Chapter 15 "Movie Night"

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Hey! Before this chapter starts, I just wanna ask you guys if I should do a Q n A or a face reveal? Or both? I don't know about the Q n A though. I don't think I'd get that many questions. Meh, it's up to you guys! Comment if I should do any of these things! ❤️😊

A couple weeks after the 'incident', things have been getting back to normal. You took so many pictures with Steven and the gems and they've been getting along. The time Garnet took you swimming. When you made Pearl eat a donut, when Pearl threw up that donut, when Garnet took you back to school shopping, when she kept you company while serving detention for burning a kid, when you defeated ten holo-Pearls, and more importantly, yours and Garnet's one month anniversary of being together. Your entire camera roll on your phone had been filled with great memories of you, Garnet, and the gems.

"Y/n! Hurry up!" Steven called as you hustled to carry your things along to the car.
"You don't have to take that many things. We're only going to the movies." Pearl told you as you struggled to get all of your snacks, money, and brush into the car. As you sat next to Garnet, who was diving, you threw a couple snacks to the back where Amethyst was and Steven, who was in the middle. "Actually Pearl, I do." You told her as the car began to drive and you started brushing your hair.
"But y/n," Steven began, "we could get snacks at the movies!" You then turned and looked at him.
"Steven, movie snacks are so expensive. It's better to break the rules and sneak the food in, then to buy cardboard popcorn for five dollars more that regular popcorn."

After fixing yourself up, you turned on the radio and started listening to music. You played with the radio for a bit until you found a song that everybody would enjoy.

You all enjoyed the songs, except Pearl didn't like the second one.

When you got to the movies, you stopped and looked in the mirror once more. You then looked at Garnet. "Garnet, how do I look?" You said. She smiled at you and gave you a kiss on the lips.
"You look beautiful." She replied and you smiled and stepped out of the car. You then went up to the lady in the booth and asked for tickets. "Three adults and two children for Dogcopter 3 please!" Steven happily told her. She gave you the tickets, and the five of you walked in. When you did, you looked at all of the cool movies. You saw movies from Ant Boy, to Ouijer, to Transmatrix.

Steven's POV

I was looking at all of the movie signs with y/n. I then turned and looked at the games. I saw a load of kids there, playing games. I didn't think much of it until I saw someone. A boy. He looked like me. Same hair, shirt, pants, and flip flops. The only difference was that he looked tinted pink and...slightly transparent? I don't know. He was staring at me dead in the eyes with a straight face. I decided to wave at him to get his attention or something, but he didn't move. He just stood there until I got a huge head ache. I closed my eyes and held my head and after three seconds it stopped, I opened my eyes and looked back to where he was, but he was gone. I started thinking about what had just happened until Garnet called us and y/n and I ran over to the gems to catch up.

Third Person POV

You, Steven, and the gems went into the theater and watched the movie. You sat next to Garnet and as the lights dimmed, Garnet placed her hand on yours and for the entire movie, you both held hands.

After the movie, you guys left the theater and drove home. As you were driving, you started talking about the movie and theories. You then began joking to Garnet about little things like the movie, the theater, etc. You looked at Steven and noticed he wasn't laughing and was just looking out the window. "Hey Steven, you okay?" You asked. He looked at you with a very mysterious look.
"I don't know y/n."

"Why do you say that?"

"So at the movies, I saw a boy who looked exactly like me. And I mean EXACTLY. The only difference is that he seemed sort of transparent and was tinted pink." Steven explained to you. When he finished, Garnet immediately stopped the car, as if she was about to be in a car crash. The stop made you hit your head on the dash board, and Pearl hit her forehead on the seat. "What?! What's wrong Garnet?!" You asked her and she ignored you.
"Steven! What did you say the difference was?!" Garnet asked, looking behind her seat to look at him.

"He was transparent and was tinted pink. Why?" Steven replied.

"Did he have eyes?" Garnet nervously asked, ignoring Steven's question.

"No, they were glowing white." He replied, getting worried and scared. "But why Garnet?"

Garnet then looked back to the steering wheel and she took of her visors. You saw worry in her eyes and sweat coming from her forehead. "They're back." Garnet whispered.
"What Garnet? What's back?" You asked, worriedly. The entire car filled with silence as Garnet put her visors back onto her face and took a deep breath that can be heard throughout the small sickens car. As wind came in through your open window and made small circles in your hair, Garnet glanced at you.

"The Lucid Gems"

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