Chapter 42 "Scarlett"

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You were in Steven's bed, eating chips and texting Scarlett.

S: So, you really died and came back to life?

Y: Yeah! Crazy, isn't it?

S: Yeah, it is.

Y: Also, at the skate park, what did you mean by even better. Like, when you thought I was a boy, you gave me your number.

S: Oh, it's because I did think you were a boy and I wanted to date you, but when you said you were a girl, I wanted to date you even more! It's because I'm bisexual, but I like girls a little more than boys. Sorry if I weirded you out or something. I'd understand if you don't really want to be around me anymore.

Y: Oh no! I'm bisexual too! I do want to be around you! You're a really great friend and I don't want to lose you.

S: Awe! Thanks babe!

While you were texting, Garnet noticed this and became suspicious. "Hey y/n!" She called from downstairs. "Come down, I need you." You immediately hopped out of the bed and ran downstairs with your phone still in hand. You sat down next to Garnet and she wrapped her arms around you. She then couldn't resist looking over your shoulder and looking at your texts. "Who's Scarlet?" She thought to herself. Garent then decided to act like she wasn't being nosy. "Hey y/n." She said casually. "Who are you texting?"

   "Oh just a friend." You reply and go back to texting.  You then lay down on the couch, and turn your back away from Garnet so that she's not able to see your screen. It hurts her slightly on the inside, but then she remembers that teens are like that and that she need to respect your privacy. She then goes into her room, and it's just you in the house texting, and Steven asleep in his bed.

S: So, you wanna go get something to eat tonight?

Y: Uh, sure I guess. What time?

S: hmm...are you fine with 8:00?

Y: Yeah! I'm fine with that! I don't recall having any plans at that time, so 8 o' clock it is! Where do you want to meet?

S: Lets meet at the skatepark! Yeah?

Y: Okay! Well, I gtg. See ya later!

S: Bye!

After putting your phone in your pocket and walking outside, you were completely clueless that Scarlett asked you out on a date, you never told her about Garnet, and you actually did have plans with Garnet that night at 8:00.

   After walking out, you decided to smell the ocean breeze, and realized it wasn't ocean breeze at all, but raw fish. The smell made you gag, and laugh at how dramatic the situation was supposed to be. While walking down the board walk, you decide to visit Greg, who so happens to be talking to Andy too.

   You walk up to the car wash, and Greg and Andy see you coming. When you get there, you give them a straight face and say, "Uncles Greg and Andy, what was my dad like when he was younger?"

   They look at you and smile. "So you wanna learn about ol' Michael eh?" Greg says. You nod and sit down. "Then let us tell you about how much of a dork he was." Andy added and laughed.

   "Michael was an inventor. He loved making things like gadgets and robots and such. You always had good grades in school, and never failed one test. We were always being bothered by our parents at how much more like Michael we should be. But a while after making his first couple robots and getting the hang of it, he started making things for himself." Andy said.

   "What Andy means, is that he would make things that only he would benefit from and nobody else. For example, if he forgot his homework at home, he would make a gadget that does his homework for him, and then turn it in the next period. He also got away with lying, stealing, cheating, and sometimes even bullying. And when he would be accused of something, he would pretend to be the most innocent child in the world. After a while, he began slowing down, and eventually going back to how he used to be, until he met a woman that changed his life forever. She was a horrible influence on him and she reverted him back to his bad self. He started making machines solely to do bad deeds and they were made to have another mode, just in case he had to prove that it does something good instead of bad. He and that woman got away with every single crime that they did. I once even saw on the news that there was a terrorist attack, and he and that woman were the last people seen before the explosion. The explosion killed 52 people and injured 37 others. It made me and Andy angry. It really did, but there was nothing we could really do to stop him."

"Well, did you at least try?" You asked.

"Yes we did, but we failed. He was just too smart for us and since he was causing all that trouble, he got kicked out of the family, and he haven't seen'em since." Andy replied. You didn't know how to feel about your parents, because you knew that you were turning out just like them. You knew that killing Paris wasn't an accident and you didn't want to do anything about it. You took a deep breath and gave Greg and Andy a fake smile. "Thanks uncle Greg. Thanks uncle Andy."

"No problem," said Greg.

"Any time," replied Andy.

You then hopped off the van and walked home.

Your POV

As I was walking home, I start texting Scarlett. She said she's getting ready, and she can't wait to meet me again. I type the same and we start talking about how crazy it was for us to find each other like that. We texted the entire way, and even traded selfies, although I'm terrible at them. When I got to the house, I plopped on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. "Hey y/n! What are you doing?" I heard Steven say. I look down, only to see him right in front of me, wearing a ginormous smile. "Oh, hey Steven. Nothing, I'm just thinking." I reply with a monotone voice.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked cheerfully. I started thinking more about if Steven really knew what happened, and why I hit my head in the concrete pit the other night. "Steven," I say while tilting my head. "Did Garnet ever tell you how I went to prison?"

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