Chapter 40 "Party at a Skatepark"

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    "But I'm telling you! She is going to get all her other Ruby friends and either come back, or rat you out to the Diamonds!" You say to Steven.

   "But don't the Diamonds already know that we're here?" Steven asks with confusion.

"No they don't!" You reply, "Right before they dropped me off at Homeworld, I placed a secret memory erasing bomb, and right before the ship door closed, I saw it go off. Steven, they forgot that they tortured me and came to Earth and junk!"

"Well, that's good that they forgot it, but how did you get a memory erasing bomb?" Steven asks.

"I made it."

"Out of what?"

"Junk I bought at the dollar store." You said with a smirk. The both of you laughed and walked up to a flyer for a party.

   "Oh! Y/n, we should go!" Steven says excitedly.

   You give an uneasy look, but then give in. "Mmmmm...okay. We'll go." You reply and take carefully take the flyer off the wall. You and Steven then grab a donut and while walking in, you read the flyer. "Come Party in the cave. Tonight, and 8:00 pm. Be ready to get messy!" You say and Lars overhears you. "So you're going to the party tonight?" Lars says as you and Steven walk up to him.

"Uh, yeah. I guess." You reply.

"Well, I may be going too! Ya'know, to show off some of my sick moves!" Lars says while doing a little dance and tripping over himself. You laugh at him and he blushes in embarrassment. "Ahem! So, what would you like?" He asks, pretending the accident never happened.

"A we have two double glazed donuts?" Steven orders as he hands the money over to Lars. Lars then puts the donuts into the bag and give them to you. While walking home, you start thinking about what you did, then the diamonds, and everything else that happened in the past. You make an uneasy face, hug hug yourself, and Steven notices. "Are you okay, y/n?" He asks.

"I-I...*sigh* yes. I'm okay." You say, putting on a fake smile.

When you get to the house, you plop on the couch and ask Amethyst where Garnet is. "I don't know. I think she's on a mission or something."

"Aright." You say and start browsing the internet for party dresses. You then find the right one and Steven finds his tux in his closet.


After buying the dress, you decide to put it on. It's 7:30 and you and Steven are getting ready.

Your outfit ^^^

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Your outfit ^^^

Steven's outfit^^^

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Steven's outfit^^^

The both of you walk out and you text Garnet. "I'm going to party, so don't expect me or Steven at the house! Love ya! 😘❤️"

After putting your phone away, you see a food truck. You and Steven then decide to buy something, but there's a problem. "I'm sorry kids, but I can't sell you anything! My stove has lost all its electricity! I can't give you anything if I can't make it! Sorry." The man says.

"Ugh, okay. Thanks anyway." You say and walk away.
"Sorry!" Steven says and he turns around and catches up to you.

When you enter the party, you can barely hear anything over the music and you and Steven have to yell to be able to hear each other. The both of you began dancing and having fun. After partying, you see a skatepark and run over to it. You grab a skateboard near a sleeping homeless man.

Your POV

The homeless man seemed weird. He had a ripped green jacket, a grey beanie, and a long beard. Then I set the skateboard down, and start skating. After skating across the concrete pit once, I see a familiar face in front of me. I stop to see who it is, and notice it's Paris. She looks angry and has blood running down her head. I freeze as she starts walking towards me and I choke on my words. "H-how-p-pa-Paris?" I say and take one step back. Then I feel myself slip, fall, and hit my head at the bottom of he concrete pit, then everything goes black.

When I wake up, everything is shaking and blurry. When my vision goes back into focus, I realize that I'm on the ground and I see a crowd of boys standing over me laughing. "Haha! Who's this girl tryin to skate? She can't even stand up on her own! Hahahaha!" One says and everyone laughs. I don't pay attention to it, due to my monster headache. "Y/n!" I hear some one call my name and I see Steven push himself through the crowd of boys. He picks me up and starts walking no out of there while I'm still holding my head. "Heh! Keep walkin along with your boyfriend like the chicken that you are! Hahahahaha!" I hear them say and it infuriates me. I turn around and ask, "What do you mean I'm a 'chicken'?"

"I mean you can't skate cuz you're too scared!"

"You think I can't skate?!" I yell and he nods. "Oh, I'll show you who can't skate." I get out of Steven's grip and kick up the skateboard.

Second Person POV

   You put the skateboard on the edge of the pit, clear your mind from Paris, and take a beep breath. "I can do this." You tell yourself. You then remove your skirt, revealing some baggy shorts. You skate down, and hit the first air move, do a flip on the second one, do a one-hand handstand on the third one, and lastly, flip your board around and behind you on the fourth one. You then land the jump and can't help but smile when you hear the crowd cheering for you. You skate to the boys that were making fun of you, and kick up your board. "Your mom called, and she said you left your game at home." You said and people started screaming and laughing, showing how bad you 'burned' him. He stood there shocked as you handed him the board, and walked off.

You sat down on the edge, and texted Steven.

Y: Yo were r u?

S: I'm at the big donut I'll be there in a couple minutes just wait for me at the sk8park.

Y: k get me a nutella donut plz

S: alright! See ya!

You stop texting Steven and put your hair in your cap and put on your hoodie. You then put the hood over your cap and watch as the boys skateboard around the park. A girl then sits next to you and you look at her.

   "Hey!" She says with a smile

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"Hey!" She says with a smile.

"Oh! Hey!" You reply.

"I heard yelling over here. Do you know what it was on about?" She asks, pointing to the concrete skating pit.

"Oh, I just thought this boy a lesson about skating." You said with a smile and blush. The girl smiled back and she laughed. "Do you skate?" You ask.

"Sometime, but I'm more into football or basketball. I'm more of a 'running for the ball' type of girl." She says and you both laugh. "Know, you're a really nice guy!" She says, thinking that you're a boy. Although you heard it, you didn't notice the fact that she thinks you're a boy. She then asks for your hand and you give it to her. "Here." The girl says and writes something on your arm. "Call me sometime." She says and you blush madly while looking back and fourth from her to the numbers on your arm. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I'm not a boy." You say with a frown while taking off your cap and hood. You blush even more when the girl looks at you in surprise, pauses, and giggles. "Even better!"

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