Chapter 23 "Memories"

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Garnet's POV

As I stare at the tablet, I start crying tears of joy. "Yes! Remember me y/n! Remember us!" I say. "I knew she would never let me down."

"Garnet! Oh my goodness! She's going to remember us!" Steven says from behind me. "But how will she get us out of here?"

I look at him and tilt my head. "Wow, I never thought of that." I say and look back to the tablet.

This Person POV

You stand up and start walking around. "Garnet is her name! I remember her name!" You say and notice that there is a pair of visors on the ground. You pick them up and put them on. You then begin to cry tears of joy as your memories of Garnet start filling you mind again. The time Garnet took you swimming. When you made Pearl eat a donut, when Pearl threw up that donut, when Garnet took you back to school shopping, when she kept you company while serving detention for burning a kid, when you defeated ten holo-Pearls, and more importantly, yours and Garnet's one month anniversary of being together. "Garnet! Steven! Amethyst! I remember you guys! I remember!" You cried while laughing and on your knees. 'I have to find a way to get them back!' You thought to yourself. You remember Garnet telling you that the way to get people back from the forgotten realm was to open a portal and pull them out, but it's almost impossible.

Y/n's POV

I have to get Pearl to help me open the portal! But how am I going to get her to remember? I walk out of Garnet's room and knock on the door again, calling for Pearl. She comes out wondering why I was pounding so hard. "Pearl, I need you to remember Garnet." I say as she steps out.

"Who is Garnet?" She asks me and it breaks my heart to hear those words, so I show her the visors. "Look, these are Garnet's visors!" I tell her.

"Y/n, you're not holding anything." Pearl replies. She must not see the visors because she can't remember her. "Remember when I was talking about that Steven boy?"

"Oh y/n, not this again." Pearl rolls her eyes at me. I could tell she was getting fed up with me. "Look, come over here." I say while pulling her over to the couch. She sits down while I look through the closet. I find one of Steven's shirts and I show it to her. "Look, this is Steven's shirt!" Again, she doesn't see anything.

"Why do you care if I remember him?" She asks me. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she's annoyed. I pause and look at her. "Because you love him." I say and even though I know she doesn't see the shirt, I toss it over to her. Surprisingly, she sees it and catches it.

Third Person POV

Pearl catches the shirt that you toss her and as she holds it in her hands, she can feel all of the memories of Steven fill her mind. "Steven." She whispers.

"Yes! Yes! Steven!" You're relieved that she can finally remember Steven. You then put the visors into Pearl's hand and she begins to remember Garnet too. "Do you remember Garnet?" You ask.

"Yes. Yes I do!" Pearl replies with happiness, shock, and relief. You then look around, searching for things to remind Pearl about Amethyst. You looked everywhere to find something that belonged to Amethyst, but the only thing you could find is food. As you were walking, you kicked over a small trash can and all of the trash fell out. You bent down to clean up the trash, but then you saw the picture Amethyst used to blackmail Garnet with. You took the photo and ran up to Pearl. You showed her the picture of Amethyst. She held it in her hand and memories of Amethyst began flooding her mind. She looked at all of the items you gave her. "Garnet. Amethyst. Steven. I remember them!" Pearl said happily. You then grabbed the items, along with Pearl's hand and went over to the temple door. You place the items down and held both of Pearl's hands. "Garnet told me that to open the door to the forgotten, you have to chant certain words. So try and chant along with me." You began chanting the words and Pearl soon picked them up and began chanting them with you. You felt like you were summoning a demon, until you heard the door open. You opened your eyes and so did Pearl when you both saw Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven right there. You quickly let go of Pearl's hands and walked over to it. "Garnet! Amethyst! Steven!" You said.

"Y/n! You found a way to remember us!" Garnet replied. You didn't say anything after that, and just reached into the door, but a forcefield blocked you from going over there. "Wait, why can't I go over to you guys?" You disappointedly asked.

"I-I don't know! You should be able to come over easily." Garnet replied. You kept on trying to push onto the force field.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n, you can't get through the force field." Amethyst told me, but I ignored her. I started pushing harder and the harder I pushed the more it hurt, but I didn't care. I began pushing through it and it felt like it was giving off an electric shock. The shock felt like a million needles hitting me all over at once. It was almost as bad as the time I got tortured. It felt horrible. I wanted to stop, until I remembered the saying that my dad once told me. "If it feels like you're going through hell, keep going. It'll get better eventually." This quote gave me the determination to keep going, even after all that has happened, and I'm not giving up now. I push myself to keep pushing on to the force field, and right before I black out, I can feel myself rip through the field like my fingers are sissors and the field is paper.

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