Chapter 1 "Rescue Mission"

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Hey guys! So this is the sequel for my first book, Garnet x Reader (Completed). To understand this book fully, go and read that one first. This book will carry on from the last chapter of that book. I will try to have this book longer than the last one, but I don't know. Also, the reason I don't have author notes as separate chapters is to keep me sane with the chapter and part orders. :) ❤️

"Peridots! Throw it out!" White Diamond put away her large, sharp, white sword. Three tall, green Peridots marched over to you and picked you up, trying their best not to touch you too much. As they left, they approached a small pink circular door. One of them pressed a burgundy colored button, which opened the door hatch. It revealed the dark abyss that is outer space. The green gems then swung you out into space, and closed the door hatch. You, still hanging on to that photo of you all forever, dead or alive. As you floated through the dark depth of the cosmos, the flew farther and farther away from the planetoids.

On Earth...

Garnet watched as you and the Diamonds flew off into the sky. Garnet still had her visors removed, and later turned to Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven. They all were also sobbing massive amounts of tears and holding each other.

They all walked into the house, still sobbing. "Why did she do that?" Amethyst choked out with her raspy voice caused by the cries. Garnet wiped her tears and said, "Sh-she had t-to." She stuttered. "She d-did it t-to save the Earth and u-us." Although she did wipe her tears away, she couldn't help but let more come out. Pearl, who was sitting on the couch with Steven, spoke out. "She is truly amazing isn't she?"
Amethyst and Pearl began talking about you and your great qualities. Garnet then tensed up, burning the floor, and growled. "We have to go back for her!!!" Garnet yelled, interrupting Pearl's and Amethyst's conversation. "Excuse me?!" Pearl asked in shock. "Yeah!" Garnet replied. "If you want you can come with me, but I am going to go and save my little y/n whether you like it or not!" Garnet stomps over to the warp pad to warp to the barn. Before she does, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven stop her. "Garnet wait!" Pearl spoke. "We're coming too.."

Garnet summoned her visors, Steven packed out couple chips, and they all warped to the barn. While they were warping, Garnet tilted her head towards Pearl. She saw her wipe a couple tears off, and got jealous. She quickly calmed down after thinking about it, and feeling bad for her. When they go to the barn, the gems all demanded the ship again and of course, Peridot lended it to them and they were off. Pearl, once again, was in control of the ship. "Where did you think she went?" Amethyst asked.
"Maybe back to the Zoo?" Steven replied.
"No." Garnet added. "Why would they take her back to the Zoo? They know she's half human so they wouldn't just leave her there! We need to go to Homeworld!"
"Homeworld?!" Everybody said in unison.
"Yes! Now let's go! Now!"

Pearl turned the rocket and headed towards Homeworld. They used the speed that was just under the speed of light. Garnet had both her hands on the front control panel and was looking out into space...literally. "Don't worry y/n," she whispered to herself, "I'm coming."
Garnet's POV

A couple of hours went by, and Pearl and I could just barely see Homeworld in the distance. As we approach it, I see something floating on my right. I turn to see it, and it looks kind of red, with some y/g/c (your gem color). As we get closer, it looks more and more familiar. Then, I finally realize what it is. "Y/N!" I yell and everyone jumps. "What?!" They all ask me. "Y/n! It's y/n! Over there! She's right there!" I said, pointing at her. They all look at where I was pointing, and realize that I'm right. Pearl flies the ship over to y/n, and I could easily make out that it's her. I smack the controls to work the ship and shove Pearl out of the way. I move in, getting ready to grab her with the ship. "Garnet, I'm not sure that it's her." Steven said unsure.
"I don't know her like I do. I KNOW it's her!" I say and open the door to the ship. She falls in, and I quickly close the door. I grab her, sit down, and lay her on my lap. I remove my visors and touch her face softly. I look a her gem and start tearing up. "Guys." I say as I look up at them. "She died for us..." Every starts tearing up around me and I look back at her. "She's cold. We need to get her to Rose's fountain. Maybe we can still save her." I say.
"Garnet it's too late we ca-" Pearl started but I interrupt her. I know I'm in denial and I can't help it, but we have to try. Pearl then wipes her tears and goes to the control panel and heads for Earth. As we are flying, I stroke her hair and look at her bruised face. "What horrible things did they do to her?!" I thought to myself. I start crying more and more as I think of the many horrible things that they have done to my beautiful y/n. I then feel myself slip into two.

Ruby's POV

Sapphire and I defuse and y/n's head still is on my head. I see Sapphy sit next to me, and begins crying and I cry as well. We both sob for a while until I notice that Sapphire is freezing y/n. "Sapphire!" I say in a calm but concerned tone. "Look, you're freezing her. She needs to stay warm." Sapphire looks at y/n and nods. She then gets up and walks to the other side of the ship, sits down, and watches from a distance.

Third Person POV

As Ruby keeps crying, Sapphire notices something. She then runs over to you. "Ruby!"
"W-what's wrong?" Ruby lifts her head.
"You're burning y/n!" Sapphire says as smoke comes from your hair and shirt. Ruby freaks out, and gets up and gets away from you. Sapphire goes over to Ruby to comfort her while still looking at you. "What do we do now?" Ruby asks. Then they both look at each other and nod.

Garnet comes back, and starts carefully walking over to you. She puts your head on her lap, and lets off a warm heat. She then starts stroking your hair and whispers,"Oh my little y/n, soon we'll be together again." Tears begin coming from her eyes. "I hope..."

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