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The leap is here!!

Song suggestion|Humdard

One Month Later:

Jiah's POV:

Days passed, weeks passed and so has a month. We've hardly talked.

All he does is leaves before I wake up, and arrives after I sleep. Sometimes I doubt he even comes here, to this house, that I yearn to call a home.

He has become distant. Not the happy, chirpy person I originally knew him as, now he's always cold and dark, but there is something in his eyes that tell me one day, all will be fine.

I await that day.

Today was no different than all the other days in the past month. It was a usual afternoon and for the time I have been here, I have done nothing other than lounge around at home as I'm not a local who knows the place well enough, although I do go for morning jogs occasionally.

I sat with all the lights in our bedroom out and scented candles lit, with the lavender fragrance tingling my nostrils, reading a book called 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green.

I was too engrossed in my book that I didn't notice a shadowy figure standing outside the window, covered head-to-toe in snow, on the ledge,


Armaan's POV:

My phone rings whilst I'm in between a meeting, discussing a case with a client and a couple of witnesses. I excuse myself as the call is important and answer it once I'm outside the meeting room.

"Sir, we've finally found her" my eyes widen as I register the words in my head,

"are you sure?"

"Yes sir, we checked the CCTV footage and finally hacked her records which were registered in the Registry Embark of Austria"

"Austria?" I question.

"Yes sir. I'll be texting you her image, name, and stats ASAP"

"Thanks" and I hang up.


Not taking it any further than that, I walk back in to discuss the hearing options for this particular case, my team of lawyers are handling.


Jiah's POV:

I got up from my spot and stared at the figure, too shocked to say anything. I hear a thud from the room nearby and move forward to check it, but my mouth is covered.

I am being dragged into complete darkness, where my surroundings are pitch blacked out.

One reason to use electricity wisely.


I am thrown against a wall as a dim light reaches my face. We're still in the same room, just in a different spot.

I clench myself to somewhat a sitting position on the floor and look at the three men in front of me, who are glancing back my way,

"we're going to have fun with her aren't we boys?" the taller and more muscular one of the three musketeers asks and the other two simply nod in approval.

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