Chapter 4 "Hoomans"

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   You stood up and held Garnet's hands. "Garnet! This isn't what it looks like!" you said while Lapis gets up nervously. Garnet ignores you and walks up to Lapis. She grabs her by the wrists, and holds her right in front of her face, looking at Garnet's visors terrified. "What were you doing to MY y/n?" Garnet said calm, but angrily.
"I-I w-wasn't-" Lapis stuttered. You knew Garnet would get mad about the kiss, so you decided to talk for Lapis and make up a story. "Garnet!" You interrupted. They both turned their attention towards you. "Nothing happened, we were just talking on the roof, and we fell off and it was just a coincidence that I landed on her. Nothing else." Garnet looked at Lapis who was nervously shaking, and then looked back at you. "What were you guys talking about?" She asked you. You couldn't think of anything, and just said whatever came to your mind. "Uh...we were talking abouuuut hamburgerrrr birrrrds? Yeah! Hamburger birds!"
"Hmm..." Garnet let go of Lapis who fell to the ground, and then kissed you right in the lips and you kissed back. "Trust me, I would never cheat on you." You smiled at Garnet, and she did the same. "I love you."
"I love you too."
You watched as she walked off, and when Garnet warped away, you immediately turned to Lapis. "Lapis, come with me."  You grabbed her hand, and started pulling her. "Uh y/n, w-what are you doing." You didn't answer until you dragged her to the truck. You plopped down on the truck, and Lapis did the same and then you took a deep breath. "Okay, Lapis. I want to talk to you." You took another deep breath. "Why did you kiss me?" You asked and she immediately blushed a dark blue. " I don't know. I-I think I....I like you y/n."
"OMG ANOTHER ONE?!" you thought in your mind. You then took a little bit of time to process the information. "Okay, I understand. You like me, that's cool, but I just want you to know Lapis, that I'm in a relationship right now with Garnet, and I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want you to do that again, okay?" Lapis took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay." You then pulled her in for a hug, and she hugged you tightly. You felt a tear drop fall on your shirt and pulled away. You then wiped her tears and grabbed her hand. "Look Lapis, please don't cry. I don't want you to be sad." She blushed at you holding her hand. "I'm going to leave you alone for a little while and let you collect yourself okay?" She nodded and you stood up. You then kissed her forehead to make her feel better and she blushed even more than she already was, and you jumped out and joined Peridot. After a little while, Lapis joined you both, and you smiled at her. She smiled back and then turned her attention towards the crafts you were doing. You both began doing arts and crafts and began spending more and more time together. You all messed around the barn, and you even made your own meep morp. The three of you soon ended up watching more Camp Pining Hearts and snuggling up in the pick up truck with blankets and pillows. Lapis was in the middle, while you were on her right and Peridot was on her left. Peridot had fallen asleep, and it was just you and Lapis, watching the color war.  You yawned and so did Lapis. You soon fell asleep right up next to Lapis with your head on her shoulder. Right before you fell asleep, you heard Lapis whisper. "I love you." You didn't like it, but you were too tired to care.


You woke up earlier than usual, and found yourself still next to Lapis. You then realized that Lapis was holding your hand. You carefully let go of Lapis's grip without waking her up. You then wrote a note that you left and packed your things. "Hey Peri and Lappy! I woke up early, and went home! Thanks for the awesome slumber party! :) <3 -y/n" read the note. You warped home, and found Garnet waiting for you on the couch. "Garnet!" You yelled and ran up to her. You then jumped into her arms and she kissed you all over. "Awww! I love you Garnet!" You chuckled. "I love you too y/n!" Garnet replied. You and Garnet decided to watch Crying Breakfast Friends until Pearl and Amethyst walked out of their rooms. "Oh Pearl! Amethyst! I'm back!" You said as you jumped out of Garnet's lap. You then tried jumping onto the couch, but slipped and face planted onto it instead. You then flipped over, and landed on your butt on the ground. You paused for a moment and everyone else did the same, but then you quickly got up and hugged Pearl and Amethyst laughing. They hugged you back, and blushed in the middle of it. You then ran back up and jumped into Garnet's arms. She kissed you on the cheek and you asked where Steven was. "He went to the arcade." Garnet replied. You got excited and asked Garnet for money. You kissed her goodbye, and went and joined Steven at the arcade. You ran to him and scared him from behind. "Oh! Y/n! You scared me!" Steven said laughing. "Hey Steven! What game are you playing?"

"To be honest, I don't know."

"Oh wow!" You laughed. You then started walking out. "Y/n, where are you going?" Steven called.
"I'm going to the Big Donut. Wanna come?" You asked. Steven said yes and ran over to catch up with you. You both went into the store and ordered a donut. When you came out, you saw three older kids. A girl with short hair, a guy wearing glasses like Garnet, and another guy with white hair. "Steven, who are they?" You said pointing at them.
"Oh! That's Buck, Jenny, and Sourcream!" Steven said grabbing your hand and dragging you over there. "Sourcream?" You thought it was a weird name, but you just brushed it off. The both of you walked up to them. "Hi guys!" Steven said.
"Hey Steven." They all replied in a smile. "Who's your friend?" Sourcream asked while pointing a finger at you.
"Oh. My name is y/n and I'm fourteen years old." You smiled.
"You're pretty tall for a fourteen year old." Jenny added.
"Uh, yeah. I get that a lot. So, what's you're name?" You asked.
"My name is Jenny, this is Buck, and Sourcream." Jenny said, pointing to her right, then her left. The five of you began talking about things that interested you. Jenny was talking about her sister, Buck and Sourcream were talking about their dads, Steven was talking about Cookie Cat, and then you began talking about your parents and it became really serious. You started tearing up a little and everyone, including Steven cheered you up. After a while of talking, you messed around Beach City. Sourcream then remembered something. "Hey guys! You wanna come to a rave tonight?!"

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