Chapter 16 "Lucid Gems"

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Oh my goodness! You guys got my books in the Hot and Rising sections! I love you all sooo much! Thank you so much you guys are awesome! You're amazing! ❤️❤️❤️😁😆😊😙😚

"What?!" You all asked as Garnet turned the keys and started the car again. "Garnet, what is a Lucid Gem?" You asked worriedly.
"Wait! I'll tell you at the temple! We just need to get there as fast as we can!" Garnet replied, driving over the speed limit.

When you five got into the temple, Garnet quickly ran up to Steven's room while carrying him and threw him onto the bed. "Garnet! What's wrong? And what are Lucid Gems?!" You ask her again while at the bottom of the stairs with Pearl and Amethyst.
"Come, and I'll tell you!" Garnet replied, signaling for you three to come up to Steven's room with her. You did as you were told and sat on the bed next to her. She took a deep breath, and began speaking. "Lucid Gems are like ghosts. If you see one, then they take you and erase you from reality. People with forget you and you will be stuck in another reality forever. It's only if they look like you and they notice you. They come around every couple thousand years. I've heard rumors and people who have seen them and gotten away from them, so there's a chance we can save him. But now that Steven has seen one, they're almost never going to stop until they have him!"

When Garnet finished explaining, everybody went silent. "I don't wanna be forgotten guys! Please don't let me be forgotten! Please!" Steven cried. You could tell he was scared to death, and you would be too.
"Steven, don't worry. We're not going to let anyone take you." You walked over to him and hugged him. You wiped the tears from his eyes, and gave him a smile to make him do the same. "Thanks y/n."

"So, how are we going to do this?" Amethyst asked.

"We are going to have different time slots where we take care and look after Steven. Pearl, you take the mornings. Y/n takes the after noons. Amethyst takes the night until midnight. And I take the 12 to 6 shifts. Got it?" Garnet replied and everyone nodded. Garnet decided to go first while everyone else left. You fell asleep on the couch and Garnet looked at you while you fell asleep. During the night, it was very quiet. Nobody had come to get Steven and it was peaceful all night. In the morning, Pearl had now taken the shift to look after Steven. They both stuck together and Steven wasn't allowed to go outside. He was very upset about that, but the gems wouldn't let him for his own good. Pearl was very protective of him and he may have gotten annoyed a little bit, but he understood why. And even though nothing had happened yet, Steven was still a little paranoid about what would happen. It was now your turn to look after Steven and you both decided to play some video games so that Steven can get his mind off of it. While you were playing, you noticed that Steven's character wasn't moving. "H-hey, Steven. Are you okay?" You asked as you turned to him. Instead of answering your question, he replied with, "Y/n, I don't want to be forgotten."

You look at him with pity. You felt bad because he felt unsafe, and you didn't know what to do about it. The temple went silent, since the only people there were you and Steven. All of a sudden, all of the power left and turned everything off, including Steven's tv. The only light that was in the room was the light from the window and the door. You and Steven then heard a slamming sound and when you looked, the door was wide open. When you didn't see anything in the door, Steven saw the Lucid Gem again. "There he is! He's here to take me! Y/n help!" Steven yelled, pointing at the gem. To you, he was freaking out at something that wasn't there. "Steven! Where is he?!" You asked.

"There! He's there!"

As the gem began walking closer to Steven and up the stairs, he began breathing heavily. Steven backed up against the wall and summoned his bubble in fear. Steven watched as the Lucid Gem approached the bubble and reach for it. To his surprise, the gem reached through the bubble, making him freak out even more. The gem then got a hold of his leg and began tugging on it, lifting Steven up from the ground as he desperately pushes his body back. "Y/n! Y/N! Y/N!!!" He yelled as you noticed he was being lifted up. You began banging on the bubble and yelling for Steven to drop it so you can help him. "Steven! Drop the bubble! STEVEN!!!" You kept yelling and yelling, but Steven couldn't focus. He was freaking out too much to do anything.

After one final tug, Steven's hands gave up and he and the Lucid Gem disappeared along with his bubble. As his cries echoed through the house, it slowly faded away. "Steven?! STEVEN!" You yelled as the three gems each came out of their rooms, and the power turned back on. "Y/n?!" Garnet yelled as the three gems jumped over to the bed you were sitting on. "Y/n, what happened?!" Pearl asked you, wiping the tears from you face.

"Guys!" You said fearfully, "It took him!"

They looked at you worried. "It took who y/n?" Garnet asked you.

"Steven! It took Steven!" You cried as you began rubbing your eyes. The three gems each exchanged worried and confused expressions. Then Amethyst looked back at you, "Who's Steven?"

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