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No, there isn't any mature content so don't worry, you can totally read this if you are under 13.

I started school today and honestly, I've got the worst teacher ever, I know no one in my class but this one friend of mine and my classes are all boring, so the only thing that will divert my mind from that is to write.

Hope you like the chapter.

Song suggestion|Sab Tera

Jiah's POV:

Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into an eternity as I waited for him, my gaze still on the door handle.

There isn't a clock in this lavish room which is quite a surprise, but I'm sure that it's well past midnight.

It's not like I was expecting something uber romantic or anything, but I was expecting a explanation which would clarify the air between us.

Although, I doubted the chances.

Giving up on waiting, I try and reach my phone which was on one of the night stands. Somehow I reach it and diall his number.

After some two rings, a female voice made me aware of the fact that the phone isn't reachable as it's out of network coverage.

How strange.

I waited and waited, until finally the door handle turned.

This was it. I quickly pulled my veil over my head.

Ok, I was a bit excited to be honest, but it's not like I'm going to admit that to him.


My eyes that were shut in nervousness jolted open at the sound of glass shattering.

I looked around to register the scene in my mind.

There, before me, in a drunken, worn-out state stood Armaan, well he wasn't really standing, more like leaning on the walls for support.

I gather myself from the bed and make my way towards him. My hands inched closer to his biceps, still covered in his sherwani, which wasn't in a neat presentation,as it was at the beginning of the events.

As my fingers scraped over the fabric, he removed my hand from him in anger, "I...-I do... Don't.. ne-eed...your help" he said popping the 'p'.

Hurt was evident on my face,but surely,that didn't matter to him. He slowly made his way towards the bed as I followed him, making sure he doesn't fall.

Concern was clear in my voice "Armaan.." when I rushed towards him to help him, but he put his hand up as if saying 'stop' with the other still resting on the wall.

Don't I at least have the right to touch him now?

He continued making his way towards the bed and slumped his well-moulded body onto it as soon as he got there.

I sighed in exasperation and took in his image. This wasn't the man I had loved. This wasn't the man who loved me unconditionally. This broken pair wasn't us.

I removed his shoes and placed them on the floor, dragging his legs from the ground to the bed, and overnight him in the duvet.

He looked to be at ease whilst my insides were battling with their emotions.

What was I supposed to feel?






Was I supposed to feel anything in the first place?

With all these thoughts in my mind, I scan the room to see a suitable sleeping place but couldn't put my finger on it.

There was a couch, but it looked to modern and stylish for me to wreck and then, I could always sleep on the floor, but that wasn't an option as I couldn't find something to cover myself in as the room was at a freezing temperature and I couldn't find any remote.

So with the only reasonable option left being sleeping in the same bed as him, I decided to abide to it to play it safe.

I settled into the far end of the bed and pulled the covers over myself. I was facing Armaan who was lying on his back, his head grazing the pillow delicately.

Armaan, I don't know why all these differences are between us, but I'm sorry, this time I can't do anything. You've just made it unbearable for me, why?

First that girl and now all this. I hope that there is a legitimate reason behind this pain, this agony.

I don't want to stay away from you, but I need to accept that our marriage is not going to be anymore than a compromise, a compromise I have made for the sake of my family and I'm not letting them down.

I turn around not being able to control myself from running my hand through his soft, cloud-like hair.

I need to get over this effect he has on me!

Even when he is unconscious, he never fails to make my life miserable.

Please God, enlighten the way, so I can find my destination.

I don't know where this track is headed,but my train ticket says that I'm on board this journey and I'll only stop at the final stop.

Just guide me there.

I prayed silently in my mind.


Hindi dictionary:
Sherwani: traditional wear; worn by me on special occasions etc.
Suhagraat: the husband's night; the first night after marriage.

Did you like it?

One of the shortest chapters I've ever written in this book.

I'm sorry.

I'll try and make the next one a bit longer.

Armaan and Jiah's relationship is sailing apart like a boat from the shore.

This is so sad!!

And what's up with Armaan?

I mean we know Jiah's reasons,but what are his?

Read on to find out.

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