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Hey guys.. how's everyone?

I guess I'm good and please let me know how you are doing.

I have also been trying extremely hard to complete the trailer orders, but being the lazy person I am, I haven't gotten around to it.

Ugh!! Curse my sorry lazy butt!!

Anyways, enjoy the chapter..

Song suggestion|Main Tenu Samjhawan

Jiah's POV:

My head rested against something warm and welcoming. I snuggled closer, wrapping my arms around my pillow which had grown skin overnight.

Skin? Pillow?


At the feel of human skin tingling under my hands, my eyes fly open and I lift my head from the crook of his neck just to see him woven around me.

He looked so peaceful that I felt awful to even think about waking him up, but I knew I had to because he has work for sure.

I think.

Anyways, I try to get out of his rough, steel-like hold, but it seems he has gotten way too attached to me that he doesn't want to leave me.

Not knowing any other way to wake him up, I decide on doing something he wouldn't expect.

As he wouldn't let me get up, this was the only thing I could possibly do in such a position.

I inch my face towards his and let our lips press together. My eyes close automatically as I get lost in the kiss. As I did that, Armaan had opened his eyes and was now moving his lips against mine.

His hold on my waist tightened as he deepened the kiss. Our tounges fought for dominance, but as we all would know, he won, or I let him win.

When we were breathless of sucking one anothers face, we parted ways and rested on the bed. It has been days since I last saw him smile such wholeheartedly and it feels so... blessing?

I don't know how to describe it.

But didn't last long. His mood soon changed from an happy expression, to an angry. He shot me one last death stare and headed to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.


As any dutiful wife would do, I did the same and laid his clothes out for him on the bed. I didn't need to iron them as they has already been ironed before folding, which I presume was done by one of the maids.

Mental Note: I really need to meet the staff.

I got his wallet, phone, watch or I guess you could say all the small stuff together too and placed them next to the clothes.

As I finished up, his voice sounded out,

"could you get me the towel? I left it on the couch" he said, half standing behind the door to cover his private parts.

I look at him and ignore him, turning around once again,

"c'mon I'm cold"

"What's the magic word?" I really did sound like a kindergarten teacher but hey, Mr. Husband here needs to learn some manners.

He sighs and says, "pleeasee?"

I giggle and hand him the towel. The door closes for an instant, before he walks out with the towel loosely hanging from his hips, leaving his perfect six pack on display.

Why do I have to drool over my husband?

He heads to the cupboard,

"oh, hello Mr. Husband, you're clothes have already been taken out for you" I argue.

"I don't like them" he replys coldly.

"But you haven't even seen them"

"Well in that case, I don't like your choice" as he puts his pant on over his towel, I turn around and think of what to say next,

"You know, you were my choice too. Does that mean you don't like yours-" I am interupted as he buttons his shirt up,

"I don't like you. Happy? We good now?"

Seriously? Why does he have to hurt me so much?

Stay strong Jiah. You can do this.

I inhale and exhale deeply. I open my closed eyes and see him attempting to tie a tie.

I shake my head, "so Mr. Husband doesn't know how to tie a tie?" I let out a laugh as I walk towards him.

He gets all worked up and ties the tie into a couple of knots that he can't untie. His fingers move out of the way, as mine work their wifely magic.

"We have already broken one clause of the contract, please stop making this harder and abide by it" he says in a pleading tone.

I smirk for once in a while.

"Mr. Husband, I won't stop until the day the contract will be set on fire and our marriage will have a meaning. I'm not going to give up on us. I love you Mr. Husband.

And I know you do too, even if you don't admit it, I know your heart. No matter how much you make me cry, make me feel pain, I'll always be there for you, that's the thing with this holy matrimony, and it's not for us to decide what happens in this bond created by God, it's destiny.

You know, if you love someone, let them go, and if they return, they are yours. I have lost you but I hope you come back and give me everything I want.

What I want is just you, not your name, money, wealth, nothing, just you. I don't know what's wrong, but you can't make me hate you" I finish.

In these few words, I explained each and every emotion lying in my heart. He remains silent as I tighten the tie around his neck and fix the collar.

He is about to leave when I grab hold of his wrist and pull him back, "just one more thing" I say and he looks at me blankly as I lightly kiss his left cheek.

I button up the buttons on the ends of his sleeves and help him get into his blazer. He looks so good in his black law/business attire.

Without another word, he heads out the door taking everything he needed with him, including the accessories I had put out for him and a black leather briefcase.


The rest of the day, I fangirl over Waking Up In His Arms.


Hindi dictionary:

Yeah, I'm not going to bore you with each day of their lives. But we are gearing up for a small leap in a bit so just prep up for it.

Hope you're enjoying this ride as much as I am.

Navy Out.

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