Chapter 53 "Mistake"

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Question of the day: Have you ever thought of killing a person or at least hurting them?

Second Person POV

You wake up in your old bed that you never slept on, with the sheets over you. You look around, and see that you're alone. You sit up with the sheets still covering you, and notice some clothes on your bed with a paper. It was a note and it read, "Hey baby! Since you fell asleep, I decided to cover you up, and leave some clothes for you, in case you wake up before I come back. By the way, I'm on a mission right now. Love you! Take care! <3"

The note made you smile. You quickly got dressed, and ran out of there because you were already hit and sweating from the heat in that room. When you enter the house, you see Steven still in bed, Pearl reading a book, and Amethyst eating all of the food in the fridge. They all notice you, greet you, then you decide to take a shower. Since you barely put on the clothes that Garnet left for you, you decide to put them back on after you shower.

You place the clothes on the toilet seat, and step in. The hot water running down your back and hitting your neck reminds you of calm afternoons you sometimes had with Garnet.

After the shower, you put your clothes back on, and walked out. After brushing and blow drying your hair, you decide to join Pearl and her reading.

Pearl's POV

As y/n sits next to me, I start to feel tingly and hot. I know her and Garnet have been dating for years, but my feelings for y/n have never left. For every second that she is near me, my feelings grow and grow stronger. I seriously can't take it anymore. "Hey Pearl! Whatcha readin?" she asks me. It try my best to play it off cool. "Oh nothing. It's this book called Unity."

"Oh, like the song?" She says and I give her a confused face.

"The song Unity. It's from someone call Fats Rats or something? I don't know, but it's a really great song."

I really can't take it anymore. Staring at those e/c eyes just makes me want to hold her and kiss her all over. I accidentally bite my lip while looking at her, and she catches me staring. "Um...Pearl?" She says and I snap back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Oh. Um, yes. I'm fine." I reply. It kills me not to tell her how much I love her. I pause for a moment and think about what I'm going to say next. I finally decide to tell her how I feel so I take a deep breath a look down at my knees. I then close the book and take y/n's hand. "Y/n, can you please meet me in my room?" I ask.

    "Uh..okay," she says back.

   I lead her to the temple door, open it, and pull her in. "Pearl, what are we doing here?" Y/n says, but I ignore her.


   "Pearl?" I ask again, but she ignores me again. She pushes me against the wall with our chests touching. I feel myself blush and I start to feel hot. "Y/n, I really like you," I hear her say.

   "I really like you too Pearl," I reply, hoping this isn't going where it's going. I swear if it gets as out of hand as it did before, I'm going to punch her til' she poofs. I try softly pushing her off, but she pushes me back to the wall while holding my wrists. "Y/n," she pauses, "I still love you..."

   Oh no! Please no! Why does she still have to do this?! Ugh. If Amethyst too, I'm done. I get lost I my own thoughts until I get snapped back into reality by Pearl kissing my neck. I try and tell her nicely to get off and leave me alone, but she ignores me again and continues to kiss my neck. Pearl keeps kissing all over until she hits my sweet spot. I accidentally let out a moan and I blush even more. Pearl then starts to change. She starts looking like Garnet. I may be hallucinating, but I seriously can't help myself. She continues to hit my sweet spot and I keep on moaning. She then moves up to my face, and makes out with me. I don't know why, but I keep seeing Garnet's face and I can't help but kiss back. We make out for god knows how long until I remember, it's Pearl who I'm kissing. I immediately push her away with all my strength, and she falls back. I open the temple door and run out with so many thoughts rushing my head. "Steven! Come on!" I yell to him. Steven comes rushing behind me as I walk out the door, not looking behind. We walk to, my favorite spot, the top of the hill with the light house. I sit down as Steven does the same and I look at him in the eyes. "Steven, I did something really regrettable. So bad that I don't know if Garnet is going to forgive me," I say with small tears in my eyes.

   "Y/n," Steven says while putting his hand on my shoulder, "whatever you did, I'm sure Garnet will forgive you for it."

I sniff and smile. "Thanks Steven," I say as he puts his hand down and I take a deep breath. "Okay."

"So apparently, Pearl's feelings for me never left. She took me into her room and started kissing me. I don't know what came over me, but I started kissing her back. We started making out a bit and it sortakindalastedforalongtime!" I said quickly.

"Are you serious?" I hear from behind me and I see the last person I want to see right now.


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