Chapter 8 "Halicinations

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Pearl's POV

I feel powder fall on me and it gets in my eyes. I rub them and when I open my eyes, I see y/n staring at me in a weird way. I blush and step back, but she gets closer to me while walking in a way that made me feel very uncomfortable. I blush darker and she is smiling. "Why is she smiling at me?" I thought to my self. Just then, she grabs my wrist softly. "Pearl," she says and starts rubbing up and down my arm. "Do you love me?" She asks me and I stutter. "I-I uh-um. I-" she then gets closer to me and puts her hand on the side of my cheek. "Pearl," she says again. "Do you love me?" At this point, my entire face is blushing with blue and I can't do anything to stop it. "Y-yes, y/n. I-I do." She then gets really close and whispers in my ear,"Then show me." It sent shivers down my spine and I can tell she knew. She stood there waiting and so I did as told. I crashed my lips into hers and I didn't care what Garnet thought. She began kissing back and in my mind I was like,"Why am I doing this? Why is y/n doing this?" But on the outside, I wanted more and I didn't want to stop. Her lips were full and plump and all around amazing. I loved her and I didn't want to stop. She put her hand at the back of my head and deepened the kiss. I did the same and I began feeling her tongue touch mine.

Amethyst's POV

I see Pearl making out with nothing and I start to giggle. I then hear someone call my name, and I turn to see y/n. "Amethyst." She says and I blush because she's looking at me in a way that I can only describe as sexy. She then walks over to me, already blushing. "Why are you looking at her?"
"Do you love her instead of me?"
"What? No! Y/n, I love you." I say.
"Good." She replies and I ask her why.
"Because I love you too.." she tells me and my stomach just sinks.
"B-but, don't you love G-Garnet?"
"No Amethyst, I love you." She says and smiles. My eyes go wide and before I knew it, we were making out. I didn't stop because I loved it. I didn't want to, but I still did.

Garnet's POV

I see Pearl and Amethyst talking and kissing some sort of air. I assume they imagine that it's y/n and it infuriates me. I begin to stomp over until someone calls my name from behind. "Garnet." I hear and I turn to see y/n. She is holding my hand and tells me to pick her up. "They looks funny huh," she says and I agree.
"Who do you think they're kissing?" She tells me.
"You," I reply.
"That may be true, but I'm here now. Right?" She says and I nod. She then smiles at me and hugs me. I love y/n's hugs. They're always the best. As she hugs me, she moves to my face in which she starts kissing me. It smile and start kissing back. We both go at it and I push her against the wall. I start pushing against her, deepening the kiss while giving a little bit of tongue. After a while, we break apart and I smile at her.
"You know the powder didn't work on me." Is say and she smirks.
"I know."

(And Steven just awkwardly standing there with his hands covering his eyes)

Hey guys! So this is another short one, but you get two short chapters in the time of one! Best deal deal ever! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.




These three have been recently giving me positive feedback and comments about my chapters and I absolutely appreciate it with all my heart. I love and appreciate you all! I will be shouting out people every couple of days and thanking them. Senpai has noticed you! ❤️😉 Remember to tell others about my book so I can continue to grow and give more shoutouts! 😘❤️😊😙✌️

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