Chapter 20 "The Park"

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Amethyst's POV

When I saw the Lucid Gem, I didn't make a sound. I was too afraid to move or say anything. The gem walks up to me, and takes my hand. She then tugs it, and I get transported to another place. I look around, and I realize I'm on a cold metal floor with cold metal walls. The room is dimly lit and I hear some one say my name. I turn around and see a boy with a red shirt, and curly hair. " I know you?" I ask as he helps me get up.

"Amethyst! It's me! Steven! Don't you remember me?!" He tells me with tears in his eyes. I pause and take a good look at him. Then, all of my memories of Steven flushed in. "Steven?!" I say while hugging him.

"Yes! Yes! It's me! You remember me!" He says with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Steven!" I reply, with tears streaming my eyes too. We then wipe our tears and I look around. I see a lot of other gems. There's Jasper's, Amethysts, and even Sapphires. "These are all gems, taken and by Lucid Gems, were forgotten by everyone else. They were left here and will be here, forever. Amethyst, we'll be here forever." Steven told me with tears streaming down his eyes.

Third Person POV

Amethyst walked over to Steven and wiped his tears with tears herself. Steven then sniffed and showed Amethyst a tablet. "Look, I came in with this tablet. I saw you get taken, and I saw how everyone forgot about me." The tablet showed you walking to the temple. You were kicking sand by yourself, and you were having a great time. "So she just forgot me just like that?" Amethyst asked and Steven nodded. They both then continued to watch the tablet.

Into the real world...

You opened the door to the temple. "Hey I'm back!" You said. Pearl and Garnet turned to you and smiled. "Welcome back y/n! Come sit down!" Garnet called over to you and you sat in Garnet's lap. Then you and Garnet began holding hands, which made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The both of you listened as Pearl continued to talk about your training and funny stories about the past. You then suddenly felt like you were forgetting something. Something important. Something living. You started thinking about what it could be, but you can't...remember. After a half hour or so, you fell asleep. Your dream was vivid and nice.

Your POV

I felt like I was floating. I turned around, and I felt cold. Then things started building around me. I ended up in an immense, pinkish field.

The field ^^^

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The field ^^^

I turn to see a little boy. He has a red shirt, black hair, and jeans. I walk up to him. "Who are you?" I say. He then starts to cry and run away.
"W-wait! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to make you cry!" I say while chasing him. "Wait!" As I'm running, he gets farther and farther until I fall into something. Of fall down a deep, deep hole. I now start falling and falling and I see the floor. I get closer and closer to the floor until right before I touch it, and I wake up.

"STEVEN!" I yell while jerking up. I accidentally hit Garnet in the face. I had forgotten that I fell asleep on her. "Woah. Careful there tiger." She says to me.

"Oh! Sorry Garnet!" I say giggly.

"It's okay, so what about Steven?" Garnet asks me.


"Steven. You know, the one who's name you just called out."

I immediately got a head ache. "Oh yeah. I don't know why I said that. I was having a dream, but I don't remember about what." I say while holding my head.

Garnet's POV

I look at y/n and she's holding her head. I ask her what's wrong and she dismisses it. I tell her okay, but I'm still suspicious and a little bit worried. She then asks me, "Hey, you wanna go to the park?" I nod, and then I stand up and go to the temple door. I knock on it and Pearl comes out of her room. I tell her that we'll be going to the park. After y/n gets ready, we both get in the car. "Why don't we just walk?"

"We can if you want to walk 17 miles." I reply smirking. She laughs and steps inside. During the drive, we talk and laugh about many things. When we get there, we take a walk and keep talking about things. Somehow, we end up flirting. "No your the cutest!" She tells me and I smirk.
"Okay fine. But is your cellphone in your pocket? Because that ass is calling me!" I say and she turns her head opens her mouth so that it make the shape of an O. "Garnet!!" She says while blushing. "I'm fourteen years old!"

"And I'm six thousand years old. What's it to you?" I reply while smirking and she playfully punches me in the arm.

Third Person POV

A couple seconds after you punch Garnet, Garnet lifts her head. Her smile immediately turns to horrified when she sees....

....a cliff hanger! 😈

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