Chapter 50 "Concussion"

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Question of the day:

Favorite Steven Universe song?

Second Person POV

   You wake up to Garnet calmly shaking you. "Wake up baby," she says with her soft voice. You open your eyes and immediately know where you are. You're in Steven's bed. You try to sit up, but your head hurts so bad, that you quickly fall back down. "Don't move y/n, your friends say that you hurt your head pretty badly, so you need to rest." Garnet gives you a kiss on the forehead and tucks you back into bed. She then gives you a small cup of hot chocolate and you fall asleep again.

The next day...

You wake up and notice that all of the gems, including Steven, are staring at you while you sleep. "Um, guys?" You ask, very uncomfortable.

"Good Morning y/n! How did you sleep?" Steven says casually.

"Fine, I guess. Why are you guys staring at me?"

"Oh, we just wanted to see how you were doing!" Pearl said nervously.

    "Yeah! We all care 'bout you bro!" Amethyst adds.

   You get annoyed and turn around. You then quickly pull the sheets over your head and try to go back to sleep. After a couple seconds, you feel someone sit next to you, and wrap their arms around you. You open your eyes, and realize it's a Garnet's arms. Your expression then goes from annoyed to comfortable and you hold onto her arms. You look at her and you also notice that Steven, Pearl, and and Amethyst left. "Now, can you tell me what happened at the skatepark?" She says and you start to turn red from embarrassment. You look away from her and she smiles, while hugging you slightly tighter. "Cmon y/n."

   "*sigh* Fine. I went to go meet Jake, Dax, and Robin. We decided to start skating and do some tricks. In the middle of me doing my trick, I noticed one of the screws of the board was loose and I misplaced my landing, and fell. After that, everything went black." You replied, rubbing your head a little.

"Again?!" Garnet raised her voice slightly and sat up, which made you do the same. "Y/n, I know you love skating, but the accidents are getting out of hand! What if next time you get hurt, you get permanent brain damage, or worse!"

"Well I didn't! And I'll be more careful next time!" You said, also raising your voice.

"You said that last time!" Garnet removed her visors, you saw her three colorful eyes, and blushed, "you are not going to go skating again, and that's final!"

"But Garnet!"

"No! No buts! Now lay down! You need to rest, because you still have a concussion!" Garnet yelled and you got even more angry.

"No! I am going to skate because skating is what makes me happy!" You snapped while getting out of bed and walking towards the door. "And if you don't want that, then maybe you don't want me to be happy!!!" You slammed the door and ran outside.

While walking down the stairs in the house, Garnet noticed something on your gem. It was cracked. She quickly ran after you, worried that you might hurt yourself again with Steven following behind, who heard everything.

When they got outside, they didn't hear you. Garnet and Steven decided to look for you around Beach City. "She couldn't have gone far! She only just left!" Steven says, concerned about your disappearance.

He and Garnet continued looking around until a couple minutes later, they both walked up to some clothes that was laying on the ground. Those clothes were yours. Garnet immediately blushed and became even more worried than she was previously, until she heard a small explosion followed by a small laugh similar to yours, in the distance. When Steven and Garnet go there, they saw a destroyed fountain, followed by muddy foot prints leading to another part in town. They decided to follow the foot prints continuously until it came to a stop at a wall. "The foot prints just leave to a wall! Now how are we going to find y/n?!" Steven says worriedly. Before Garnet could answer, they could hear a small chuckle come from above them. They looked up, and saw something perched at the top of the building they were next to. Turns out, it was you with your cracked gem, naked with a batsman cape and a gun. "HAHA! YOU HAVE FALLEN RIGHT INTO MY TRAP! BECAUSE I..." you then pulled the cape across your face so that it only shows your eyes and up. "...AM BATMAN!"

Garnet immediately blushed and covered Steven's eye. She then told Steven to go home, and she'll call him when she needs him. As Steven runs off, you jump down from the building, and point the gun at Garnet. "YOU! YOU WILL BE MY ASSISTANT IN PROTECTING DORY CITY FROM THE FORCES OF MARCO DIAZ!" you made absolutely no sense, but Garnet was more focused on getting the gun away from you. You ran off onto the board walk, still naked, with Garnet chasing behind you. The cops soon arrived and Garnet stopped a short distance away from you. For some stupid reason, you decided to point your gun at the cops and they began shooting you. It scared Garnet to death with every bullet that was shot. Although it scared Garnet, it didn't scare you at all. You quickly and swiftly dodged the bullets while still playfully pointing the gun at the cops and making little "pew!" noises, but not actually firing. After a while, you finally got away from the cops and turned the corner, to see Jake, Dax, and Robin (you were still completely naked).

You were about to yell over at them, but Garnet quickly grabbed you and pulled you into an alley way. You got out of her grasp and pointed the gun at her. "Are you trying to steal my cape?! WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO STEAL MY CAPE?!" You yell with craziness in your eyes.

"I'm not trying to steal anything y/n, I'm just trying to get you to hand me that gun. It's dan-her-ous." Garnet began talking softly and slowly, as if you were an infant. She slowly moved closer to you and tried to take the gun away, but you refused. You began shooting at her with rage and fury. "NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH MY CAAAAAPEEE!!!" You yell as loud as you can and began pulling the trigger multiple times. You start shooting her, but she quickly, but barely, dodges the bullets. You had shot about five bullets, and you began to grow inpatient, so you started shooting the bullets faster and faster and it became harder and harder for her to dodge.

Garnet tried to get to safety as quickly as possible, but you stopped her by shooting a bullet straight through her chest...

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