Chapter 26 "Anger"

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"She really did that?!" Lapis asked. You nodded without making eye contact. "Can I sleep here for tonight?" You asked.

"Of course!" Lapis replied. "Peridot c'mere!"

Peridot came charging in. "Yes Lapis?"

"Y/n is gonna sleep here tonight, so I want you to make a bed in the back of the truck for her to sleep in." Lapis said, then turned to you. "Wait, are you okay with sleeping there?"

You nodded a yes. As you watched Peridot run off, you decided to hug Lapis. "Thanks Lapis."

She blushed and hugged you back. "No problem y/n."

Garnet's POV

I watched as y/n hugged Lapis. I felt my heart shatter into pieces, so I left. As I was walking back, I started think about why I had done what I did. "I didn't think anything about Hazel since she" I told my self.

"Hazel." I whispered in realization.

Third Person POV

You and Lapis were sitting in the back of the truck, with the tv in front of you. You had been feeling better and forgetting about the accident. You put your hand down and you felt something on top of it. You looked, only to see a slender blue hand. You looked up at the blue gem. "Um Lapis, what are you doing?" You asked, but received no answer. Lapis then started to slowly draw in closer to your face until you realized what she was doing. "Lapis are you serious?" You said, scooting farther, making her stop in her tracks.

"What's wrong y/n?"

"I only just got over it and you're doing that now?!" You yelled with small tears in your eyes.

"Y/n I-" Lapis began, but was cut off. "You know what?! I'm outta here! All of you are hopeless!!" You yelled while jumping off of the truck. When you jumped down, you felt yourself sink down onto something. You looked down at your feet, and noticed that you had burned through your shoes. You decided to take them off and walk out into the field. While walking barefoot through the crop field, you could barely see anything through the dark of the night sky. With every step you took, there was a small set of fire setting, then quickly burning out. You then began scolding and talking to yourself. "Why do Gems have to be so stupid?! Why am I so stupid?! Why did Garnet cheat on me?! Was it for punishment?! UGH! I'm so fucking stupid for trusting them!!!" You said as tears began forming in your eyes. You went to the edge of the cliff and sat down. You then buried you hands in your face, and began crying. "I just want my dad." You whispered to yourself.

Steven, who was following you, heard the entire thing. "Um y/n? Can we talk?"

You nodded your head and wiped your tears. "What do you want Steven?"

"I know how it feels, to not have your dad. You feel alone. Like you need him to feel better. Like he's the only one who will truly understand what's wrong. But he's not the only one. Although other people might not know what you're going through, they can just listen and make you feel better. Sometimes talking about it is the way to solve the problem." Steven said. You were comforted by Steven's words. A smile began to form on your face until you thought about Garnet. Then it quickly faded. "Are you saying you want me to talk to Garnet?" You asked.

   "Yes, I am." Steven put his arm on your shoulder, as if he was expecting anger from you. Unexpectedly, you took a deep breath and accepted it, which had vividly shown on your red, hot face.

   "Okay." You said in acceptance. "But first, let me go apologize to Lapis." You then ran to the barn and hopped onto the truck. As the sunrise glinted in your eyes, you could barely see the Lapis was in the barn, talking to Peridot with a frown. "Hey Lapis. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I was angry and my emotions went out of hand. If you want, we can talk later, but right now I have somewhere to be. Bye!" You told her. Those words turned her frown into a sudden small smile.

   You and Steven warped to the temple. When you got there, Garnet immediately stopped you before you could do anything. "Y/n! Look, the whole me kissing Hazel thing was all an accident!" She started. You rolled your eyes in annoyance.

   "It wasn't my fault!" You began to get angry at her excuses and you started to not listen until three words caught you by surprise.

   "It was Hazel!"

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