Chapter 32 "Juvy"

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Garnet's POV

"Wait what?" I ask very confused. "What do you mean she's being arrested?!"

"Just come to her school and we will explain everything."

"Okay, I'll be there right away." I say and hang up the phone. As I am walking out of he door in a hurry, Amethyst and Pearl stop me."Yo G! What's the rush?" Amethyst says.

"Yeah. Why are you in such a hurry? I something wrong?" Pearl adds.

"Y/n's school just called, saying that she's being arrested and I'm going to go pick her up." I say and Amethyst and Pearl both gasp. As I step out the door, I hear Pearl and Amethyst talk about what could have happened and what she could have done.

When I get to the school, I see kids being picked up by their parents, along with police tape, cop cars, and multiple ambulances leaving the school. I then start looking for y/n, and as I am walking, I approach a part surrounded by police tape. Horrifically, I see a load of blood everywhere. "Y/n couldn't have done all this...could she?" I thought to myself. I then approach a police officer. "Hello, my name is Garnet and I have been called by the school to come pick up (your first and last name)."

The officer nods, says something on his radio, and out comes y/n in hand cuffs on her wrists and her neck. "Is this the girl you're looking for?" He asks and I say yes as I see y/n look away from me.

"This girl attacked another group of girls, started a minor fire, exploded a part of the school property, and caused every single one of the girls in the group to have many very serious injuries. Those girls are currently being rushed to the hospital and y/n will be charged for vandalism, and attempted murder." As the officer is speaking, I still can't believe what I'm hearing. Why would y/n doing something like this?

"B-but she's just a kid! She can't possibly be arrested! She's too young!" I reply.

"On the contrary ma'am. Y/n is fifteen and to cause that much destruction, it is ordered by law for her to be moved to a juvenile delinquent facility." After the officer finishes speaking, I finally give in, and sigh. I then walk past y/n, not wanting to look at her right now because of the things she did. I noticed that she didn't seem to want to look at me either. So instead of picking her up, I watched as she got put in a cop car, and drive off to the delinquent facility. After clearing everything up with the cops and everybody else leaving, I was about to leave myself, until I stop my self to take a look at the school one last time. "*sigh* why did you have to do this, y/n?" I say to myself and hop back to the temple.

When I get to the temple, I am immediately surrounded by Pearl, Amethyst, Steven, and Connie, all looking very worried and concerned. "Garnet! Pearl and Amethyst told us what happened! Where's y/n?" Steven says. I can see the worried look in everyone's eyes, including Connie. I then take a deep breath and give it to them straight.

"*deep breath* Y/n is going to a juvenile delinquent facility!" I say and everyone gasps.

"What did she do to get herself into this mess?" Steven asks.

"She did something very bad, that I don't want you to know about." I couldn't tell them what happened because I didn't want them to think any less of y/n than they already do.

"Can we at least visit her?" Pearl asks.

"No, I am the only one who will visit her. Understood?" I reply and everybody nods. Steven and Connie then run upstairs and start talking about y/n and what she could've possibly done. Pearl and Amethyst then go into their rooms and I go to the facility.

I check in, get a sticker, and sit down in a booth with a phone. I then see y/n with dry tear marks on her face, while looking down and a nervously sad expression on her face. I then grab the phone, and signal her to do the same. We both put it to our ears, and make eye contact.

"Hey y/n-" I start,but I am cut off by y/n interrupting me. "Okay, before you say anything, let me just tell you that the whole thing wasn't my fault."

"I know." I reply, with a small pitiful smile on my face.

"W-Wait, what?"

"I said I know it wasn't your fault. I trust that you didn't mean to cause that much trouble. I love you, and there's nothing you can do to change that." I say and she gives a small smile, and a couple tears. We both then lean in for a kiss, but then we forget that there's glass in front of us and we both bump our heads.

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