Chapter 2 "Hell and Back"

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You all arrive at the barn and Garnet bursts out, heading for the warp pad. As she warps away, the rest of the gems get out of the ship. Garnet carries you to the fountain while whispering, "It's gonna be okay," to herself over and over again. She carefully lowers you into the fountain while holding your head above the water. She begins grabbing some water in her hand a covering your face with it. She waits for a little while, and Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven all catch up with Garnet. They see her sitting down next to the fountain. There was a long intense silence, so quiet that you can hear each other's anticipating breath. Garnet began crying and hugging you while still in the fountain. Everybody hung their heads down, until Garnet heard a whisper in her ear. "I told you I knew what I was doing." The sound of your voice in Garnet's ears only gave her happiness and filled her with determination (undertale ref.). She looked up, only to see your smiling and giggling face. Garnet pulled you in for a tight hug and everybody did the same. After you pulled away, and stood up and said, "So, why am I wet?" Garnet pulled you out of the fountain and started kissing your face all over. You began giggling and blushing because Steven and the gems were watching you both. "Garnet! They're watching us!" You laughed. She didn't care as tears of joy fell out of her eyes. "Oh my gosh! Y/n! You're alive! I love you so much!" Garnet pleaded.

You got cleaned up and everyone settled down. To celebrate, you all went to the temple and decided to watch a movie. As Steven made the popcorn, you and the gems snuggled up in Steven's room. Garnet sat in front of the tv with you in between her legs. Amethyst sat to your left, and Pearl sat to your right. Steven soon joined you four with the popcorn and you picked a movie to watch, Lonely Blade 3 The Sequel. As you were watching, you rested your hand on Garnet's leg. You then felt a hand hold yours. You smiled, thinking it was Garnet, but when you looked, it was Amethyst. "Oh no!" You thought to yourself. "She's doing it again! I have to find a way to get her off without hurting her feelings!" You  then gave her a fake smile, and slowly slid your hand off of Garnet's leg which made Amethyst lift her hand to not touch Garnet, and continued watching the movie. You then put your hand on Garnet's other hand and then felt another hand touch yours. You immediately felt red when you looked over and saw Pearl was smirking at you with her flushed blue face. You did the same thing that you did with Amethyst and let her down easy. You were afraid to put your hand on either side, so you just put them in your lap and blushed. As you were watching the movie, you felt two hands touch yours and you thought that it was Pearl and Amethyst again, but when you looked to see who's hands they were you saw red and black and when you did, you held them tightly and smiled. You blushed and when you saw them, you knew that these were the hands that you were looking for.

~Time Skip~O.o~~

You woke up with the Gems completely knocked out, including Pearl. You carefully got up and kissed Garnet on the cheek. You then slowly removed her visors and crept away with them. You joined Steven in the kitchen, wearing Garnet's glasses. "Yo Steves how ya doin?" You said in an Elvis accent.
"Haha! Ooh! Do a Garnet impression!" Steven chuckled. You agreed and got into a robot formation. "Steven, eat your breakfast. Now if you would excuse me, but I have to go tell y/n how pretty she is." You and Steven laughed as you both ate breakfast. Garnet then grabbed your waist from behind which made you jump. "Well, can you blame me? You're the prettiest creature I've laid eyes on!" Garnet smirked as she took the visors from you and put them on which made you blush a ton. You both chuckled together and Garnet gave you a kiss on the forehead.


The more you thought about what happened with you and the diamonds, the more you got into a crapier mood. You were walking down the board walk with your grey hood on, just looking around the city. You looked around considering the face you were giving, as if you were giving everyone a death stare. You were finally getting into a good mood, until a couple of girls your age walked up to you. You tried walking past them, but they blocked you. "Where do you think your going?" She said in a (excuse my language) bitchy voice.
"Ugh. What do you want?" You asked. You obviously weren't having it.
"Hey! Don't be rude!" She said. "You have NO idea what I've been through!" You began giggling, which soon turned into a laugh. "What are you laughing about?!" One of the other girls asked. "Yeah! She's lucky that she hasn't considered suicide yet!" Anther girl interrupted.
"Oh really?!" You replied. You took off your hoodie and wrapped it around your waist. You then cracked your knuckles and cleared your throat. As you were doing this, you made the other girls nervous at what you were doing. You then held up your fist. "Girl, where do I even BEGIN with what I've been through!" You stuck out a finger while listing things off. "First off, my mom died while giving birth to me, and my dad was killed right in front of my eyes. I was kidnapped by these people called gems, and then somehow made it back to Earth with absolutely NO family to tell me everything was going to be okay. I was bullied for YEARS because of this thing!" You pointed at you gem, having them see it clearly. "I almost died and was stabbed MULTIPLE times in accidents! I was then forgotten on another planet! Kidnapped once more! TORTURED for answers about my family and DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE! I literally went through HELL and back! What happened to you that could POSSIBLY be worse than what happened to me?!" You yelled as you held out all ten fingers. The girl looked at you wide eyed and took one step back. She was nervous to say what happened. "M-my boyfriend broke up with me..." she whispered in embarrassment.
"Here's some advice!" Yo replied. "Don't commit your life to someone until you KNOW that they love you, and you love them. Trust me, I know. Mkay?!" You said as you hit the bottom of the girl's chin and walked to the temple with your chin high, but still angry.

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