Chapter 60 "The End"

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This chapter is in fact the last chapter of the book. Before you read the chapter, just know that I know this book has went to shit at the end. I had a great run and I'm so happy and grateful for all the positive comments that everyone has left. I love you all, and keep that amazing reading spirit. Again, I'm sorry that this book has went to shit. It's because I may be going through depression right now and I haven't gathered the motivation to do much. Either way, I just want to say one thing. THANK YOU!!! I am so grateful for everyone and every positive thing that came to my book and I love everyone for it. I love you guys. ❤️

   Your POV

   I tighten my fists and clench my teeth as Amber's smile turns to anger. I stare at her as we both prepare to fight. My eyes turn to glowing red and summon my g/w and light it on fire. "You're going to end up sleeping with your sister," I say as she gets in a fighting stance.

   Then, for some reason, Steven pulls out his ukulele and starts playing this song.

Sure, it adds to the intensity of this fight, but come on. It's a little uncalled for.

I ignore Steven and charge at Amber while yelling and growling. Just before I get to her, she dodges me and I almost fall, but catch myself. I throw/shoot my g/w towards her, but she dodges one and catches the other one. Amber then throwing it back to me as I start running towards her, charging again. I dodge it and swing at her, but then I miss, so I try to elbow her, but miss again. She then swings from the side and hits me on the side of the head. We keep fighting and I get a couple hits on her, but she gets more on me.

Amber eventually throws me to the cage that Steven and the gems are in and a huge pain starts running through my entire body. I then try to sit up while my head is in a daze and I can barely see. I see myself spit out blood and I can feel Garnet right behind me. Then I start thinking of what she would do to Amber and she walks up to me with that stupid smile. She points her stupid dagger at my face and says, "Any last words?"

I glare at her and smirk. "I hope you like the ending of this book," I say as she looks at me confused. Garnet then comes from behind me, reaches through the cell, and before I knows it, Amber gets hit by Garnet's gauntlet, flies out the window and falls right onto the ground. Then I hear a distant splat, which gives me a huge sense of relief and a small pinch of laughter.

I gather up the last bit of stamina that I have and walk over to the control panel in the room, and press the release button for the cage. Things then start going dizzy, my body feels weak, and as everything starts to go black, I can faintly see Garnet and everyone else run towards me. The last words I hear before I black out are, "You're safe now."

Second Person POV

   Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven all run out of the room, with you in Garnet's arms, but before they can leave the room, something stops her and pulls her slightly back. She looks behind and sees that a blanket that Steven and the gems made you is there, and you're still holding on to it, even while you're unconscious. She looks at it, and thinks how special it is to you. Garnet looks at you and just thinks what would've happen if you had lost the fight with Amber.

   Garnet then takes the blanket off of whatever it's caught on, wraps you in it, and continues to run with the gems.

   When they get to Rose's fountain/temple, Garnet immediately jumps off and runs towards the fountain. As she's running, thoughts and memories start filling her head.

   The time you sacrificed yourself to the diamonds, when they found you out in space, what would've happened if they didn't find you, if she had never caught you while falling down the side of the temple, New Years, adoption, and it all started when you both made eye contact at the arcade, when Steven was playing ski ball.

   Garnet finally approached the fountain and carefully lays you inside. Pearl, Amethyst, an Steven finally catch up and see Garnet kneeling down with you. They hear her quietly sob and cry as she gets rid of her visors. It was terribly quiet at the fountain and the only sound that can be heard was Garnet's quiet cries, and the soft blow of the wind in the rose petals.

   Garnet lays her head down as thinks to herself, I should've done more. I should've helped. If only I could have another chance. If only we could have another chance.

   Everybody begins to put their head down, until they notice a small, soft, glowing light emit from your body. Everybody notices, except for Garnet. She's too busy thinking about the mistakes she made in the past and how much more time she could've spent with you. Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven watch as your wounds begin to heal, and the light begins to fade away.

You flutter your eyes open, and look around, only to realize that you're submerged in water. You then look at Garnet and see that she's crying. You then go up to her ear and say, "What's my name?"

Immediately after Garnet hears this, her eyes shoot open, throws her bead up, only to see that the love of her life is alive. The sadness then turns to glee, happiness, and cheer. "Y/N!!" Garnet yells happily as she hops yo and crashes her lips onto yours while falling in the fountain with you. The both of you just continue to make out passionately while exchanging a couple moans here and there as Pearl covers Steven's eyes.

He's 16 and Pearl still treats him like a child.

   After the "make out session," you both dry off and you change into some fresh, warm clothes. Garnet then suggest you should all celebrate, and Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst agree. They all look to you and you reply, "No, I don't want a party or anything like that. I just want to lay down and spend time with my baby."

   Everyone smiles as you both stare into each other's eyes and Garnet picks you up, without breaking eye contact. She takes you to her room and you both lay down and snuggle for a long time. You both then share a happy and passionate kiss. You break the kiss and say, "I love you so much, from the bottom of my heart."

   "I love you with all and everything I have and more. You complete me," Garnet replies and you two just lay down and snuggle.

   You then close your eyes, and got to sleep in the bed

that you will always sleep in.

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