Chapter 38 "Accident?"

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Second Person POV

   You wake up to the sound of bacon sizzling, pancakes cooking, and the toaster beeping. You then throw the sheets off, brush your hair, change into some fresh clothes, and quickly run down stairs. Luckily, the only person that saw you changing was Garnet, who blushed and pretended she didn't notice, the entire time. You walked downstairs and sat down on the chair next to Steven, in front of the counter, with a straight face, and not saying a word. "Good morning, y/n!" Pearl says while handing you your plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. You then grab your fork, and start poking at your food while occasionally putting a little in your mouth. After chewing and swallowing the eggs, Pearl notices you've haven't been yourself. "Uh, are you okay y/n?" Pearl asks and you give her a glance as if you were disappointed in her. You could tell it made her uncomfortable, so you just shrugged and went back to eating. Garnet then nudges Pearl in the side and she looks at Garnet with a confused expression. "Don't talk to her! I already told you! Just leave her alone, and don't take it too seriously." Garnet whispered very quietly to Pearl, who then nodded and went back to cooking.

The clutter clattering of hammers seemed to grow louder the more you heard it. You looked to see what was going on and you saw that Steven and Amethyst are replacing the burnt and damaged boards. With every bang of the hammer, it grew more and more annoying, to the point to where you finally got fed up. "Garnet, I'm going to go visit Peridot and Lapis for a little while. You can come see me whenever you want." You say while putting your plate in a sink, and stuff your things in a back pack.

   "Okay, well be careful and don't get yourself into anymore trouble."

"Okay, bye! Love you!"

"Love you too!" Garnet says as you warp out.

You walk to the barn and see Peridot and Lapis watching Camp Pining Hearts. You called their names, and they scurried down to you like squirrels. "Y/n! What brings you here?" Lapis says excitedly.

   "Steven and Amethyst are fixing the burnt and damaged floor boards. Speaking of which, what even burnt and damaged them?" You replied.

   "Ruby and Sapphire." Said Peridot.


"Yeah," Lapis adds, "Garnet was so worried, that she split, and Ruby and Sapphire began freaking out at where you were."

"They really care about me that much?" You ask. They both nod, "She does care about you that much. We all do." Lapis says. They smile and the three of you hug for a while. After breaking apart, you in pack your things and talk for a little while. The entire time, you had a straight face. You then get bored, and decide to climb on top of the roof, and star gaze. After a couple minutes, Lapis joins you and asks why you're up there. "I don't know, it's just...I wanted some time alone, that's all. You can still be here though. I like your company, Lapis." You reply while patting the spot next to you. Lapis then scoots closer to you and you put your head on her shoulder, which makes her blush madly. "A-are you okay?" Lapis says while trying no to stutter.

   "No. I don't deserve to be here." You reply.

   "What do you mean?" Lapis asks.

   "I mean I don't deserve to be a Crystal Gem. I'm not good enough."

   "Of course you are! You deserv-" Lapis began until you interrupted her.

"No! I'm not a Crystal Gem! I don't deserve to be one! A Crystal Gem is supposed to help and protect humans! I took someone's life! I made her family and friends go through the death of a loved one! I did that! I'm horrible! I'm NOT a Crystal Gem!" You yell and notice that Lapis is staring at you with wide eyes.

"...*sigh* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just so mad at myself. I hate myself." You apologize and dig your face into your hands. You then feel Lapis's embrace as she hugs you tightly and it makes you feel better. "It's okay. I know how it feels to hate yourself, and feel like you don't deserve all this. What you did was an accident, and I'm sure her 'family' can forgive you." Lapis says.

   You then look at Lapis and say, "Ugh. You don't get it. The problem is not that I accidentally killed someone."

   "Then what is?" Lapis replies, looking confused.

   "The problem is that....." you said hesitantly,

"It wasn't an accident..."

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