Chapter 29 "The Plan"

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So, this soggy french fry hair looking boy wants to come into the house and automatically make him a Crystal Gem? Since when?

"Um, what?" I ask confused.

"I am now a Crystal Gem!" Ronaldo says again.

"Yeah! He's interested in what we do! So I welcomed him into the team!" Steven stepped in.

"Well, there's nothing else we can really do. He's not really a problem, so I guess he's living here." Pearl adds. I look at him as he starts swinging around a fake green sword and hits a juice box across the room. I put on a fake smile as Garnet takes me to her room to lay down. "Here, get some rest. You need it." Garnet tells me as she kisses me on the cheek. I put on a fake smile and she leaves. I then turn around and look at Hazel's gem in he bubble. I feel small tears form in my eyes as I slowly fall asleep. I start to cry because I wish my birthday could be the same as other kids.

Garnet's POV

As I walk out of my room, I warp away. I warp to the battle arena and sit down. I then start to think about how much of a disaster y/n's birthday was. With Hazel and the fight and y/n hating me for half of the time, it felt overwhelming. This must be one of the worst birthdays of her life. I start to argue with myself, and I soon feel myself slip into two.

Third Person POV

"But Sapphire! She's GOT to hate us!" Ruby yells.

"No Ruby. She doesn't hate us. She may be disappointed, but isn't hate taking it a tad bit far?" Sapphire replies.

"NO ITS NOT! It's actually not far enough!"

"Ugh Ruby. Don't be contemptible!"

"It does t count as an insult if I don't know what it means!" Ruby replies, giving Sapphire a smirk. Sapphire looks at Ruby with a concerned face, and Ruby takes a deep breath. "Sorry for getting heated. I was just worried that we would blame us for the bad day."

"It's okay." Sapphire replies, sitting next to the warm, red gem. She then puts her arm around Ruby and rests her head on her. "We just need to find a way to make it up to her."

Ruby then starts to kiss Sapphire and they both start to play around. Ruby then spins Sapphire around and they fuse into Garnet.

Garnet's POV

I feel like I messed up, but I need to trust myself to fix everything up again. I step back on the warp pad and warp back to the temple. Then I see that Ronaldo is still there and I give off a disgusted expression and walk past the two. I then step outside, only to see Amethyst and Pearl talking about y/n. "Oh! Garnet! We were just talking about you and y/n's birthday party! What should we do about the invitations?" Pearl asks me.

"Well have you passed out the invitations yet?" I ask, hoping she hasn't.

"No, Amethyst distracted us by making a mess in the kitchen." Pearl replies, leaving me relieved.

"Good, we need to delay y/n's birthday party until next week. We need to make it extra great, considering all of the events that had previously happened. Also, we can't have the party while Ronaldo is living here." I say. Pearl and Amethyst nod and we all walk inside, but before we do, Pearl stops me. "Um Garnet, I hope there are no hard feelings about the whole black mail incident." She says. Even thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. I try my best to brush it off and say, "Don't sweat it Pearl. Just don't do it again, and pretend it never happened. Ok?"

Pearl nods and we go inside. The three of us walk onto the warp pad for a mission, and we call Steven over. I see him taping and yellow star on Ronaldo. "Steven, come on. It's time to go! We have a mission!" I say and he hustles over. Ronaldo gets disappointed that he doesn't go, but it doesn't faze me. The three of us explain the new plan of y/n's birthday to Steven while in the stream and he seems very excited. He then says something that makes us all think. "But, she said she doesn't want to be reminded of the day that both her parents died."

I start to shiver of the fact, but I suck it up. "We want to celebrate that she is turning fifteen years old. NOT the fact that her parents past away, got it?" I say demandingly, and everyone else nods.

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