Chapter 22 "School Day"

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Y/n's POV

I wake up with a pain in my throat. Since I went to sleep in the afternoon last night, I wake up really early. The sun hasn't come up yet, so I decided get dressed and make breakfast. As I'm frying some bacon, I accidentally hit the pan and I drop it on my lap. The bacon falls out and lands on my foot. I quickly throw it off and look at the burns. I then start to get angry and begin burning the floor. I pause, and notice what I'm doing and I try and calm down. Then I cool down and try and feel sad to cool the burns and surprisingly, it works. After that, I put on my socks and shoes, and clean up the mess and I decide to make some cereal instead. While eating, I go up to my room and sit down to watch tv. While watching tv, I look to the side and see the temple door. I see Pearl's part, and Rose's part of the door around the star, but then I see three empty spaces. It begins to interest me, so I stand up and walk down stairs. I set down the bowl of cereal and walk up to the door. I touch the left side of the empty space, and I hear a voice in my head. I start getting visions of something white and purple jumping around. Then I touch the bottom part of the circle, and I start to get a small vision of two people. One red and one blue, and as it begins to seem more clear, I get an electric shock. I fall back and touch my hand to ease the pain. I then look at the door in confusion and get up. I touch the same place again, trying to get that vision again, but it immediately lets off a huge electric shock and it makes me fly back into the wall on the other side of the room. I fell on the floor, with pain running all through my body. I then stand up and stomp towards the door, leaving black burn marks behind. I touch the same spot again, and the electricity starts running throughout my body again. And although it hurts like hell, I can feel my visions of these red and blue beings become clearer. Through the blurriness, I can see the two beings spin around and turn into one. I see one large red being and right before I black out, I start to hear them say three words, "My name is..." Then everything goes black.

Third Person POV

You wake up to Pearl shaking you while on the floor and you notice she's crying. "Y/n! Please be okay! Y/n!" Pearl cries. You open your eyes and immediately after you do Pearl hugs you, relieved that you're okay. "Don't worry Pearl I'm fine." You say while pushing her off. You wipe her eyes and she smiles.

"Sorry. I thought I was gonna lose you."

"You don't have to worry anymore Pearl. I'm fine. Wait...what time is it?" You reply and check your phone. It read, "7:30"

"HOLY SHIT!" You yelled.

"Y/N!" Pearl was surprised that you had cursed.

"Pearl! I'm late to school!" You reply while jumping up and grabbing a brush. After Pearl puts the waffles into the toaster, she looks over to you and sees you changing into your school clothes. She blushes and quickly looks back to the toaster. You get ready in twenty minutes and burst out the door with two waffles in your mouth.

When you get to school, it's 8:00. When you get into class, everybody stares at you after interrupting the teacher's lecture. "Y/n! You're and hour late!"

"I'm sorry I'm late Ms.Perkins! I caught up with-" You say out of breath and still chewing on your last bite of your waffle until your teacher interrupts you. "I don't want to hear any excuses. Take your seat right there!" She yells and points to a seat next to a window.

"Yes ma'am." You quickly walk across the room and take you r seat. You then put your head down in embarrassment while also blushing a bright red.

After school you walk through the door, only to be greeted by Pearl. "Oh! Hello y/n! How was school?"

"I was a little embarrassed when I walked into class an hour late, but everything else went fine." You reply while putting your bag down and sitting next to Pearl to do your homework. You and Pearl talk for a little bit while you do your homework. When you finish, Pearl goes into her room and you put away your school things. You start walking up to your room until you look at the temple door once more and you stop. You walk back down and step up to the door, still curious about those empty spaces. You decided to touch it again and this time, it only gave off a small electric shock. "Ow," You whisper to yourself. You then start banging on the door in anger. "Come on!" You yell. "What is it with these things that I can't remember?!" You start punching and kicking the door harder and harder with every hit. "I want to remember!" You say, now with tears starting to fill your eyes. "OPEN UP! I WANT TO REMEMBER! WHO IS THIS RED PERSON I SAW IN MY VISION?! I WANT TO REMEMBER!!!" You start yelling louder and louder as more and more tears start streaming down your face. You then pull back for one more hard punch, until the temple door opens. From the force of the punch, you fall in. As the door closes behind you, you look around and see a small pool of lava in the middle of the room. When you look up, you see hundreds of tinted red bubbles with poofed gems in them. You look around and when you stand up, you remember who this room belongs to. You continue to stare at the bubbles and whisper to yourself, "Garnet."

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