Chapter 31 "A Bully and a Birthday"

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Hey guys! So, things have been looking up for me and I will start to slowly make the chapters sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. I put a lot of detail and thought into this chapter, so I really hope you like it! Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell others about my book so I can continue to grow! Love y'all! Enjoy! 😊❤️🙌🏻

Your POV

I hang up the phone and continue to eat my food. I then pull out a paper and draw some random doodles for fun while eating. Since the lunch tables are hollow and have holes, I pull out a notebook too to put my paper on. After doodling random chibis, the page then fills up and there's no more room left to draw.

The drawing^^^

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The drawing^^^

Then I get up, throw away my food and put away my notebook. I reach for my paper, but before I can grab it I see someone else snatch it. I look up to see who it is, and see two twins and their group. I then immediately remembered who they were. Paris and Amber used to bully me all the time in elementary, and now they have a whole gang?!

"Hey look! Little rocky is drawing some stupid anime!" Paris says. I start to cringe at the fact that it's not close to anime, and that I don't even like it.

"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth? Cuz that was a pretty stupid thing to say, seeing that what I drew isn't even close to anime, nor is it any of your business!" I reply and take it from her hand.

Amber then grabs my back pack out of my hands and I try to get it back, but Paris and her friends hold me back. I start to scramble as I watch Amber turn my bag upside down and makes all of my stuff fall out. They all laugh, but then they let me go after I get heated and burn them. I then fall to the ground and become enraged at the sight of them walking off. I decide to ignore it, get my stuff together, and leave still angry and frustrated. As I walk away with the drawing in my hand, I start to think about what had happened and I end up burning my paper, turning it into ashes.

After school, I decide to stop thinking about my day and I just want to get home and see Garnet. I walk into the donut shop like Garnet told me, and buy a donut and sit down. I then see someone slide in front of me. I look up from my phone and see Lars looking at me with a smirk.

"Hey Lars. How ya been?" I ask.

"Oh, the usual! You?"

"I erm...would rather not talk about it." I reply, remembering the time with Amber and Paris.

"Oh, cmon! You can trust me!" Lars slips his hand onto mine and I immediately start to feel uncomfortable.

"No thanks." I reply and quickly slip my hand away. Thankfully, Garnet calls me at the perfect time, which makes Lars leave and go back to work. I then step outside and answer my phone.

Y: Hey Garnet! What's up?

G: Great news! I've finished with the bir- I mean uh, the, dangerous thing! Yeah! I finished with the thing and now you can come home and uh...just come home!

Y: Okay! I'll be there in ten!

I hang up and walk to the temple. When I get there, I see all of the lights are off. The only light coming in was the light from the door, since the windows were assumably closed with drapes. Then all of a sudden, the lights turn on, and Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven all jump out yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I then look around and fall to my knees in tears as I cover my hands and drop my head to the ground.

 Then all of a sudden, the lights turn on, and Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven all jump out yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I then look around and fall to my knees in tears as I cover my hands and drop my head to the ground

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Your pose right now. ^^^^

Garnet's POV

As we jump out, I see y/n fall to her knees and start crying. I quickly run to her and ask her what's wrong. Everybody else surrounds us and helps her up as she digs her face into my stomach and for a split second, I see a smile on her face. Then I hear her muffle some words.

"Thank you. *crying deep breath* I *sniff* I love you." She chokes out. My concern immediately turns to glee when I hear those words. Then we get on with the party. The rest of the town comes in, and we all have a blast. There were presents, dancing, games, and more. When we were singing happy birthday to y/n, I saw tears of joy in her eyes. I knew she would have wanted this, and I knew she would like every second of it...

...thanks to future vision.

A couple days after the party, y/n and I have hung out, and done our usual things. But every day, I see her come home in worse and worse moods, to the point where I have noticed dry tears on her cheeks. I always ask what happened, but she always blows me off or lies to me. One day, as I am sitting down, thinking about what is happening to y/n at school, I get a call. It was y/n's school. They say that y/n is being arrested and that I need to pick her up.

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