Chapter 21 "Remember"

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Garnet's stomach dropped when she saw another version of her, seeming slightly transparent, and tinted red. She knew she couldn't fight it, and the only way to not get taken was to get as far away from it as possible. "Lucid Gems." She whispered.
"What?" You asked, not hearing what she said.
"We have to go!" Garnet grabbed your wrist, and bolted for the car. You began running along with her, starting to feel afraid and worried. "Garnet! What's wrong?!" You yelled.

"We have to go! NOW! Get in the car! Hurry!" She replied. You were starting to get tired, but Garnet tugged on you so that you wouldn't lag behind. When you got to the car, she let go of you so that you can go around and get in through the other side. You stepped in and immediately noticed that Garnet was trying to start the car. She was nervously twisting and jamming the car keys. "Garnet! What's going on?!" Right after you said that, you heard a huge thud in front of you. You looked through the windshield to see another Garnet. The Lucid Gem didn't care if you saw it. It only wanted Garnet. The gem had punched the hood of the car, denting it, and puncturing the gas tank, making it leak. Garnet, also seeing the gem, realized that there was no use in trying to run anymore. She then grabbed your shoulder on both sides. "Y/n, listen to me." She said, breathing heavily and her voice raspy. "I am going to be erased-"

"No! No! Nonononono!" You interrupted with tears in your eyes. You didn't want to believe that this was happening.

"Nonono y/n! Just listen to me. I am going to be taken. You're not going to remember me. Okay? So I want you to go out, and find a way to remember me. Okay? Remember..."

"Okay! Okay! I'll remember you. I'll find a way to bring you back. I-I won't forget you." You replied with tears streaming down your eyes.

"And y/n..." Garnet said, getting close to you. "Remember I love you." She gave you a peck on the lips and as she pulled back, you watched as the Lucid Gem ripped off the car door, and take Garnet from the seat, and disappear. Right after that, it became dead quiet. The only sound that can be heard was your whispers. "Remember...remember...remember..." you began holding your head as you felt your memories of Garnet slip away. "Nonononono! Remember! Garnet! Remember! Garnet! Remember Gar...what?" You paused and looked around. You then got a head ache that felt like you were being hit in the head with a hammer. You just sat there for a couple minutes, holding your head, and breathing heavily.

After several minutes, the headache began to lighten up. You almost fell asleep there until you heard a tap on the windshield. You opened one of your eyes just a bit, and saw a drop of water on the windshield. You then saw another drop of water fall in another place on the windshield. And another, and another, and another. It soon began raining harder and harder. "Great." You sighed and pulled out your phone. You checked your contacts and there was supposed to be Steven, Garnet, Greg, and Connie, but the only ones there were Greg and Connie. You knew Greg and Connie didn't know where this park was, especially since it was 17 blocks away from the temple, so you decided to walk Connie's house since it was closer to the temple. You put on your sweater, lifted your hood, and began walking. You walked to Connie's house and knocked on the door. "Oh hey y/n!" She said and you didn't reply. She noticed that you weren't yourself. "Um...what's wrong?" She said as she let you in. You sat down on the couch and Connie sat next to you, still concerned.

"I was at the park alone and I can't remember how, but I was in a car and it got totaled. And I couldn't find a faster way to get here, so I decided to walk." You replied, wiping the rain off of yourself. Connie then offered to have her mom give you a ride home. You smiled and nodded in acceptance to the offer.

As Connie's mom drives down the wet road, you and Connie are in the back seats. While getting bored, Connie turns to you, noticing you seeming uneasy while starring out the window into the rain. "Hey, y/n. Are you okay?" She asks you in a soft tone. You avoid eye contact and continue to stare out the window. "No. I feel like I need to remember something, but I don't know what. Every time I try and remember, it hurts my head." You tell her, and you turn your head to look at her.
"Do you ever get that feeling? Like you feel like you forgot something, but you just can't seem to remember it?" She then smiles at you.
"All the time." She says and you smile back at her. "But maybe, it's not something, but someone?" After Connie stops talking, you tilt your head and give a small hum. You then look out the window as the small pattering of the raindrops calm you. "Maybe." You whisper and it's quiet for the rest of the drive.

When you get to the temple, you wave good bye to Connie and her mom and you watch as they drive off. When you open the door, you immediately hear Pearl. "Y/N!" Her voice makes you jump and almost fall back, but you catch yourself by grabbing onto the door handle. "Oh! Pearl!" You say as she walks up to you, seeming worried.

"Where have you been?! I was worried sick about you! I-I thought you were lost! Or-or hurt! O-or worse! I-I-" Pearl tells you while hugging you and holding your shoulders. You pull her off if you and smile.

"Relax Pearl, I'm fine. There was just a mishap at the park and-" you started, but Pearl interrupted you.

"You were at the park?! Without telling me?!"

"I thought you knew! They told you, they..." you paused to recap what you just said.

"Y/n, who's they?" Pearl asks confused.

"I...I-I can't remember." You held your head once again, because you had gotten another headache. You then begin coughing and sneezing. "Oh y/n, are you getting sick?" Pearl says.

"*sniff* yeah, I think so." You reply, sounding slightly congested. Pearl then leads you to your bed, and lays you down. She tucks you into the blanket and begins to take make tea. While the tea is brewing, she takes your temperature, and turns on the tv for you. Once the teapot begins to whistle, Pearl hustles over to the stove and serves you the tea. You take a sip from the cup and smile. "Thanks Pearl." You say while she smiles back at you. "No problem y/n. Now if you need me, I'll just be in my room." Pearl then walks into her room and as the door closes, you set down the tea and decided to go to sleep. As you are drifting deeper and deeper into sleep, you feel sad. You feel empty.

You feel lonely.

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