Chapter 11 "Thief"

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You were sitting on the couch with Garnet asleep. She noticed this and let you sleep on her. She began stroking your hair until she felt a sharp pain in her leg. You were laying on it and she didn't want to disturb you so she began internally screaming. She looked at her leg and found acid burning her, so she tried her best to stay calm. She moved your head so that you don't burn yourself and grabbed a tissue and wiped it off. When she thought that the pain was over, it started up again, but in a different spot. She began quietly screaming and tried looking for where it was coming from. She soon realized that the acid was coming from you. Specifically your mouth. Garnet decided to wake you up. "Hey y/n. Wake up my little angel." Garnet whispered while not trying to sound like she was in pain. You sat up and saw the acid burning Garnet's leg, and her trying to hold in the pain with her teeth clenched. "Woah! Garnet! What happened to your leg?"

"Don't worry!" She said with a struggle in her voice, "It doesn't hurt."

"Garnet! Don't lie to me! I know it hurts! Let me help you!" You told her and wiped the acid away with a wet paper towel. You then gave Garnet a wet towel cloth to help ease the pain, and sat down. "So, what happened Garnet?" You asked her and she giggled. "You happened y/n."
"W-what?" You were confused as to why Garnet said you.

"You were drooling acid." She told you and you looked at her confused. "Look, spit on the ground."

You did as you were told, and spit. When you did, you saw a green liquid come out and burn the ground. You looked at it wide eyed. "Woah! How did I do that?"  You asked and Garnet shrugged. You sat back down, and began to play with your spit. When you touched it, you saw it try to burn you, but all you felt was mild crackling. You then kept playing with your spit. "Ew! Don't do that." Garnet said laughing. You looked at her and cleaned up your spit.

"Oh. Haha! Sorry."

"It's okay,"

"So, what does it mean?"


"My acid spit."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I wasn't feeling anything and aren't my powers tied to my feelings?"

Garnet stopped to think. "Hmm...maybe it's only your fire, ice, and weapon that are tied to your emotions. Everything else may be coming from something else." You and Garnet began talking about your powers and the things that happened at the party. "Well, when I got there I heard a lot of conversations and sounds that I wouldn't be able to normally hear."

"Oh wow. Maybe you've got super hearing?"

You shrugged a kept talking about the things until Pearl and Amethyst came out of their rooms fighting again. "What are you guys fighting about this time?" You asked.
"Amethyst will not get her garbage out of my room!" Pearl yells.
"Heh, at least they're not fighting over you again." Garnet whispers over to you and you giggle. "Amethyst, go clean Pearl's room." Garnet demands and she does what she is told while still complaining. You softly grab a hold of Garnet's right arm and watch as the two leave the room. You and Garnet then look at each other and you say,"Where's Steven?" Garnet then freezes as she realizes she left Steven at the super market.

Time Skip~

You, Garnet, and Steven come back from the store and you're eating some chips that you bought. When you get in the house, you see Pearl and Amethyst talking on the couch and when they see you, they jolt up and wearing excited expressions. "Y/n! You're back!" Amethyst says and you wonder why they were excited.
"Hey guys. What's up?" You ask.
"Well," Pearl replies,"we've decided that you would start training again!"
Garnet didn't seem too happy about the idea, because what had previously happened with you getting injured. "Ehm, Pearl? I don't think that a good idea. Remember last time we tried to train her?" Garnet said unsurely. You looked at her excitedly. "Please Garnet! Pleeeeaassse!" You gave her puppy dog eyes. "Cmon! I've learned to use my powers more now!" You grabbed her arm and started jumping up and down. She then smiled at you and agreed. You yelled in excitement and jumped onto the warp pad and waited for the gems. When they got on, you warped away but in the warp stream you said,"Thanks for the idea Pearl!" And you hugged her. Garnet saw this and her smile turned into a frown.

When you got to the training ruins, Pearl handed you your weapon that you chose out. "Oh my gosh Pearl! I forgot about this! Thank you!" You said, taking the weapon and giving her another hug. "Oh, no problem y/n. It's the least I could do after causing you all that trouble and discomfort!" Pearl replied.

Garnet then interrupted. "Yes, well let's train shall we?" She then picked you up and she pecked you on the cheek to claim her dominance and show Pearl.

Garnet, Steven, and Amethyst all sit on the steps while you go out and prepare as Pearl is summoning her holograms. You get in your fighting stance and begin fighting. You trip and miss a couple times, but nothing to serious happens. Garnet continues to feel hurt more and more as she sees you fighting something and losing. One of the holo-Pearls then kick you in the stomach and you fly back onto the ground. As you get up Garnet runs over to you, who is worried that you are hurt. "Don't worry Garnet!" You say while getting up, "I'm fine!" You then peck her on the lips and run back into the fight. After sitting down, Garnet begins thinking about what would've happened when you weren't fine and she wasn't there.

After an hour of training, you decide to take a break. You sit next to Pearl on the steps with Garnet near by. "Great job y/n! Keep this up and you'll be defeating holo-Pearls left and right!" Pearl says and you blush.
"Haha! Thanks Pearl!" You say as you continue to see Amethyst and Steven train. Pearl then wraps her arm around your waist without you noticing, but Garnet did. You then realize you forgot your water bottle on the other side of the temple, so you tell Pearl that you'll be right back. As you run, Garnet quickly slips next to Pearl with her staring at you, smiling.
"I know what you're doing!" Garnet says angrily.
"What? I'm not doing anything!" Pearl replies, pretending to be innocent.
"Don't act stupid! I know you're still trying to steal her from me!"
Pearl smirks and looks at Garnet with a devilish smile. "Hey, it's not just me. Amethyst is trying too. And besides, if I can't have her one way, I'll have her another."

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