Chapter 28 "Do This Myself"

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You and Garnet noticed that Hazel had pulled out a whip. As Garnet summoned her weapons, you summoned small fireballs in your hands. "Let's dance, Strawberry Shortcake." You said in a fighting stance.

Hazel whipped towards you, and you and Garnet jumped out of the way. Garnet decided to jump towards Hazel and punch her, but she was too quick to wrap her whip around Garnet and throw her against the wall. You got angry at this, and shot your fireball towards her. She dodged the first one, and she hit the second one back, which hits you into the window, shattering it, and making you fall outside. Soon enough, the fight continues outside. You come to a stop, as you wait for Hazel to make the next move. She whips next to you, making you dodge it. Right before you attack, Garnet stops you. "Y/n wait! Don't worry I can take care of her." Garnet says.

   "No! I have to do this myself!" You reply, summoning a large ice age around Garnet.  She wasn't able to break out, no matter how hard she tried. "Y/n! Let me out!"

You ignored her, and continued to fight Hazel. "Haha! You don't even know what you're doing!" Hazel says. You start summoning multiple ice spikes and throw them at Hazel. You pullout your g/w and light it on fire, and throw that too. Hazel easily dodges the spikes, and catches the g/w. You look at her wide eyed as she throws the g/w back, and you barely dodge it. Distracted, you feel something wrap around you, and pull you back. You start flying towards Hazel and just before you can reach her, she grabs you by the neck. Hazel then holds the axe part of the whip, and pulls back. "Any last words?"

"Urrk!" You start kicking frantically while off of the ground. "I DON'T REGRET SHIT!" you yell and Hazel hits you on the side with her axe. You then throw your feet up, and kick her in the jaw, which makes her let go of you and fall to the ground. Garnet sees this, and quickly breaks out of the cage. Hazel, once again hits her whip towards you, who was too hurt to do anything. Garnet then quickly jumps in and grabs a hold of the whip, without having any effect on her. She pulls the whip so that Hazel flies towards her, and she quickly punches Hazel, poofing her. Garnet then bubbles her gem, sends her to the temple, and turns to help you up. "Y/n are you okay?"

"No not really," you reply while holding your side.

"Oh shoot! I need to take you to the temple to get you bandaged up!" Garnet says, picking you up like a baby. She notices that you don't make eye contact, or have a smile on your face, but she decided to ignore it. When you both get there, you see Ronaldo and Steven talking to Pearl and Amethyst.

"Who is this dude?" You thought. Garnet sits you down and explains what happened to Pearl and Amethyst. Garnet then starts wrapping the bandages around you, while you are talking to Ronaldo. "So, who are you again?" You say.

"I am Ronaldo! The newest member of the Crystal Gems!"

You look at him with wide eyes, and yell out making everyone jump."OH HEEEEELLL NAW!"

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