Chapter 25 "Hazel"

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Garnet's POV

"We have to have everything ready by tomorrow." I say.

"Amethyst, did you buy the balloons yet?" Pearl asks.

"Yep! They're in my room." Amethyst replies.

"Great! So we have everything ready. The balloons, party hats, mini games, and the presents. All we need now is the cake." Steven adds.

"I'll get the cake. Everyone else start inviting people. Got it?" I say as everyone nods. As I walk into the bakery, I see so many different cakes. From wedding cakes, to anniversary cakes. They had all of them. I walked up to the nice young lady at the counter. "Hello, I'm here to pick up a cake that I ordered yesterday." I said.

Third Person POV

"Yes, of course!" The woman replies and brings out the cake. Garnet looks at it and smiles. She then picks it up, but the woman at the counter stops her. "Oh wait! I forgot to add sprinkles!" She said. "Here, let's set it down on the table over here."

Both Garnet and the worker sat down and as she began sprinkling them onto the cake, she stopped herself. "Oh! Before I add more to the rest of the cake, why don't you give it a try?"

"Okay." Garnet replied, getting a little bit of cake with sprinkles on her finger. "And by the way, what's you name?"

"Hazel." The woman smirked as she watched Garnet taste the cake with the sprinkles. "So how's the cake Garnet?"

"It's sweet. Wait, what was your name again?"


" That's a beautiful name." Garnet smirked. "Almost as beautiful as you." Both Garnet and Hazel began looking at each other in a loving way. Garnet pushed the cake to the side, without breaking eye contact with Hazel. As Garnet and Hazel grow closer, they lock lips. Garnet put her head at the back of Hazel's to deepen it and she starts to softly moan. They both stand up, breaking apart and go around the table. Garnet and Hazel then come face to face and begin kissing once again. After a minute or two, they both hear a ring from the door open. "Garnet?" A voice says from behind her. Garnet turns around, only to see you with major tears streaming down both of your cheeks. "Y/n?" Garnet says, as she sees you run off. You start running back to the temple, with tears and ice cubes trailing behind. As Garnet sees you leave, she looks at Hazel who seems confused, and then runs out the door, trying to follow you.

When Garnet finally enters the house, she is stopped by Amethyst and Pearl who both seem very angry. "Where's y/n?" Garnet asked.

"Why do you care?" Amethyst replied.

Garnet was about to give a response until she was cut off your small silent cries. Garnet looks behind Pearl, and sees you sitting on the couch with your face in your hands and Steven comforting you. "Y/n!" Garnet called reaching for you, but Pearl and Amethyst pushed her back. "Don't get near her!" Pearl spat.

"Yeah! She told us what happened! And you can't get near her right now!" Amethyst added, while crossing her arms. Steven then called from across the room after having his own little conversation with you. "Pearl! Amethyst! Y/n decided she's going to sleep over with Peridot and Lapis tonight."

"That's a good idea Steven." Pearl replied. "Take her to where Garnet can't hurt her anymore!"

Steven stood you up and you both started walking with you hugging yo self with your hood on and your head down. Before you stepped onto the warp pad, Garnet pushed through Amethyst and Pearl. She tried stopping you by putting her hand on your shoulder, but you jerked forward, signaling that you didn't want anything to do her.

Hey guys! So how do you feel about Hazel? Why did Garnet kiss her? You'll find the answer to this question in the next chapter! Stay tuned!

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