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Song suggestion| Bulleya

Jiah's POV:

"You didn't kill him. It was just a accident"

I try and encourage her as her sobs fill the void in the no longer quiet room.

"I did kill him. I did."

she admits.

"How could you possibly kill him when you loved him so much?"

She finally looks up to meet my eyes,

"That day, on his birthday, I had failed the brakes of his car. I wanted you to die so I could have him all to myself, but look at fate, I killed the person whom I loved the most, who loved me the most.

I thought you were going to drive that car, but it was Akash who took the wheel. When he tried to apply the brakes to avoid the accident, they failed and that's when he noticed that's it.

It wasn't you who distracted him. But I still blamed you because I couldn't live with this guilt any longer. I tried making you feel the same way when I joined hands with Sir John.

I tried making you part ways with Armaan, but fortunately, every time I failed. If I had succeeded, I would never have been able to forgive myself.

I'm sorry. I thought there was something going on between the two of you, and that accident was planned for you. Not once did I think that I'm not the only one who lost something in that accident.

Akash lost his life, I lost my love, his parents lost their only chilf and you lost your best friend. I'm the person responsible for all this. I'm sorry. I can't-"

She sobbed more as I also let my tears out hugging her.

"It's okay. You're responsible, but have you thought of Akash? He always wanted you happy, please move on."

She gets up, untangling herself from my hold,

"I will. You're free to leave."

She says and leaves me alone in the no longer dark room.

I get upto my feet and find my way out of the small cottage, stepping out onto the cold, snowy pavement.


Three hours. Three hours is how long it took me to get to the city. After a lot of travelling and people laughing at my state, I made it home.

The guards refused to let me in until I told them who I am. They then hurried me inside and calling one of the maids I know as Maria to help me.

Maria helped me clean myself up and gave me actual people food. She sat down and talked to me, questioned me about my whereabouts and told me how much Armaan tried to find me.

I simply answered all her questions and listened to how concerned Armaan was according to her.


Armaan's POV:

For the past three months, I've been searching for Jiah day and night, but have ended up being disappointed as the sun setted.

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