Chapter 9 "Barn"

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After a couple of days, you and Garnet begin hanging out more. Amethyst and Pearl on the other hand, still can't get over the hallucinations and you finally get angry. You sit everyone down on the couch. "Amethyst! Pearl! STOP!" You say angrily. "Now, I am going to the barn and take a break AGAIN. By the time I get back, the both of you better have worked this out. Ok?" Every one nodded. You packed your things and kissed Garnet goodbye. You then warped to the barn and  when you got there, Lapis and Peridot were watching Camp Pining Hearts. "Lapis! Peridot! Guess who's here!" When they heard your voice, Lapis immediately summoned her water wings and Peridot jumped out of the truck and fell on her butt. You helped Peridot up and she said,"Welcome back y/n!"
"Yeah, it's really nice to see you again!" Lapis added. "So, what brings you here?"
"Ah, I just. The gems were giving me a hard time, so I decided to take another break."
"Well, don't worry y/n. You can come whenever you want!" Lapis replied and you smiled which made her do the same. You unpacked all your things, and began drinking a juice pouch. Peridot then approached you. "Hey y/n, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just drinking a Capri-sun."


"Yeah! You wanna try it?" You said, holding the pouch to her. She then took it and asked what to do with it. "You just suck out the juice and swallow it (Lol that sounded wrong...)."
She began doing what you said. "Oh and there's a little bit of back wash too." You said and Peridot shrugged as she drank. She then felt pain in her mouth and throat and you jumped up to see what happened. Before you could ask, Peridot poofed and you caught her gem. The liquid fell on the ground and burned the wood under it. You looked at it confused, and heard hissing noises come from your juice. You looked and you saw nothing, but when you looked under it, you saw a hole and burn marks on the ground under it. You set Peridot's gem on a pillow and started thinking about what could have happened. "Is it my juice? Or my spit?" As you were thinking, Lapis approached you. "Hey y/n, whatcha doing?" She asked.
"Oh nothing," you replied. "Just thinking."
"Oh, okay. What happened to Peridot?" She asked and you stood up. "I don't know, she drank my juice pouches and then she poofed so I'm just taking care of her gem right now."
"Oh..." Lapis didn't say anything after that. After a couple seconds she walked closer to you and softly pushed you against the barn wall. "Um Lapis, what are you doing?" You said while blushing.
"Y/n," she replied, "I love you," she said while holding your wrist. She then began kissing you and you froze again. Your face was now filled with red and you didn't know what to do. You then felt her other hand slip up your shirt and touch your side. She slowly began moving up and although you didn't want to, you moaned through the kiss. You felt her hand reach your bra, and you quickly slipped away from Lapis before she could do anything else. "Lapis! What the hell?!" You yelled and she didn't answer. She grabbed your arm and tried pulling you back, but you jerked out of her grip and warped back to the temple. After getting there, you saw Amethyst and Pearl standing right in front of you. They made you jump, but you ignored it. "Amethyst! Pearl!" You said, "come with me, Lapis is acting weird!" They didn't answer and pushed you against the temple door. "Guys! Let me go!" You said, and they still didn't answer. You began kicking, but Amethyst held your legs and Pearl held your arms. "Guys! Stop! Cmon this isn't funny!" Lapis then warps in and joins Amethyst and Pearl. Amethyst starts pulling down your pants Pearl begins kissing you deeply and passionately. Lapis then starts licking on and around your gem and you begin to accidentally moan. "Ah! Guys stop! What has gotten into you?!" You yell over the kiss. Pearl then begins remove your shirt and you freak and push Pearl off which pushes Amethyst and Lapis away too. You try and run, but get cornered. As they approach you, you start backing up more into the wall. "Garnet!" You yell with tears in your eyes. "Garnet help!" As Pearl grabs your arm, you yell once more, "Garnet!!!"

You open your eye to see yourself on the couch. "Hey y/n, are you okay? You were saying my name in your sleep and you seemed to be having a night mare so I woke you up!" Garnet said, holding you close. You didn't answer and hugged her while still breathing heavily. "It was just a dream" You sighed in relief and let go of Garnet. You then wiped your drool off of your face and looked to the pillow to do the same, but when you did you saw burn marks.

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