Chapter 6 "Drunk Child"

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You saw you gem was cracked in a couple pieces. You decided to ignore it, and keep fighting. Steven had finished evacuating the people and came to help you poof the monster. Steven, with his shield, was looking for you. "Steven!" You called. He looked over and saw you were about to throw your weapon at him. He smirked and positioned himself and his shield. You threw your weapon with all your might, and it hit Steven's shield. It then bounced off he shield, and went straight into the monster's eye which poofed it. As the gem fell down, Steven walked over and bubbled it. He then walked over to you and helped you up. "Good job y/n! That was really smart!" Steven held up his hand for a high five and you tried to go for it, but you missed and fell on the floor. "Hey, y/n. Are you okay?" Steven asked, picking you up. You smiled at him as you blinked slowly as if you've been on the dizziest ride you could imagine. "I'm fine Steven! There's nothing wroooooooong!" Steven then looked at your gem and realized it was cracked. "Y/n! You gem is cracked!" He told you.
"Yeah, so what?!"
Steven licked his hand a started for your gem, but you smacked his hand.
"Boi I don't need your spit!" You said, slurring your words. You then began walking out, but you soon tripped and started to fall. Before you could hit the ground, Steven caught you and thought to himself,"Oh no, what is Garnet going to do?" He then helped you over to the temple, but along the way you almost got yourself run over, a donut, and you almost fell into the ocean. When you both got into the house, Steven accidentally dropped you on the ground and you stayed there, face down on the floor. "Haha! Steven you animal!" You said. Garnet noticed this, and stood up. She then ran over to you and picked you up. "Steven, what happened to y/n?"
"A monster showed up at the party, and cracked her gem!"
You then yelled and threw your hands up as if you were on a roller coaster. Then you fell on the floor again.
"And you didn't heal it?" Garnet asked.
"She wouldn't let me!" Steven replied. You began crawling to the fridge, and started eating everything you saw. You then grabbed Amethyst's champagne and bit off the top. You started chugging it down until Garnet grabbed it out of your hands. You then start reaching and jumping for it as she held it up out of your reach. "Garnet! Come on!" You say in a sad voice. You were reaching up like a kitten to a toy and Garnet found it cute and adorable that you couldn't stand on your knees very well. You then gave up and went into the kitchen. "Steven, we need to find a way to heal her." Garnet said.
"Okay Garnet. Oh! I have an idea! You hold her down, and I heal her! Easy peezy!" Garnet nodded. She grabbed you and brought you to the living room. She then held your arms from behind as Steven licked his hand, and he and Garnet saw that your gem cracked more. You began kicking your legs and begging Garnet to let go. "Garnet let me go!" You yelled, and although it hurt her, she didn't. "Garnet!" You continued. "Garnet please..." you looked at her with puppy dog eyes and small tears in them and she couldn't handle it. Right before Steven could touch your gem, Garnet let you go and you scramble out of their reach. "Garnet!" Steven said annoyed.
"I'm sorry, she was just so cute! And the puppy dog eyes! And her tears! It-it hurt me Steven!" Garnet replied, ashamed that she let you go.
"HAHAHA! SIKE!" you laughed as you tripped and fell on the warp pad and warped away. Garnet and Steven quickly jumped in and followed you to where ever you were going. In the warp stream, they saw your gem, it cracked even more. You went to the training ruins, and began twirling and dancing. You then started fighting with a fake opponent and whilst Garnet thought it was cute, Steven thought it was scary. You started twirling again, and heading for the edge. Garnet noticed this and ran over to you. You started tipping over the edge, but before you could fall, Garnet caught you by the wrist and pulled you back. She carried you to the warp pad, and in that time you fell asleep.
"She looks cute when she's asleep... " Garnet thought to herself. Her and Steven warped to Roses fountain, but not even a second after you three got there you jolted up and yelled,"PENGUINS!!!" This scared Garnet which made her jump and drop you. You landed in your face and began running on all fours with Steven and Garnet behind you, trying to catch you. You were running and panting like a dog until you got to the fountain. You ran and climbed on top of Rose's statue and the you laid down on top of her head and fell asleep. Garnet looked at you and carefully picked you up and set you in the water. You didn't move and there was total silence.

All of a sudden, you slowly sat up, wiped your eyes, and opened them. "Um...why am I here again?"
"Y/N!" Garnet yelled and made you jump. "What happened at the party?" She asked.
"I uh..can't really remember. I remember a crab busting in and hitting me into a wall. Then I fell to the ground....and that's...all I can really remember. Why? What happened?"
Garnet paused and looked at Steven. You felt uncomfortable because of your wet socks and shoes. "You don't need to worry about that y/n." Garnet smiled and picked you up.

When you three got to the warp, Garnet set you down. You saw Amethyst and Pearl arguing with Pearl holding your shirt and Amethyst holding your pants. When they saw you were looking at them, they froze and looked back at you, blushing. "I'm not even gonna ask." You said and walked into the bathroom to change.

While you were changing, Garnet walked up to Pearl and Amethyst.

G: What are you doing?!

A:We were sorta..kinda..fighting..over
what clothes y/n looks best without.....*says embarrassed*

G: Are you serious?! She is my girlfriend! Why are you guys doing this?!

P: We don't know! It just, happens!

S: Guys! You need to think about Garnet's and Y/n's feelings too! When you do these things, it makes Garnet jealous and y/n feel awkward!

You then walk outside with a shirt, and jeans on. Everybody looks at you and you blush.

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