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What could it be? And is it for me?

Song suggestion|Humsafar

Jiah's POV:

I had been wanting to talk to Armaan all day. It had been a whole day since I last talked to him.

I tried calling him this morning, but he didn't answer. Missing him, I found myself sitting at the terrace on which we met once.

I blushed remembering that sunset and gazing at the stars above my head as I sat on the swing.

It all was so quiet up here, just me, myself and Armaan's memories, that's all, and that was my everything.

In order to feel the fresh breeze on my face, I got ip from the swing and stood next to the edge of the terrace, which had a glass railing, making it look ultra modern.


Time ticked by, but I couldn't care less to notice, until when a warm pair of hands bestowed upon my eyes.

I literally thought I was being kidnapped and turned around with my eyes closed, as I gave punches to a rock hard chest until a familiar smell filled my nostrils.


It can't be.

I battled my inner conscious and slowly opened one eye, checking to see if it was safe, when a even more familiar person stood in front of me, pulled close as I was holding onto his jacket.

I left his jacket and embraced hkm, holding on for my dear life.

"I missed you" I admit.

"I missed you too" he says holding me close.

I can't believe he's back!!

He's back!!

Is this a dream?

I pinch myself to check "oww!!"

He pulls back and looks at me, concern showing on his face as his arms still remained at my mid back, "are you okay? I'm sorry.. I.. I"

"It wasn't your fault silly" I giggled, "I pinched myself to see if this really is you" I blush and look down,

"is it so?" he questions and I nod slowly.

He makes my chin turn with his fingers and we have a eyelock, which is bound to last a century.

But his phone rings not soon after.

Ugh!! Who invented them??


He puts his index finger up stating that he needs a minute, whilst he heads to the other side of the terrace with the other hand in his jackets pocket.


It took some 15 minutes before he cane back and snuggled next to me, his arms wrapped around my shoulder, on the swing, taking in my warmth as I took in his after he wrapped his jacket around me.

"Who was it?" I inquire as I feel his muscles tensing up, "just a client" but I feel it isn't true, "have you already started watching those saas bahu tv shows in which the wife always suspects the husband?"

"Not yet, but I will soon" I laugh teasing him as he rolls his eyes.

Oh, how I missed him. My playful Armaan.

I swear I haven't felt this good in the past three months I have been without him, not even when I ate the dark chocolate belgium ice cream!!

Yeah it was good, but Armaan's the best!!

Remembering he just got back, I decided to annoy him for a bit, "did you get something for me, or did you spend all your time with some girlfriend of yours" he flinches at the word 'girlfriend'.

I wonder why?

"You know I was working, then why do you think I was with some girl?"

Now I had done it!! I had awakened the beast!! Why did I?

"I'm sorry baba, I was just joking. But tell me na, did you get me something?"

He returns back to himself in a click of a finger and as a smile spreafs across his beautiful features, he nods in positive.

He gets up and stands behind me, shifting my hair of my neck. He slides a beautiful half heart shape locket on my neck, which had some small, delicate and beautiful diamonds moulded into it.

"I don't buy, just any girl diamonds you know. Out of all those 36, you're the first" he says planting a soft kiss on my neck before taking his place once again.

I looked down at the locket which stuck loosely on the shape of my neck.

I glanced at Armaan and for the first time this night, I noticed he was wearing the same locket, but his chain was slightly longer and more bulky as it was masculine, opposite to mine.

I took his locket into my hand and he turned to face me, "you have one too?"

"Yeah, it's for the both of us, so we can both open the locket and see the person who lives in our heart" he opens the locket, revealing a picture of me inside.

Tears fill my eyes as I look af him.

Do I really cry on every occasion, no matter happy or sad?

I hug him like there is no tomorrow and close my eyes breathing him in, "I love you Armaan"

"I love you too Jiah"

And with that, I slip into deep slumber.


I twist and turn trying to find a comfortable position again. I give up!!

I open my eyes to find myself snuggled in a warm bed. Realising it's mine, I sigh of relief.

How did I get here?


Hindi dictionary:
Baba: Love
Na: yeah
Saas: mother-in-law
Bahu: daughter-in-law

I have no idea how many updates that is in a day but.. here you go!!

I dedicate this chapter to navyaajain027 as you were very eager for Armaan to come back. Are you happy?

So Armaan's back and wasn't the gift he gave to Jiah cute?

It so totally was!!

I want one!!

Anyways.. why is Armaan getting all these calls?

I guess we'll just wait for the answers..

See ya till then!

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