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Our first leap in time together!!

Song suggestion|Humma Humma

Three months later..
Jiah's POV:

Three months.

Yes, it has been three months since the day Armaan left for Canada, the day I confronted Anjali.

Time has seemed to fly past.

In the past three months, Armaan and I have stayed in frequent contact as we facetimed every night with numerous calls throughout the day.

We hadn't returned back to Melbourne as my parents think that Anjali is being treated a lot better here than back home so we have stayed here whilst the rest of the Khanna's left to their respective countries.

Papa and uncle had started working from here as he didn't want to leave Anjali alone, and both my parents had started sorting things out between themselves.

Anjali, Sehaj and I were also spending a lot of time together, having fun and gossiping about boys, but the worst thing was that I had to be teased the most, but I got even by teasing them back.

There was a significant improvement in Anjali's health and today may even be a day that could change her life.

Today, they were going to attempt to completely remove the tumour which created all this in the first place, although, they had prevented it to spread any further.

I'm so excited!!

I had facetimed Armaan this morning and he seemed equally as happy. He had also congratulated Anjali when I gave her my iPad.

Seriously, it feels like he is her sibling rather than me.. GOSH!!

Every night I facetimed Armaan, and he was still in his office sitting behind a computer screen. He was always emersed in work.

Our wedding date was set and it was nearing, with only one and a half week left.


I had a chat to the doctor and he said that the attempt was successful and we were nearing the end of this battle.

Anjali was so happy on hearing this that she jumped up with joy.

All she needed was a few more chemotherapy sessions before they could officially declare her cancer free.

I'm so happpy!!

I can't wait to tell Armaan!!


The rest of the day seemed to be extremely fast as we celebrated at lunch.

The girls and I had gone to this restaurant with the best dark chocolate belgium ice cream ever!!


(A/N: Before you question me, yes, I'm a foodie.. you probably would've guessed by now)


When we got back, we had a back to back movie compilation of 'The Hunger Games".

I went into a emotional turmoil when Rue and Prim died. Why did they have to die?

I can't imagine my sister die, Katniss, you are one strong woman. But I didn't really mind Gale dying, I always liked Peeta better anyways..

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