armaan. Do it for Armaan." I chanted. I ignited the engine and it roared alive.


I put the pedal to the metal the hole way and reached as quickly as I could. I was still wearing the same clothes I had left the hospital with.

I walke-limped into the airport and scanned the area for MY Armaan when my eyes caught the flight timings board.

The time for the flight which leaves for Vancouver, Canada was in 10 minutes. My heart picked up pace and I started scanning around.

People gave me weird looks as I made my way to the enquiry counter.

"I wanted to make an announcement?"

"Sure" the woman in hear early 40's gave me a warm smile, "what's the name and what flight"

"The name is Armaan Khanna who is boarding the flight to Canada in 10 minutes" she quickly typed as I speaked and checked the passenger list.

"No, ma'am there's no Armaan Khanna in the flight to Vancouver, Canada" I was disheartened at the reply but stayed motivated,

"by any chance, is there another flight to Canada today?"

"I'm afraid not" she said shaking her head rechecking.

As I turned around the woman called me "but ma'am, a flight to Toronto left just a couple minutes back" tears stung my eyes on hearing her words.

I simply nodded, not facing her and took a seat nearby. There were only a few people sitting in this area and no one was noticing me which was good.

I cried further until I heard someone sit on the chair in front of me. I raised my eyes from my lap, only to face...


He looked at me with a shocked expression as our eyes met.

We both got up from our seats and looked at eachother.

I couldn't bare the distance anymore so I stepped forward to hug him, but my legs decided this time of all to give up on me as his hands held me securely by my shoulder.

As I looked up yet again to meet his face, I saw a worried look etched on his beautiful features.

This time, I successfully pulled him into a hug. He hesitated for a minute then hugged back.

I melted in his touch. This was my home. This was where I belonged, in his arms.


We parted after a bit and looked into eachothers eyes as I broke the peaceful silence,

"Ishq di mere yaara pehchaan ki, mit javay jadoon jid apnan di" he looked at me confused,

"asli pyaar ka matlaab haasil karna nahi hota" now he was even more confused,

"all this saying says is that the definition of love isn't of possessing, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess the person you love" I explain.

He lets out a sigh of relief as I bang my fist against his chest making him hold his heart in pain playfully, "that hurt".

"I'm sorry," I said as I neared him and he laughed once again, "you don't need to be sorry, it's fine, by the way tu kol hove te sekh lagda ae door jaave te dil jalda ae
Kehdi agg naal Rabb ne banaya?" on hearing his words I did the same thing with my fist, but this time with more power.

"Ouch" I gave him a cheeky smile as he held onto my upper back and our foreheads came together, resting on eachother as our breaths fanned over the other.


"Did you read the letter?" he asks opening his eyes and I nod in positive.

"I'm sorry, I should've trusted you"

"It's ok, I think of both Anjali and Sehaj as my sisters and besides, they're both much younger than me, I would never do anything as such cause I already have their elder sister"

I smile but then just to annoy him tease "who Simran?" he rolls his eyes, "no I meant Anjali and Sehaj's older sister and Simran bhabhi's younger, and the girl who is in my arms" he exhaggerated the word bhabhi.

I blushed at his words and struggled to get out of his hold "sorry, the girl who is trying to get out of my arms" he corrected before I said "who said I want to?" and hid my face in his chest holding onto his his black unzipped leather jacket by the sides.


After a bit, we once again parted and we went back to the car I came in as Armaan helped me in. He put his luggage in the boot and took a seat.

He had overtaken the drivers seat as he thought that I must still be scared of driving and there truly was no doubt about it.

We listened to hindi songs on the way back and stayed engrossed in our own thoughts as I planned our wedding in my mind but I did ask him one qustion as to how he was still at the airport and he replied that he missed the flight.

indi dictionary:
Asli pyaar ka matlab hasil karna nahi hota: true love doesn't mean that you need to posses the person you love
Bhabhi: sister-in-law
Punjabi dictionary:
Ishq di mere yaara pehchaan ki, mit javay jadoon jid apnan di: True love love doesn't mean that you need to posses the person you love
tu kol hove te sekh lagda ae door jaave te dil jalda ae
Kehdi agg naal Rabb ne banaya?: when you are near me, I feel warm, when you leave, I get burnt, from which fire did God make you?
Ok, I know a lot of punjabi lines, well at least they're not Maori right?

That would be hard explaining now wouldn't it?

Anyways, that's the new chap.

A bit more romance in the next chapter before the shock.

Jiah stopped Armaan. YAY!!

But is what he said true? I mean how he missed the flight.. I don't think s...

I've said way too much.

Bye for now lovelies, see you soon, is that a triple update then tho?

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