Chapter 27 "Confronted"

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Hazel's POV

When Garnet left, I called friend, Adam.

Hazel: Hey Adam! The plan worked perfectly.

Adam: Good. So you kissed y/n?

Hazel: Oh wait, I was supposed to kiss y/n? I kissed Garnet.

Adam: Are you serious?! You're so stupid!

Hazel: Sorry! I was just-

Adam: You're so useless! You were supposed to kiss y/n, so that Garnet would fall in love with me! Just, make y/n hate Garnet, then I'll come in and comfort her and then she'll love me. Got it?

Hazel: Yes, but how-

Hazel was interrupted by the sound of the phone hanging up. " I do that?" She finished.

Third Person POV

At the temple...

"How do I know you're not lying?" You asked, still wanting to believe Garnet.

"You don't, but you're gonna have to trust me. Just give me another chance." Garnet replied. You took a deep breath, and looked at her with a straight face. "You have five minutes to convince me that it wasn't your fault." You said, holding up five fingers.

"Ok." Garnet nodded nervously. She then took out a small pack of sprinkles. "Look, when Hazel was putting sprinkles on the cake, I tried it and these sprinkles must have been mixed with some weird potion or something because these are what made me kiss Hazel."

You looked at the sprinkles with a perplexed expression. You the pivoted to Garnet.  "Really?" You replied.

"Look I'll show you!" Garnet knew you weren't convinced yet. She then turned to Amethyst and told her to eat them. Amethyst did as told and ate the sprinkles. You and Garnet waited for something to happen. Amethyst turned to Pearl and began flirting, and trying to kiss her. Although it made you slightly uncomfortable, you were completely convinced. "Oh my goodness Garnet!" You said with small tears in your eyes. "I'm so sorry I doubted you!" And you pulled her in for a hug. The both of you discuss what you should do, and you decided to go confront Hazel.

"HAZEL!" You yelled while slamming the door open. Although Garnet thought that wasn't the best way to start off, she went along with it. Hazel was startled by you, dropping her glass on the floor. She decided to ignore it and walked around the counter to see you both.

   "Oh! H-Hello!  W-what may I help you with?" She said nervously. You stomped up to Hazel, getting right up in her face.

   "Why did you kiss my girlfriend?! And why did you put her under a spell?!" You said angrily. Garnet felt uncomfortable that you were yelling. She knew you had anger issues, but she thought you were going a little to far. Still, Garnet just decided to go with it.

   "W-what? I don't know what you're talking ab-" Hazel started, but was interrupted by a slap on her face.

   "Y/n!" Garnet said, surprised that you had slapped Hazel.

   "DON'T YOU LIE TO ME HOE! I KNOW YOU DID THAT WITCH CRAFT POTION JUNK ON MY WOMAN!" You yelled, ignoring Garnet. You watched as Hazel gently and slowly rubbed her cheek. She looked at you and giggled. "What's so funny?!" You yelled, getting frustrated and slightly nervous.

"Nothing, it's just..."Hazel then pulled out a whip from behind her elbow. It was pink, with purple lightning, and a bright red axe on the other side of the handle. Hazel held it in a fighting stance and smirked. "You're gonna regret putting your hands on me."

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