Chapter 14 "Backfire"

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Third Person POV

You were on the couch with Pearl and Garnet was sitting on the counter with Amethyst. Steven on the other hand, was playing video games. "So, I was thinking about going to the barn for my first monster fight!" You said.
"Y/n, we can't take you there to fight a monster if there's no monster. But don't worry there will be a mission soon and you will definitely come along!" Pearl smiled and you did the same. You noticed Pearl blush at you and Garnet being bothered by it. You then decided enough was enough and that you would end the flirting and stealing. You started staring at Pearl in a loving way and Pearl did the same. You started leaning in for a kiss and all three of the gems noticed this. Pearl decided to take the chance and lean in too. Garnet was horrified of the thought that you would do that. She froze and hoped and wished that it was a dream. Right before yours and Pearl's lips touched, Garnet quickly ran in between you both, stopping the kiss. As she did this, she quickly realized what she had done. Pearl and Amethyst then gave her bad looks and Garnet looked back with a worried face. The two reached behind them both pulling a paper from behind them. "W-wait! Don't!" Garnet said, trying to stop them.

"Y/n, I think we have something that you might want to see," said Pearl. Garnet, with small tears in her eyes, looked to you as Pearl and Amethyst turned the papers around that showed Garnet kissing them both. Garnet looked back and forth, and decided to try and convince you it's not true. "Y/n! Don't listen to them! The pictures are not real! They must've been photoshopped! I would NEVER do that to you!" She tells you, trying hard not to cry. You slowly take the photos and look at them slowly while Garnet sits back and Pearl and Amethyst give devilish smirks to her. You look at one picture then the other, then look at the three gems. Garnet, still looking worried.
"How could you?" You said with hurt in your voice as small tears began forming I your eyes.
"Y/n look, I-" Garnet started, but was interrupted by you standing up in front of Pearl and Amethyst.
"Why would you do this kind of stuff to Garnet?!" You yelled and Garnet quickly realized you weren't mad at her, but at Pearl and Amethyst. "You would black mail her and threaten her so you could be closer to me?! That's fudged up!!" You yelled with all of the gems looking surprised.

"So please tell me! For what reason would you do this?!" You began blushing in anger and embarrassment.

"Y/n. We did this because," Pearl replied, "because we love you!"

"Oh really?! If you loved me, you would want me to be happy! NOT steal me from my girlfriend! So far, Garnet is the only one that truly makes me happy because although she thought that I was being lured into your 'trap', she still wanted me to be happy. Even if it made HER sad! You guys don't love me! Only Garnet does!" You yell and your words make Garnet blush as she puts her hand over her mouth. Pearl and Amethyst look down in shame.

"And guess what?! This entire time, I wasn't falling for your trick! I was in Garnet's room the other day with Ruby and Sapphire, and I overheard them talk about the pictures and blackmail! They were CRYING guys! Garnet was crying because of you and you didn't care! Now what kind of people does that make you?!" You say and the two don't say anything. You then get fed up again and decide to leave.
"Cmon Garnet. We're getting out of here." You grab Garnet's wrist and slightly tug and she follows you outside. You lead her to the cliff, and then sit down next to the light house. Garnet sits next to you and you pause. "Garnet, I'm sorry," you say.

"For what?" She asks you.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, and you had to go through that pain."

"Oh y/n, it's oka-"

"No! It's not! It's not cool what Pearl and Amethyst attempted to do. It's horrible that you guys went at war with each other over me. It's flattering! It really is! But it also hurts that you guys are hurting each other!" You reply and tears begin to fall down your cheeks. You then sit back down and Garnet hugs you. The sweet sound of the wind calmed you down and made you hug her back. "*sigh* sorry for freaking out." You say.

"It okay. Why didn't you tell me you knew?" Garnet replied. You chuckled and looked at her.

"Because I know you can't keep a secret." You then looked back at the ocean, and fell asleep.

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