Chapter 3 "Break"

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You walked into the temple, only to find Pearl and Amethyst arguing again. You walked in front of them both, and like always, blushed at the sight of you. "Guys!" You said. "What are you two fighting about this time?!"
They both blushed darker and didn't reply. "Well?" You asked, waiting for an answer. "We were kinda arguing about whooo likes youuu morrree?" Amethyst nervously said.
"WHAT?!" You yelled as you threw your hands in the air. "You guys are still going on about that?!" You decided to not let them answer, and you sighed. After a couple seconds, you calmed down. "*sigh* I'm sorry Pearl. I'm sorry Amethyst. I'm just really angry right now. You then walked over to the temple door and knocked on it. "Garnet!" You called. "Garnet! You there?!" She then walked out of her room and smiled at you. "Hello, love! What do you need?" She asked hugging you.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to stay over at Peridot and Lapis's for tonight okay? Just to stay away from the drama and things on my mind lately. We can talk about it when we get back okay?" As you were talking, you grabbed a pillow and blanket.
"Oh, but what if you get hurt? I don't want you to go through any more pain!" Garnet wept.
"Don't worry Garnet, I'll be fine. Tell you what? You can come visit and check on me whenever you want. As long as it's not too often." You smiled, and then pecked her on the lips. She smiled back and sighed. "Okay." She said. You waved at Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven goodbye, and you warped out. After you left, Garnet then crossed her arms and looked at Pearl and Amethyst with a concerned face. "So, fighting over y/n huh?" She said.

You arrived at the barn and went to go knock on the door. "Peridot! Lapis!" You called. "Is it okay if I sleep over for the night?!" Lapis then opened the door and looked at you. "Oh! Hey, y/n! Nice if you to visit!" Lapis said. "Sure, you can sleep over for as long as you need." You set your things down on a beanbag as Lapis called Peridot. "Peridot! Y/n is here and she's sleeping over with us!" Immediately after she called Peridot, she responded.
"Y/n!" Peridot yelled excitedly. She then fell on her face with a large Camp Pining Hearts t-shirt covering her entire body. You walked over to her with you and Lapis laughing at her. "Peridot! Haha! Are you okay?" You lifted up the shirt, only to find her laughing too. "I-I may have miscalculated the platform area while making my jump." She laughed. You helped her up and you all hung out. Peridot and Lapis showed you their show, Camp Pining Hearts and while you were watching an episode, they were both fangirling in the back. You soon became attached to it. After watching a couple of episodes, you all decided to talk about it and ships. "But Percy and Pierre are OTP!!!" You said. "Paulette should just get her crusty little yellow fever self out of the relationship!"
"That's exactly what I said!" Lapis replied laughing. You all didn't many shenanigans and mess around until dark. You were doing arts and crafts with Peridot until you noticed that Lapis was missing. "Hey, where's Lapis?" You asked Peridot.
"Uhm...I think she went on the roof." Peridot replied. You thanked her and climbed onto the truck. You then looked at the roof, and there she was, looking at the stars. You decided to climb on with her since she looked so lonely. "Uh hey Lapis. What's up?" You asked.
"Nothing." She replied. "Just gazing at the stars, getting some fresh air." You sat closer to her and began thinking about the diamonds and what they did. You decided to talk about it. "*sigh*...Lapis, can I talk to you about something?"
"Uh, sure." She looked at you.
"Did you ever get the feeling that something bad happened to you or you did something bad and..." you paused. " it? Kinda? Sorta?"
"Well, what do you mean?" Lapis said concerned.
"I-I...was tortured for..a-answers about my family.." you stuttered. Lapis was still waiting for you to talk. "And the thing is....I liked the torture."
"What? What do you mean you liked it?!" Lapis said in a surprised, but calm voice.

"The whip began to tickle. The metal bat felt like a massage. And every time I got stabbed, it felt like acupuncture....ugh, I'm horrible!" You dig your face into your hands and began to cry. Lapis noticed this and tried comforting you in a hug.
"Hey, hey, I know how it feels," Lapis said.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I was in an abusive relationship with someone, and it wasn't healthy, and I knew that, but I still liked it. I missed it." Lapis began to cry too, but she then decided to cheer herself up.
"But it takes time to heal and get better." She smiled at you and you smiled back.
"Is that what you've been doing Lapis? Healing?" You asked.
"Yeah." She nodded.
You both began looking at the stars again.
"I'm glad to have someone who knows what I'm going through and that I can talk to." You began.
"Yeah," Lapis replied. "When I first began healing, I didn't have anyone to talk to who can relate." She paused. "But at least I have you now." She looked at you with a pitiful smile. You smiled back with both of you still having small tears in your eyes. And out of now where, Lapis came in closer and crashed her lips into yours. Again, you froze and didn't do anything to prevent or encourage it. You put your hands on Lapis's shoulders pushing slightly, but not enough for you two to break the kiss. She put her hands on the back of your head to deepen the kiss. She began making out with you, her closing your eyes and yours, wide open. You soon ran out of breath and jerked away to catch your breath. She looked at you with immediate regret. "Oh my gosh! I-I'm so s-sorry y/n! I didn't know what I was thinking!" Lapis stuttered. She then summoned her water wings and began to fly off, but you didn't want her to. You didn't want her to feel bad. You stood up and said, "Lapis wait!" She didn't listen and kept flying. You noticed this and decided to jump for her. You grabbed her leg and was now hanging twenty feet above the ground. You got scared, so you held on tighter. "Y/n! Let go! We're gonna fall!" Lapis yelled as her wings couldn't hold you both anymore and you both fell on the ground. When you landed, you fell on top of Lapis (like how Peridot fell on top of Amethyst in the episode Too Far). You both blushed madly, and you froze at what had happened. You then heard someone call your name."Y/n?" You look up, and see Garnet.

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