Chapter 36 "Split"

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Garnet's POV

I run after y/n and leave the newspaper. I start looking for her on and around town, but I can't find her. Even after checking my future vision, I still can't find her. I look at the sky, and notice that it's darkening, so I decide to go back to the temple. When I get there, Pearl and Amethyst are on the couch talking, and Steven is watching tv. "Oh! Hey Garnet! Where have you been all day?" Steven looks over and asks me.

"Look, I went to go pick up y/n from the prison, and we fused-"

"Wait, you fused?!" Pearl interrupted.

"Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that y/n realized she had done something which made us unfuse and had her run off. I spent the rest of the day looking for her and I can't find her, even with my future vision." I say as I remove my visors and tear up. I am extremely worried for her and I don't know what to do. I lower my head and feel myself slip away.

Pearl's POV

I watch as Garnet defuses. Ruby begins pacing around, getting mad at herself for losing y/n. Sapphire on the other hand, is crying and freezing the floor boards. Sapphire is crying because she is worried that you might be hurt, or worse that you might never come back. Although I know why they are upset, I don't know what y/n did to make her run off. She must've done something really bad to run off without coming back for an entire day. I turned to Steven who was helping Amethyst try to calm down Ruby and Sapphire. "Steven, I'll be right back. I need to do something important. You can invite Connie over to help, but just please calm them down, okay?"

"Um, are you sure I can do it? I mean you've known Ruby and Sapphire for longer than I have." Steven says, and it breaks my heart that he is doubtful of himself.

"Yes, I'm sure you can do it. You can calm them down, just like you do everybody else." I put my hand on Steven's shoulder and smile. He then seems to get motivated and quickly runs over to Sapphire first. As Steven begins talking to Sapphire, I warp out and begin my search. I first warp to the barn and ask Peridot and Lapis if they've seen y/n, but they say they haven't. I then search all of Beach City and nothing. I start looking around other cities and places with warps, but nothing.

The next day, I come back to the temple, and it's a mess. Part of the house is on fire because of how mad Ruby is at herself and Lapis and is trying her best to put it out while Peridot is trying to calm her down. Sapphire is still crying and is laying in a pile of her own used tissues while Steven is trying to calm her down and Amethyst and Connie are trying to melt the ice. "Pearl! Where have you been?!" Says Steven.

"Yeah! You've been gone for so long!" Amethyst interrupts.

"Since you left, it's only gotten WORSE!" Added Peridot.

I quickly get a blow dryer, turn it on high, and help melt the ice. Eventually, we calm down Sapphire enough for her to stand up and clean up her mess. She then apologizes to us with a sniff, and walks over to Ruby. Then, Sapphire does something I never thought she would do. She pushed everyone aside, grabbed Ruby, and climbed and sat on top of her. As Ruby scrambles under Sapphire, Sapphire just crosses her arms, not letting Ruby out from under her. I blush and giggle at the silliness that is going on and eventually, Ruby burns herself out.

"Now, are you ready to hear the new plan?" Sapphire says.

"Wait, we have a plan?" I ask, not knowing what it was.

"Yes, we do. The plan is to look for y/n until we find her, or until the day we die. Got it?"

"*deep breath*...okay," said Ruby.

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