Chapter 43 "The Date"

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You were just about to explain to Steven how you ended up in jail, until you got a call from Scarlett. She asked if you were going over there, are she was coming over here. You told her to come over and hung up. You then jumped at the sound of your name behind you. When you turned around and looked up, you saw Garnet staring down at you. "Who's coming over y/n?" She says with a concerned tone.

"Uh...just a friend."

"If it's just a friend, then why are you nervous?"

"Because you scared me."


"Garnet, why are you asking so suspicious? Do you really think I'd cheat on you?"

"...*sigh* you know how over protective I am..."

You smile and she sat down next to you. The both of you then hugged tightly. "I love you, and only you, Garnet. You don't have to worry about me. Okay?" You say and peck Garnet on the lips.

"Okay." She says and smiles. Just then, you both heard a knock on the door. You went over to the door, and opened it. You saw Scarlett and you thought she looked really cute.

What Scarlett is wearing^^^^

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What Scarlett is wearing^^^^

What Scarlett is wearing^^^^

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What you are wearing^^^^

You smiled at her and blushed. "Oh! Hey, Scarlett. You look nice." You say, causing her to smile. You introduce Scarlett and Garnet to each other, and they both give each other awkward looks and waves. You then send Scarlett to wait outside, and close the door. "Bye Garnet! In going to hang with Scarlett today, okay?"

   "Wait, but weren't we going to have a movie night?" She says and you immediately remember that you had plans with Garnet. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Garnet! I forgot! How about this, when I come back from hanging with Scarlett, we could do whatever you want. K?"

   "*sigh*...okay." She says and you peck her on the lips. "Thanks you Garnet! See you later! Bye!" Garnet puts on a fake smile and waves as she watches you walk out and close the door. The both of you start walking and talking about so many different things and events. You decide to go to a restaurant and order food. You sit down in a booth and Scarlett sits across from you. Then, you pick up the menu, and order a burger, and Scarlett orders a cheese burger with fries.

"So uh, when's your birthday?" You nervously ask, not knowing what to talk about.

"My birthday is on March 28!" Scarlett said happily.

"Cool! Mine is March 2nd!" You replied.

"Like Dr. Seuss?"


"That's really funny! Oh! And guess what, you're a Pisces!" Scarlett says cheerfully.

"Really?! That's so cool!" You say as the food arrives. You hold the fairly hot plate as Scarlett quickly places it on the table after burning herself. You chuckle and start eating. While eating, you decide to continue the conversation. The both of you continue talking, laughing, and you both end up finding out you have a lot in common. After cleaning your hands and settling down the napkin, Scarlett decided to lean in. You being clueless, you didn't know what she was doing, and you didn't even notice. Before Scarlett touched your lips, you heard a choking noise, followed with screams come from behind you. You turned around, and Scarlett got a face full of hair.

Shock ran across your face as you noticed that a fairly overweight older man was choking on his food. "Is there a doctor?! Can someone please help?!" Another man yelled out. Without hesitation, you leaped from you chair. Scarlett watched as you ran over to the man, place your thumb and fist under the man's belly button, and thrust. After a couple tries, the man finally spat out his food which claimed to be a life saver. "Talk about ironic." You thought to yourself. Everyone including Scarlett congratulated you on how you saved the man's life from a lifesaver. You felt happy. You felt loved. You felt something that you always wanted to feel...appreciated.

   After the celebration, you and Scarlett decided to visit her house. While walking there, you both continued eating your already payed for, second meal. "I still can't believe that they gave us free food for life!" You said happily.

   "Well, you did save that man's life. In my opinion, that was" Scarlett replied with a smirk.

   "Awe! Thanks!" You say and take another bite of your sandwich. Scarlett growled at the fact that you're not picking up her hints. "Y'know, you're a really nice friend, Scarlett." The word echoed in Scarlett's mind as she became more depressed at the thought.

Hey, sorry for not updating in two days. Been busy and I actually went to the San Fernando valley, which is my hometown! 😁

 Been busy and I actually went to the San Fernando valley, which is my hometown! 😁

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I also had other things to do, but I'm free now. Since I'm on Spring Break, I'm going to update more, so watch out for that! Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell other wonderful readers about my book! I love and appreciate your existence! Bye! ❤️❤️😬😊

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