Chapter 5 "Party"

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"A what?" You asked.
"A rave!" Sourcream said excitedly. Steven knew you didn't know what that was, so he decided to explain. "A rave is like a party, but with cool music! And dances! And places! And people! And GLOWSTICKS!" Steven told you. He made it sound amazing, which made you obviously, think it was amazing. Sourcream explained where it was going to be, and he gave you and Steven a paper with all of the information about it. You started reading it, until your phone vibrated. You check to see who it is, and you see Garnet.
"Hey y/n, it's time for you and Steven to come back home love! 😘❤️"
"Okay Garnet! We'll be there in a couple minutes! ❤️"
You put your phone back in your pocket, and told Steven and the others about the news. Then you and Steven ran off to the temple and waved good bye.

When you got to the temple, Garnet was sitting on the couch again, waiting for you both. When you entered, a large grin immediately spread across Garnet's face. You ran up to Garnet and showed her the invitation. She took it and looked at it carefully. "Hmmm.....I don't think I want you going to a party alone." Garnet said unsurely.
"But Garneeeet! This will be my first party everrrrr! Please please pleeeease!"
You looked at her with your puppy dog eyes, and Garnet began sweating. "Uh..I-Is Steven going to be there?"
Garnet paused to think for a moment. "Okay," she finally said. "As long as Steven is there to protect you, it's okay with me."
"What?! I can protect myself though!"
"I know, I know. But just in case something bad happens, Steven will be there to help you fight it okay?"

"*sigh* okay."

Garnet gave you some money so you and Steven can buy some clothes. You both went to the store, and you took an hour and a half whilst Steven took fifteen minutes. "Y/n!" Steven said, banging on the door. "Hurry up in there!"

"Steven, be patient. Five more minutes!"

"You said that an hour ago!"

You had finally picked the perfect dress and Steven picked the perfect outfit. You both were now ready and waiting at the temple. It was 7:15 pm and the party started at 7:25 pm. "Y/n, why can't we go now?" Steven asked you.

"Steven, I've never been to a party before, but I've seen enough movies and TV shows to know that we should show up slightly late. Not really early. It's cooler."

"Ahh. I see."

The two of you sat on the couch and you began playing with your phone. Garnet came out of her room and blushed at how beautiful you look. "Oh my goodness y/n!" Garnet said.

"What?" you smiled and blushed.

"You look so amazing!!!"

"Haha! Thanks Garnet."

Garnet walked up to you and sat down next to you. "I'm serious! You look so beautiful like always! You're perfect." Garnet smiled at you. The words "You're Perfect" echoed in your ear, and you didn't like it. "Garnet, No. I'm not perfect." you sounded slightly annoyed.

"Oh y/n, of course you are!"

"No! Garnet! I'm-" You began raising your voice slightly, until Connie knocked on the door. Steven jolted up and you turned your head to the door and walk towards it. You then open it and see Connie in a cute dress. "Hey Connie!" You smile at her. "Steven! Connie's here!" Steven ran over to you both and the three of you headed out the door. "Bye Garnet!"
"Bye y/n!"

When you got to the warehouse, everybody was dancing. You became self conscious because there were a bunch of older teenagers. You heard specific conversations, and when someone else started talking, you immediately heard it.
"Girl! Waddup?!" Someone said to another.
"Should it be purple? Or blue?" Another girl said.
"Dude, lets just get outta here," another guy said. You felt like they were all talking in your ear, when they were actually on the other side of the room. The different conversations became louder, and you soon began hearing more than conversations. You heard the cooking of glasses, the footsteps of people dancing, other people's coughs, and much more. It soon started hurting your ears and you couldn't concentrate on what was going on. You began freaking out and breathing heavily, until you felt Steven grab your hand. When he grabbed it, everything went back to normal and you began breathing normally again. "Y/n" he said and you looked at him. "Are you okay?" You paused. "...yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
"Okay! Let's go dance!" Steven said happily, and you followed him to the dance floor. You liked the music that Sourcream was playing. "Hey Steven, where does Sourcream get the music?" You asked over the sound of people dancing.
"He makes it himself!" Steven replied and you looked up to where Sourcream was. You saw he had head phones on and was DJing, so you decided to walk up there. When you got there, he noticed he took off his head phones. "Oh. Hey y/n!" He said smiling. "Hey Sourcream! So, you're DJing the party huh?"
"Yeah. I LOVE DGing!"
"Cool!" You said, and you looked over at the DJ board. "Woah! You DJ with Gameboys?!" You asked.
"Yeah! Gameboys make great 8-but digital music which is what you're hearing right now!"
Out of now where, you heard a crash, and people screaming. You turned to see what it was, and you saw a giant corrupted gem crab. You ran over to Steven. "Steven! What is that?!" You yelled and pointed.
"That's a corrupted gem monster! You poof it, and I evacuate everyone!" You nodded and turned to the monster while Steven runs towards the people and tried to evacuate them. You pull out your weapon, and start slowly walking towards he monster. You freeze and shake. "I...uh...STEVEN!" You called. "I don't have much training!!!"
"Just breath y/n! Try to remember the little training you have, and...improvise?! I don't know!!"
You nod, and look back at the monster. "Breathe..." you whisper as you take a deep breath. You summon two of your weapons, and then set them on fire. You cool the handles so you don't burn yourself. You then jump up on top of one of the giant claws, and it lifts you up. You then come down and aim for the eye. You hit the shell. "Damnit!" You yelled, and the creature smacked you and you hit the wall. You then fell on top of your g/p (gem placement) and heard a glass-like thing shattering. You looked around, and you didn't see anything except for g/c pieces on the ground. You look at your gem and see that it's half cracked, with pieces coming off of it.

Hey guys! It's me, Flower! And I'd love to thank everyone who have been commenting and voting and reading my stories! I love you all! ❤️❤️

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