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Ok, don't get over excited and start reading. There's more to that than just that.

Song suggestion|Humnava

Jiah's POV:

The car screeched against the rough surface as the the engine died down. Without a word being exchanged, Armaan stepped out of the car and came to my side.

Like a gentleman, which he most definetly wasn't, he opened the door so I could come out. He grabbed my waist supporting me.

As I stood up, my frame leaned onto Armaan's and being in that position made my legs turn to jelly, although they were melted ice cream a bit earlier.

(A/N: Fooodd... mhmm..)

He closed the door shut and leaned me against it. His warmth was increasing and as it did, I looked down to the ground feeling his gaze on me.

His fingers grazed my chin and made me look into his eyes that were speaking in a language I understood.

Armaan inched closer slowly, as I couldn't move for two reasons,

1. Armaan,
2. Armaan..

Hey, don't ask me, it's because he made me jealous, made me drink, and made me have the accident, oh who am I kidding?

It was all me, but why does he have to be so darn tall?

It's intimidating.. in both ways.

Now our faces were just centimeters apart, and slowly, his cold lips touched my warm ones and that is when we shared our first kiss.

The kiss was slow and full of love, promises and vows.

Every unfelt emotion was felt.

Every unspoken word was heard.

There wasn't a worry for the world, it was just us and the world we were making together.

We will make our own perfect.

As we separated gasping for air, Armaan intertwined our fingers and slowly lead me in.


The warmth of the mansion soothed me as I still held his hand in mine. On seeing my papa walking out from the dining room, we halted in our steps and waited for him to pass.

We then slowly made our way up the stairs, and according to Armaan, he had to carry me up as anyone would be able to see and hear us if I walked on my own feet.

I think he's forgotten that I own a pair of feet and even though they're not functioning too well at the moment, they're still there. Someone remind him!

Passing every obstacle in the way, we made it to my room and he sat me on my messy bed before frowning,  "I remember the last time I had to clean this up" I chuckled, "it wasn't easy" he sighed and started cleaning up.

"You don't have to" I said trying to stop him, "it's nearly done now, just wait".

I waited until he was done and eventually he was. He came towards me and was about to sit when...

"I want a m n m mcflurry from maccas right now and you Mr. Armaan Khanna are going to get it, and don't eat it.. I still don't trust you.." I said quickly, hoping that the words made sense cause honestly I didn't get a thing I just said my self, but when I realised, I bit my tongue at the last part I said,

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