Chapter 45 "Sleep over and Hangout"

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Your POV

I've decided to let Scarlett sleep at our house for the night. I've got to admit, her mother's reaction was a little over the top. I don't know what's her deal. She reminded me of the time I was messing around at a post office and a random woman yelled at me and scolded at me for being immature when I was only eight years old. I was embarrassed and cried, but my dad made me feel better by taking me out for ice cream.

   When we got there, Steven was already asleep, I assumed Pearl and Amethyst were in their rooms, and Garnet was waiting for me on the couch. "Hey Garnet." I said in a low voice. I led Scarlett inside and let go of her hand. "Is it okay if Scarlett stays here for the night? She had problems with her mom and I don't think it's a good idea for her to go back right now." Garnet looked at me, then Scarlett, then tilted her head. "Hmm...okay." She says.

   "Cool! Thanks! Oh by the way, Scarlett, this is my girlfriend, Garnet!" I look at her and notice she's looking at Garnet with a wide eyed scared face.

   "Uh Scarlett? Are you okay?" I ask and Garnet looks at her too.

   "She's big...and red." She says.

   "Oh, I'll explain to you in the morning. For now, let's get you situated." I reply and fix the couch for her. After she changes into the pajamas that I lent her, she gets into bed and I start fixing a bed of multiple blankets and pillows, making a makeshift mattress on the ground. After Garnet goes into her room and get into bed. "Good night, Scarlett."

   "Good night y/n."

   I turn off the lights and close my eyes. While drifting farther and farther to sleep, I start to remember Paris and the diamonds. The two thoughts swirled in my head like a two dice, bouncing around in my brain. I felt so bad about Paris. I then find myself on the board walk, and a girl in front of me. She had her face in her hands I could clearly hear her crying. I decided to walk up to her and ask, "Are you okay?" I touched her shoulder, but she immediately yelled, "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I then fell back and realized it's Amber. "I-I what?"

"You killed my sister!!!" She yelled and the words echoed in my mind. "I-I I'm s-s-so" I start crawling backwards until I hit someone's legs. I look up to see who it is and I see...

"PARIS!" I jolt up in my bed sheets. I look around and see Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven staring at me while Steven is eating breakfast. They're all at the counter while Pearl is still cooking breakfast. "Y/n, are you okay?" Garnet asks me while getting up and walking over to me. I sit up and hold my head while I slow down my heavy breathing. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just had a bad dream." I rub my head as details of the nightmare continue to fade away from my memory. I now have a basic memory of what the nightmare was about. I then look around and see an empty couch with a sticky note on it. "Woke up early and went home. Thanks for letting me sleep over! -Scarlett" it read. Well, I guess she left. I hope she's doing better with her mom. Even if something goes wrong, she has my number and I told her to call me if anything. After cleaning up, I got up, went into the bathroom, and got ready for the day. While eating, I continued to think about Paris. I feel sorry for not feeling sorry and I hate myself for that. It seems like Steven notices this, and asks if I'm okay. I don't want him to worry, so I just lie and say I am. Supposedly, he ends up not believing me because he tells me to go outside and do something. I have a lot of free time since I was expelled from school and am now being homeschooled by the gems. Pearl teaches history (obviously), art, and math. Garnet teaches me science, english, and physical education.

I go outside and sit down in the beach and dig my feet into the sand. I then take a deep breath, open my notebook, and start doodling. The doodle later turns into a full sketch of the beach, and it turns into this.

After that, I hear my name being called and I rip out the drawing and throw it into the ocean

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After that, I hear my name being called and I rip out the drawing and throw it into the ocean. I then run over with my book in my hand and my backpack in the other. "Yeah Garnet?" I say as I set down down my book and bag on the counter. "Do you wanna hang out?" Garnet asks.

I obviously accept, and we walk around Beach City and mess around. We get some pizza and Garnet eats it for me even though she doesn't have to. After messing around, we find a stray cat. I feed it my left over pizza crust and it follows us around. After talking about why we can't have pets and Steven having a lion, the cat eventually loses interest in us and walks away. After some time, we pass by Scarlett's house. I get a small, weird, uncomfortable feeling like I'm not supposed to be there. After walking past it, the feeling goes away. Garnet and I continue to talk and mess around. A boy even wet us with his water gun.

Second Person POV

You start to feel dizzy and Garnet offers to carry you. You accept and somehow, you end up on top of Garnet's large cubes hair instead of her arms. While snoring loudly, Garnet decided to take you home. She even got home at the perfect time because immediately after she arrived, it began to rain. She sat down and continued to let you sleep on the top of her hair. "Um Garnet?" Pearl whispered, "are you aware that y/n is sleeping in your hair, and she appears to be, um, sinking?"

"Yes, I'm aware. It's okay, don't worry about it." Garnet says and with that, Pearl leaves. You start moving around and Garnet notices this. She holds out her hands and you end up rolling off. While falling, you hit Garnet's visors, making them fall on your head after landing right into Garnet's arms. You wake up and lift the glasses that are on your head. You look at Garnet and give a smile and a blush in embarrassment. "Hehe. Guess I still move around a lot. Haha." Your silliness makes Garnet smile and she starts blowing raspberries in your neck. The raspberries turn into kisses, then licks, then a mix of kissing, biting, and licking. As Garnet carries you to her room, she sets you on a bed that you never sleep on, and continues to kiss you on the neck. You can't help but let moans escape your mouth as Garnet continues to lick, bite, and suck on your sweet spot on your neck, leaving a mark. She moves up to your mouth and puts her hand on your thigh, signaling to ask for permission. You just giggle and continue to kiss her passionately. She takes it as a no, and continues to make out with you as moans still fall out of your mouth every now and then. She then comes to the side of you, kisses your forehead, and holds you tightly while you do the same. You both then drift off to sleep, with happiness filling you both.

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