Chapter 13 "Plan"

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Y/n's POV

After Ruby and Sapphire finish talking, I see them cheer each other up and form Garnet again. She wipes her tears, summons her visors, and begins to open the temple door to walk into the house. I take the chance to jump in behind her and slip into the bathroom. Surprisingly, I succeed without anybody noticing and I come out of the bathroom again, pretending I was just using it. When I come out, I see the hurt in Garnet's expression and I really want to tell her that I know, but I can't. If I do, she'll blow my cover of messing with Pearl and Amethyst. I feel bad for doing this, but she has to think that I'm falling into their trap for this to work. I put on a fake smile and say, "Oh, good morning Garnet! You want some breakfast?" She then smiles and nods.
"Yes, I would like that."
I walk over to the kitchen and start up the stove. "Pearl! Amethyst! Wake up! It's time for breakfast!"
After saying that, Steven and the gems get up and walk downstairs. As Pearl and Amethyst sit next to the counter, Pearl says, "Good morning y/n! How did you sleep?"
"I slept really well actually!" I say and I make Pearl and Amethyst smile and Garnet frown. Steven then joins me and sees what I'm cooking. He helps me cook and make breakfast. I then purposely burn myself and the three gems all stand up. "Y/n! Are you okay?!" Garnet says and I see Amethyst give her an evil stare. She then sits back down and Pearl comes to me and kneels down. She then grabs my hand, looks at it, and kisses it. "There, do you feel better now?" she asks me and I smile. "Yeah. Thanks, Pearl!" I say and I hug her. Garnet then gets up and stomps into her room. Yes, I feel bad for doing this to her, but trust me. She and I are going to have the final laugh. I just need more time to convince Pearl and Ame that I'm falling in love with them.


The gems decided to visit Connie and see what happened after they came back. I knocked on Connie's door and she answered. She sat us down and began telling us the story. While she was telling the story, Pearl slipped her hand next to her and I put mine on top of hers. I noticed her smile and blush. I then see Garnet notice us holding hands and she frowns. I then decide to lay my head on Amethyst shoulder and I let go of Pearl's hand and take Amethyst's instead. Garnet then stands up and asks to talk to me outside. "Yes! My plan is working!" I think to myself.

When Garnet and I walk out, I see Pearl and Amethyst give Garnet dead looks. When we walk outside, Garnet closes the door and kneels down to where we are both at equal eye height. "Y/n," she tells me in a concerned tone, "Are you starting to like Pearl and Amethyst more than me?"
"What? No! Why would you say that?" I tell her, trying to act like I don't know what's going on.

"Well, you seem to be holding hands, hanging out, and cuddling with them. You seem to be doing things that you and I would do." Garnet says.

"Garnet, are you okay? Nothing has been going on with us. You're the one who didn't want to watch that movie with me or didn't come over to me and heal my burn. Are you seeing things? Because I think you're being overprotective again." I tell her, and it hurt me like hell to say those words. I saw hurt and pain in her eyes and expression. I could tell she felt betrayal, but I had to do it. I have to keep it up for a little while longer. I walk back inside acting annoyed, leaving Garnet outside. I sit down in between Pearl and Amethyst and hug them. I then start holding their hands and lay my head on Amethyst's shoulder. After a couple minutes of listening to the story, Garnet comes in and as she passes me I hear a sniff. "Was she crying?" I thought. I then see her grab a tissue and wipe her eyes under her visors. "OH NO, SHE WAS CRYING," I think to myself. I feel myself get hurt even more because I had made her cry. I really want to tell her that I know about the pictures and to play along with me, but I can't for another reason.

When Connie finishes telling the story, we walk back to the temple. During the walk, I try my best not to walk next to Garnet, although I really want to. I walk in between Pearl and Amethyst once again and begin holding Pearl's hand. I see her blush and smile, and I try not to laugh. I act like I don't notice the blush and that holding her hand is not a big deal. We start talking about human things and gem things. We make jokes and laugh at things, but I was fake laughing. I couldn't truly laugh because the only person I want to laugh with is Garnet. I hurt her and I can barely live with that.

Garnet's POV

I see y/n lagging behind and I nicely tell her to catch up and hopefully walks next to me. Instead, she walks next to Pearl and Amethyst and she starts holding Pearl's hand again. It infuriated me that their plans were working. It hurt me that they were baiting her and I couldn't do anything about it. I look down and to my right and hug myself, just trying not to think about it at all. I then hear some footsteps come next to me and I look to my left to see some pink flip flops. I look up and see Steven trying to talk to me. "Hey Garnet are you okay?" He tells me and I sniff. "No..." I reply.

"It's about y/n isn't it."

I nod and say, "Yeah, she's been giving Pearl and Amethyst more attention and love than me."

"Yeah, I noticed it too."

"But the thing is," I began looking at y/n, "She isn't like that. I don't think she would do something like that."

"You think?"

"No...I know."

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