Chapter 46 "Gem Fight, Gone Wrong"

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   You and Garnet were running through a forest, somewhere in another town. You were both running away from multiple corrupted gems. You looked back and said, "First Person to get to the edge of Beach City wins!"

    "Deal!" Garnet replies over the sound of rumble behind the both of you. You both continued running faster and you both split up with you running up the side of a hill and Garnet running in the side of it. You still had two corrupted gems following you and you saw small cliff at the end of the hill. You ran faster and decided to jump off the edge. You fell into a tree and swung yourself on to branches to slow yourself a bit so you would hurt yourself. You then hit the ground and continued running while hearing the sound of one corrupted gem get caught in the tree.

   Garnet approached a river with multiple logs blocking it. Instead of jumping over it, she decided to weave through all of the logs, and confuse the corrupted gems. She got one stuck behind, but two more continued to chase her.

   You both continued to run side by side, until you reached a deep canyon. You two looked behind you, and saw the corrupted gems still following you, then looked at each other. You smiled at each other, took a couple steps back, then ran and jumped as far as you could to pass the canyon. Garnet made the jump with ease, whilst you barely made it at the edge. You both continued to run after losing the corrupted gems. The wind in your hair gave you a happy feeling inside and the adrenaline made you want to keep running faster and faster. You both came up to the edge of a cliff and you smiled at each other. Garnet summoned her gauntlets, you summoned two ice spikes, and you both hopped off the edge and started riding down the side of the cliff.

When you got to the edge, Garnet hopped off first and started running. You knew you couldn't catch up to her, so you faked a sprained ankle. "Ah! Garnet!" You say while holding your foot and falling to the ground. She noticed this and quickly ran over to you. Just as she was about to ask if your were okay, you quickly jolted up and ran for the finish line which was a small wall. "SIKE!"

   Garnet smiles and runs after you. You quickly scurry to the lightly colored wall, and sit on top of it, ending up as the victor. You wait as Garnet approaches the wall and sits right next to you. She then takes your hand and you both stare at the beautiful, colorful horizon. "The sunset sure is beautiful." You say with a smirk, starting up a flirty pick up line.

"Me." Garnet replies out of no where.

"You know what else is beau- wait, what?" You say and Garnet giggles. You quickly remember that she used her future vision and said the answer to the question that you hadn't asked yet. "Hey, no fair! When you flirt it's cute, but when I flirt, you already know what I'm gonna say!" You say and turn, facing away from her and cross your arms. "Hey, I'm sorry." Garnet replied with a smile as she leans in to hug you. You then quickly turn around and scare her. "Ah! You little rascal." You both laugh as Garnet gives you a playfully, soft punch. You both then sit there and laugh for a while until you get a phone call from Steven. You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone with a slightly cracked screen.

"Yo! Wassup Steven?"

"You and Garnet need to come home, NOW!"

"Why? What's wrong?!"

"There are hundreds of corrupted gems! And they're getting ins-"

Just then, the phone cut off. You looked at Garnet, who was listening to the whole conversation. You both then immediately stood up, and jolted for the temple. While you were riding in Garnet's back, you continued to try and call Steven. "Cmon Steven, pickup! Pick up!"

There was no answer the whole way home. When you got there, you saw Pearl fighting of what looked to be a horde of corrupted gems and she was losing. Garnet quickly went to help her while you looked for Steven and Amethyst. You found Steven unconscious in his bed with Amethyst trying to wake him up. "What happened to him?" You asked while running up the stairs.

"I-I don't know! He just hit his head and blacked out." Amethyst replied. You put your head to his chest and listened for a heart beat. Thankfully, you heard his heart was completely fine and you checked if he was still breathing. He was fine. "Just Stay here, and take care of him. Ima go help Garnet and Pearl." You say and Amethyst nods. You run downstairs and the corrupted gems, Pearl, and Garnet all bust through the window. You fall back, but the quickly get up and help fight. You summon your g/w and begin to fight, whilst dodging some hits. After a couple minutes, you are almost finished poofing all of the gems, but before the last one goes down, it shoots an arrow that is heading for Steven. This makes you jump up in front of the arrow so that it doesn't hit Steven, but it hits your arm instead. You fall to the ground and yell in pain. "Y/n!" Everyone yells as Garnet finally bubbles the last gem and sends it to the bubble room. Garnet runs up to you and looks at the arrow. It went clean through your arm. She hesitantly touched it, and even with the slightest touch, it made you erupt in pain and tears. "Aaaawwww! Fffffudge!"

After a while on discussing what you should do, everyone decided Garnet would quickly take the arrow out with you biting down on Amethyst's whip. "Okay ready?" Garnet asks and you hesitantly nod. "Alright.!" She says and quickly grabs the arrow and jabs it straight out of your arm. You bit down on the whip so hard that you ripped it, and you yelled so loud that it hurt Garnet so much to see she caused you so much pain.

After the pain went down a little, you then decided to try and heal yourself. You gripped the table and stared at your arm while concentrating real hard, but nothing happens. You close your eyes and try again, but nothing happens. Finally, you open your eyes and try once more, and nothing happens until you notice that the wound is slowly starting to heal itself. You become relieved without breaking focus and you concentrate harder. The healing then speeds up, and the wound is now completely healed. "Yes!" You say to yourself. "Look Garnet!" You show her your arm and she smiles. "Good job y/n! Just like your mother." Garnet mumbles the last words of that sentence, but you still hear it. "Wait what?"

"What?" Garnet says, regretting saying that and pretending to not know what you're talking about.

"How did you know my mom?"

"What? I didn't say anything about your mother. In fact IdontevenknowhowevilsheisbecauseyouarenothinglikeherwhywouldIevensaythat?" Garnet quickly says.

"Garnet! Why did you say I was like my mother?! Greg told me her story and I'm nothing like her!" You paused for a moment. " I?"

"No! No! Y/n, you're not. I only said that because you both share the quick learner trait! There was nothing bad, that was intended to come out."

"Okay, but how do you know her?" You looked at Garnet with a worried and concerned voice.

Garnet takes a deep breath. "Okay, it all started at the kindergarten..."

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