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So DAY 5!!

2 days to go before it all ends!!

... or we may think so..

Now, I just want to say, that no, I'm not dedicating chapters because I want more readers or anything, all I'm saying is that these people that I dedicate chapters to, are special.

They take the time out of their busy life to read, vote and comment on my book.

I can't thank you enough for the appreciation, encouragement and love you all have given me..

So those amazing people are;

athoobabez, raindrop_galaxy, BollywoodBook & I'm going to add to my list..

So this chapter is dedicated to navyaajain027, Mahamaziz & parthlovesniti

And my real life sister IshaDhillon2005 for all those inspiring lessons in dance I got from you..

Never going to forget them!!

Hope you like it!!

Enough of my rant, on with the chapter!!


Song suggestion| Songs in chap.
Third person's POV:

The couples worked hard all day. Practicing steps, re-practicing steps, and re-re- practicing until they nailed it, or so they thought.

With each ticking minute, they came closer to EXAMS!!

Just kidding..

I meant the Sangeet which is no less than a test in itself.


Jiah's POV:

I peeked through the curtains and found that the overly large lawn was full of people who were sitting on different tables which were designated to them.

The families of the bride and groom sat upfront, on a large round table where each one of the chairs were turned, facing the stage, whilst the relatives sat behind them.

It was one of the first weddings' in the families after about 20-30 years or something so all this attention was bound to be!

I face palmed myself as I went back into the dressing room to do some quick touch ups.


Third person's POV:

Jiah and Armaan strode over to the center of the stage. Nervousness was clear in the air as they were just told that as they were the oldest of the youngsters (other than Raj and Simran) they had to host.

They went numb at the declaration as they both had stage fright.

But one way or another, they had to do this, for Raj and Simran.

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