Chapter 24 "Alone Time"

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Y/n's POV

I wake up to the beautiful sight of Garnet. Then I see Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven on the sides. I give them a small smile. "So how about that call?" I say to Garnet, referring to the pick up line. As my vision clears up, I can feel everyone hug me at once. "You did it y/n! You brought us back!" Garnet said. We all talked about the Lucid Gems, and how they shouldn't be coming back for one thousand years. We all celebrated and decided to eat some cake. While eating cake, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I look back and I see Garnet smiling and it makes me smile too. She then kisses the cake off of my face and it makes me blush. I'm guessing she notices because she starts giggling and I feel myself blush deeper, so I put my face in my hands and start laughing. She hugs me and I hug her back. After that, I go with the gems to help hang up the car wash sign while Steven and Connie stay at home.

Third Person POV

You're sitting in a small chair, eating chips while you watch as Garnet and Pearl carefully set down the sign. Garnet accidentally drops the sign on her foot and you spring up. "Garnet are you okay?!" You ask, trying hard not to laugh. She gives you a thumbs up, and starts to laugh. Soon, everybody else begins laughing. After that, you all go out for some pizza. On the way inside the house, you stop Garnet. "Hey Garnet, you wanna take some time alone?" You ask. She smiles and nods, and tells the others to go inside without you two. She then takes your hand and you both begin walking. "So, where are we going?" Garnet asks.

"You'll see." You smirk and eventually lead her to the top of the hill. You plop down onto the grass and signal for Garnet to sit next to you. She takes your hand again and says, "So this is where you want to go huh?" Garnet smirks.

"Yeah well, I want us to have some time alone, ya know?"

"Yeah. Do you ever look at someone and say, 'what did I ever do to deserve this goofball?'" Garnet replies, referring to you.

"Of course. I think that everyday whenever I look at you." You say as the two of you begin star gazing.

"You literally died for me."

"You brought me back to life."

"Touché" Garnet says, and the both of you laugh. After calming down, the both of you continued to watch the stars without word. You then remembered a poem and decided to say it.

"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay." You said.

"Where did you hear that?" Garnet asked, amused at how amazing she thought the poem was.

"I don't know. I just saw it somewhere on the internet. I always thought it was nice, but I never really new the meaning of it." You then gave Garnet a hug as she put her arm around you. Right before you fell asleep you said, "Stay gold."

Time Skip~~

Garnet's POV

As y/n is in Steven's bed sleeping, everyone else is outside, talking about y/n's birthday. I am sitting down next to Steven and I say, "We have to have everything ready by tomorrow."

Hey, sorry to bother you. First of all, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this book and it's chapters. I'm sorry about this, but I am going to shorten these chapters from 1,000 words per chapter, to around 600-900 words per chapter. I've been busy doing many important things and I have been having so many Author Blocks and no motivation, to the point where I literally forced myself to write "Remember", "School Day", "Memories", and "Alone Time". The 600-900 words will be more fitting for me and way less stressful on me for the daily publishes. I hope you guys understand! And remember to vote, comment, and tell other readers about my books! I love you all!!❤️☺️

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