Chapter 39 "Navy"

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"Don't tell anyone!!!" You yell, right after mumbling the words.

"Why would you do it on purpose?!" Lapis asked surprised.

"I-I don't know! I-I just wanted to! I..." you paused. "I really wanted to..." you say as tears start filling your eyes. You then burst into tears and quickly hug Lapis. Lapis blushed and hugged you back. She then summoned her water wings and quickly carried you to the pickup truck. She payed you down so that you would lay down and cry on her shoulder. "*sniff* thanks Lapis." You say and peck her cheek. Although you knew it was wrong, you didn't think much of it and fell asleep.

A couple hours later, you and Lapis are woken up to the sound of a loud crash in the distance. You quickly stood up and looked to see what it was. You then noticed that it had come from the temple and you immediately thought about Garnet. Rushing to a warp pad, you waved good bye to Lapis and Peridot and warped out. When you got there, you ran out the door and saw Garnet and Steven talking to what seemed to be a Ruby. "Garnet!" You yelled while running down the stairs. Garnet turned around just in time to catch you after tripping and falling off the stairs. "S-sorry I guess I was going a little too fast." You said giggling and you blushed in embarrassment. "It's okay, just be careful next time okay?" Garnet replied and you nodded. She then put you down and you both walked to Steven and the Ruby, while holding hands. "Uh, Garnet? Who is this?" You say, pointing the the mysterious, red gem.

"This is navy!" Steven answered.

"Navy?" You asked confused as to what it means.

"Yeah! Navy!" Steven repeated. "Her and four other Rubies came here to look for Jasper!"

"You yeah! Now I remember!" You say, remembering the time that Steven and the gems told you stories about the Rubies and baseball. "Navy, Leggy, Army, Eyeball, aaaaand...." you tried your best to remember their names.

"Doc." Steven finished for you.

"Right! Doc. Thanks Steven!" You said.

"No problem y/n!" Steven replies. After talking to Navy, you start to get slightly annoyed at her over hyper personality. The annoyance soon goes away, and you vow to talk to her all night and keep an eye on her, so that she doesn't get into any trouble. "So, how exactly did you end up crash landing on earth?"

"Well, after a ship similar to mine hit me and another Ruby, I started heading for Earth and I didn't stop." Navy said with a sweet, soft, high voice. You and Navy continued talking with you continuing to have a neutral expression while still smiling slightly here and there. "Hey, why don't you smile more?" Navy asked. You shrugged in response and continued to give a neutral expression. "Well, you should do it more! It's really nice and beautiful!" Says Navy and you pull out your phone to play games. Before you turn on your phone, you look at your reflection coming off the screen and watch yourself as you give a little smile, then switch back to neutral. For the rest of the night, you and Navy played games and watch videos.

   The next day, you and the gems talked about where to put Navy. "Maybe she can live in the bathroom like Peridot did?" You asked while holding Navy's hand.

"Maybe she can live with Peridot and Lapis at the barn!" Steven suggested.

"That's a good idea Steven! Let's go right now!" You say.

When you get to the barn, you show Navy the good of Earth, but it still bothers you about how easily she comes to love something. How easily she comes to love everything. While still teaching her, Lapis tries to explain that she doesn't have to love it at first, but then Navy constantly cuts her off over and over again, while still loving everything. Lapis then gets fed up and summons her water wings. She then flies to the barn and you, Steven, and Peridot all get worried about her. You leave Navy and go to see what Lapis is upset about. The three of you talk about how hard it was for Lapis to get used to Earth and how easy it was for Navy to get used to it. "Yeah, I mean her hyperactive personality does seem pretty sketchy to me too." You say, agreeing with Lapis.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset anyone! I should just go." Navy says from the ground.

"No! It's not you! It's my problem." Lapis says, and it makes Navy feel much better. She then starts fretting about how much she misses her ship. Steven gets the bright idea to let her fly it and take you all for a ride. While you five are riding the ship, you look out the window and start to feel uneasy, so you back up near the door and call yourself down. You watch as Steven pushes a button, which send you, Peridot, Lapis, and Steven out the door. Thankfully, Steven barely holds onto the door. You can't hear what they're talking about, but you knew that you and Lapis were right about her. Lapis then starts crawling towards Navy, but Navy twists the ship around and throws you all off. Since you were the last one, it threw you into the air, and you landed back in the ship with Steven, Lapis, and Peridot landing in the water. You fall on top of Navy as the door shuts and the ship starts moving around. "You lied to us! We trusted you, and you just stabbed us in the back!" You yelled while fighting for the controls. "Hey! It's not my fault you were too gullible!" Navy replies and presses a button which finally makes you fall out of the ship and into the water. You watch as the ship flies off and you pout. You then make the water around you start to boil and slightly evaporate. You noticed this and calm yourself down. After that, you look around and see that you're slightly far away from the temple. Far enough so that you can't see Steven and the gems, but not far enough for you to still see the temple. You then start paddling towards the shore and start thinking about that little demon that goes by the name of Navy. After an hour of paddling, you are met with Garnet waiting for you on the beach. "Where were you?!" Garnet asks.

"Oh I don't know! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING OCEAN?!" You yell sarcastically. Garnet then crosses her arms and gives you an expression, showing that she didn't like it when you yelled. You took a deep breath and frowned. "I'm sorry Garnet, it's just that Navy-" you started, but Garnet stopped you by embracing you in a hug. You hugged back and Garnet whispered, "I love you." Her breath against your ear gave you shivers down you spine. "I love you too."

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