Chapter 58 "Missing"

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Hey guys so we are nearing the end of the book. I have lost interest in it, but that is not the reason why I'm ending it. I've lost motivation in it and I don't think you guys will be happy if I just stretch it out to much. I think I stretched it out too much already. Just because it's near the end of this book, doesn't mean I won't make more books. I'm working on so many other books. Some Steven Universe, some other shows, and some in real life. I love you guys! ❤️

After finishing the tournament, your friends take you to get ice cream to celebrate. You try calling and texting Garnet, but she won't answer. "Guys, Garnet isn't answering my texts and calls," you say to Dax, Robin. Jake, and Scarlett. "Does she ever really do something like this," Scarlett asks.

   "No, she doesn't. It's really scaring me," you reply as you glare out the window. "I think I'm gonna go home to check on Garnet. Thanks for paying for the ice cream Dax," you say and walk out.

   While walking home, you continue to call Garnet. She still doesn't pick up. "I don't understand. After the tournament, she said she'll meet me at the temple, but she won't answer her phone," you say to yourself. "If she's chilling at the temple, then she would obviously answer it."

You try try a couple more times and finally give up on calling her. "What if I call Steven." You still get no answer. You start getting even more worried and begin running home.

As soon as you get home, you bust the door open and see no one in the house. "Garnet! Steven! Amethyst! Pearl!" You call all of their names, but nobody answers. You look up to Steven's bed, but nothing is there. You get the same thing when you check bathroom and the gems's rooms. You the start pacing around in the house and decide to sit down on Steven's bed. "Okay, calm down y/n. They're probably on a mission or something! Yeah! They're probably on a mission," you say it yourself and you calm yourself down. You decide to stay at the house and watch some Netflix on Steven's TV. So you get some ice cream, wrap yourself in a blanket, and watch some Rick and Morty, Stranger Things, and Attack on Titan.

   You watch until twelve in the morning and you have finished the ice cream tub. You then decide to grow it away and call Garnet one more time. Since she doesn't answer, you then decide to go to sleep and hope they come back in the morning.

   At around four in the morning, the TV turns on by itself and it startles you awake. You rub your eyes, confused as to why it is on and showing static. "Probably a power mistake," you think to yourself and get out of the bed to turn it back off. As you are about to press the power button, the TV cuts to a video, which scares you and makes you jump back onto the ground. You watch as the video plays. It shows Amber.

   "Amber?!" You say in complete surprise. You hadn't seen her since Paris fiasco and you assume that is why she's there. "Hello y/n," she says angrily. You notice Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven in a huge cage behind her. "I have you precious family here,"

   "What the hell are you doing?!" You yell.

   "I'm showing you what karma feels like," she says as memories of the murder come back to you.

   "Just because I killed your sister, doesn't mean you have to take away my entire family!"

   "You didn't just take away my sister" 

   "What are you talking about?"

   "You took away my mother too!"

   "What?! I didn't do crap to your mom! I don't even know who she is!"

   "Oh but you did,"

   You look at Amber in complete confusion. Who could her mother be? Then Amber says, "Hazel."

   You then remember fighting Hazel, pooping her, and bubbling her in the bubble room. "But Hazel was a gem,"

   "After my biological mother died, my dad found Hazel to take her place and take care of me and Paris."

   "So like, are you a half gem human, or?"

   "No, you dipshit!" Amber yells, annoyed at your ignorance, "Hazel is my step mom! But she was like a real mom to me! And after my mom left and my dad lost his job, it drove my dad to depression. Then, when you killed my sister, it finally drove my father to suicide! Leaving me all alone!" Amber starts to tear up a little bit and you actually start to feel moderately bad for her. "So since you took my entire family away, I'm going to take yours," she says and you don't feel bad for her anymore. "How did you even capture them?! There's four of them and one of you. Not to mention their supernatural powers?"

   "Well, I'm really strong, and rich, and I know my ways!" Amber replies confidently.

   "She actually had her stupid body guards kidnap Steven and threatened to hurt him if we didn't go with them," Garnet explains.

   "They lured me in a van with cookies and candy!" Steven adds, munching on a cookie.

   "Would you shut up!" Amber shouts with a light blush if embarrassment on her face. You face palm and giggle a little bit at Steven's stupidity.

   "Anyways," Amber continues, still trying to sound menacing, "you better hurry, time is ticking!" She then presses a button and the cell that the gems are in starts get smaller. They start using their weapons to try and break out but fail. "Y/n! We're on Mask-" Garnet tries to yell out, but then the TV cuts to a video of a countdown timer of twenty four hours. As it is ticking, you look into the TV and just think to yourself,

   "What have I gotten myself into?"

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