Chapter 49 "Skating"

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Question of the day: Who's your favorite character from Steven Universe? Mine is Garnet (obviously), and Lapis! :D

Your POV

I wake up in Garnet's arms and I feel so warm. I just lay there for a while, until it starts to get a little too warm and I start to sweat. I slowly get out of Garnet's arms, and go shower. I put on some clean clothes, and get breakfast.

(Without the gauges)

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(Without the gauges)

I see everyone is awake, including Garnet, and walk up to the counter. I sit down right next to Garnet as Pearl hands me my food, "Thanks Pearl," I say and she nods while I start eating my cereal. I quickly finish it, put it in the sink, and put in my sweatshirt and beanie. "Why are you getting all dressed up for?" Garnet asks me.

"Scarlett introduced me to some guys at the skate park, and I'm gonna go meet them today!" I say and kick up my skate board. I run over to Garnet, kiss her on the cheek, say good bye to everyone, and run out the door.

While skating down the board walk, I start seeing little rocks that I have to avoid. I start swirling around them, pretending it was a game, and I'm winning. I get so caught up in the game, that I roll onto the street and almost get run over. I get scolded by this old lady, playfully flip her off, and continue my game while paying more attention the road now.

When I get there, I see Jake, Dax, and Robbin. I start wondering where Scarlett is, so I decide to greet them first. "Hello Jake from Statefarm, Dax Pax, and kid wonder, how are you all doing today?" I say, giving them all weird and funny greetings.

 "Hello Jake from Statefarm, Dax Pax, and kid wonder, how are you all doing today?" I say, giving them all weird and funny greetings

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"Waddup y/n!"

"Hey y/n!"

"Sup y/n!"

They all say, and we do a little hand shake. "Haha! So where's Scarlett?" I ask and they all look at each other and shrug. "Ugh, boys," I say playfully and bring out my phone to text Scarlett.

Y: yo! Were u at?

S: oh sorry! I can't make it today! Something just popped up. Go have fun without me! 😰😋

Y:uh, ok

"Guys, Scarlett said she can't make it," I say and they all seem a little saddened. "Bummer," Jake says and we all shrug and start skating. We each take turns doing tricks and flips. Jake does an Ollie, Dax does a Pop Shuvit, and Robin does an illusion flip off a small ledge. I start skating around and my board starts grinding on a railing, and when I get to the end, I do a kick flip off. We all start doing small tricks continuing to do better and better ones to top off the other persons. Robin tried to show off and do a kick flip off the stairs, but failed and he fell down the stairs. Since he didn't have any serious injuries, we all laughed and he laughed too. I decided to try and do a 360 kick flip off the stairs just to show off. I didn't think much of it, since I've done things similar to it already. Right in the middle of it, I notice something on my board. The screw was loose! It distracted me and when I tried to land the jump, I fell off my board and hit my head on the ground, and everything went black.

Hey, sorry for the short chapter! Longer one next time! ❤️

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