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The second time I'm updating in one day, but I'm in writing mode so...

Song suggestion| Thodi Der

Armaan's POV:

Please wake up, please?

"Do you have any idea how many lives you are killing every second you lie here?" tears start filling the waterline of my eyes.

Why had she done this to herself?

"Are you getting revenge on me? C'mon, I said sorry, na? Forgive me, please?" I begged, crying wholeheartedly as I knew there was going to be no answer.

Anjali had caught a cold from all the crying, and as she hadn't slept in two whole days, Jimmy came this morning to pick her up as no one else was awake at the time and he was the only option.

Jimmy practically had to carry her to the car in bridal style, but for some reason, it brang tears to his eyes. What's going on?

Now it was just me and Jiah in this quiet room. The rest of our family members came this morning, but the ladies just couldn't control themselves crying, so the men led them back to the mansion.

They had brought me a pair of clothes as I had been wearing the same sherwani I was wearing at the reception, and we no longer had to wear the doctor-wear as Dr. Mukherjee was just worried if Jiah would be able to tolerate other people breathing the same air as her, even though the oxygen mask still covered her face.

So much had changed since that one day, the girl who I had seen shying away for the first time, who had also shown me her angry side by fighting with me, refusing to hear me out and now was giving me the silent treatment as she lay on the hospital bed.

She is so annoying... but she's MINE!

And that's all that matters.


Occasionally Dr. Aayushi or the nurse Jhanvi would pop in to check in on her and to change her glucose bottles, other than that and the visits from our family and a quick pop in of Diya, we were basically in solitude.

It has been 40 hours since she has been in coma, 2 days since I last heard her voice, and 8 hours left for the deadline before...

I'd rather not talk about.

I had never fasted for so long but I will for her. As long as she doesn't eat, I won't, even if she doesn't eat for a lifetime, I'll wait until she consumes the first grain before I intake any.

"If you want to give me the silent treatment, then go ahead, but just don't go away from me please!!?" I plead in front of her before running out the door and taking a seat on a chair located outside her room.

A cold, shivering hand rubbed against my shoulder as I looked up with my eyes and nose going red from crying so much, only to find a old lady in her early 60's comforting me with a man a bit older, by her side,

"what's wrong beta?"

I found sincerity in her words so I told her everything, how I met Jiah, what she means to me, what place she holds in my heart, everything.

She smiled hearing my story and said,

"disheartened so quickly? True love never fades even if people fade. Love isn't bound by time, yes, the memories are limited, but love isn't. Love is unconditional and eternal. If that love exists in her heart, not even God himself can separate you two, my child, even if she leaves you, she may have died, her body may have left her, but her love for you will never die, her soul will never leave you" she patted my back as the man held out his hand and she took it without questioning him any further, saying her last words of advice to me, "mark my words" and she walked off, conjoined their arms and resting her head on his shoulder.


The countdown had begun and the men had joined me in the hospital to witness Jiah's battle with herself.

It was the 47th hour of her COMA, the LAST hour.

This was it, either now, or never.

The ladies had all gone to the mandir for 'mata ka jagrata' to pray for her along with the girls, leaving me, the elder men, Rohit and Jimmy awaiting her revival.

Dr. Aayushi and Jhanvi were on a race against time as Diya had joined in to help them out after her shift concluded.

Each passing minute, blew out each candle of hope we had lighted. 

I just hope she wakes up.

"Doctor, her pulse is dying, what do we do?" Jhanvi blurted out "give her a shock" and Jhanvi followed the given instructions.

We were standing outside the window seeing every thing that happened on the other side as the three women did all they could to save my life.

No one had ever won in the race against time, but there is always a first time to make history right?

The clock ticked marking each second as every heartbeat quickened, all except Jiah's, who's was dying.

I couldn't bear them giving electric shocks to her, it broke me and I guess all the other men as we all turned around rubbing our eyes glancing at the clock.

Will she leave?

Does she love me?

Will she stay?

All these questions filled my mind as there was only half an hour remaining, and believe me when I say this, this is the most painful half an hour I have ever experienced.


Unknown POV:

She had escaped our hands last time, but not this time. She won't be able to see tomorrow's sunrise and we've made sure of it.

When she breaths her last, Armaan will die internally, hence our first step of ruining him becoming complete.

Armaan, you're going to pay for everything you have done. Every single thing!


Hindi dictionary:
Beta: son; in this case child
Sherwani: traditional wear; worn by men/boys

know, I know, a cliffhanger but it's important to build up the response.

This chapter is very short, barely a 1000 words but is very important as everything will be revealed in the next chapter, no not everything, but a little bit.

This was the second update for today so guys cut me some slack for now, and take this in, next chapter will be up at a similar time tomorrow.

I'm actually thinking of going for two updates a day, sound good?

Let me know your views by leaving a VOTE and especially a COMMENT!!

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